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Liberal Redneck - Black Lives Matter

newtboy says...

How stupid are you people, Bob?
He’s mad BLM doesn’t support police? 🤦‍♂️

Black Lives Matter is a movement in response to police (including black police) acting like black lives don’t matter for most of the country’s history and blatantly murdering them in the streets in full public view or in their homes with no worry they might be punished.

But you want to pretend you think it’s a scam because it doesn’t support black police despite them being part of the problem, or because they haven’t tried to solve every single issue faced by “black America”.

They are a one issue organization, and they have made serious, unprecedented improvements on police accountability, but still have miles to go.

Odd you pick on BLM for anything you think you can…silliness like accusing them of not lifting all black Americans out of poverty with their donations…but when the Trumps take millions in donations, stealing directly from needy veterans, and hundreds of millions in political donations from donors and spend it on themselves that’s a nothingburger…and you still tell yourself it’s not because you’re racist, you aren’t racist, there must be some other difference….I got it, BLM isn’t grifting and stealing enough and it upsets you. Right? 😂

Dolphin Facts Extremely Amazing Dolphins Facts for Everyone

ant says...

*dead -- "Video unavailable -- This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated."

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

😂 silly boy.

So, another random Twitter account named DC Draino (no bias there) tells you something stupid and already proven false and you just believe it over all the evidence. Typical. You’re such an easy sucker for nonsense.

Not clicking your link. You post links to fake sites hosting viruses, and they wouldn’t have any actual information anyway, just fact free spitballs shot by ignorant children.

There were undercover agents there, but not instigating violence or destruction, they documented it. There’s not one second of video showing an agent instigating violence, but hundreds, thousands of hours of MAGgots instigating and perpetrating violence, hundreds of court cases where it was proven. Trump himself instigated violence and destruction, advocated for it publicly…for months. He’s been indicted for it. “Jan 6 is going to be wild”. It sure was. “Stand back and stand by (until Jan 6 then come armed)”. “Fight hard or you won’t have a country”. “You can’t let them certify this election or you won’t have a country”. “Stop them from stealing the election using trial by combat”. “Go to the Capitol and fight hard, stop the steal…I’ll be there with you”. “Take your country back.” They tried. He tried to pardon them, and has promised to pardon them all if re-elected.

You’ll get all the tapes after Trumps trial, but Tucker has all 44000 hours of them, talk to him. The fact that he released only <5 minutes of highly edited video shows you exactly how weak your position is, if it were true you would already have proof of undercover agents committing violence and destruction, but you have nothing, nada, zip, zilch, Nunca. Just >5 minutes of spliced together video snippets of people walking the halls looking for victims, that’s all he could find with no violence shown. Sucker.

Jan 6 was PURE MAGA sedition and violence, the definition of a failed coup. A display of MAGA hatred of democracy and fairness. There was no one outside the cult instigating anything. Proven by the Jan 6 investigation you ignored. It will be proven again next spring in Trump’s public trial, one of how many now?…and you still won’t believe it.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you’ve been squeezing your eyes shut since Trump rode that escalator into your brain (because he’s afraid of stairs and ramps). 😂

You complete and total sucker. They still have you hook line and sinker.

Meanwhile, Daniel Rodriguez (defended by MAGA leadership) was just sentenced to 12.5 years and $100000 for repeatedly tasering a capitol police officer in the neck during his violent attack on congress at Trump’s request and direction, causing a heart attack and permanent brain damage ending his career. He bragged online about it, and after sentencing shouted “Trump won!”. Must be an fbi plant. 😂

Another violent cultist who admits his violence against police for Trump as part of a plot to perform a violent coup….THEY’RE ADMITTING IT…in court under oath. Dummy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

Why you should never share your passwords...

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

bobknight33 says...

As the evidence for at least an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden mounts, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and co-host Ben Ferguson discussed the latest bombshell - 170 suspicious activity reports (SARs) from six banks over the past few years - on their podcast with House Oversight Chairman James Comer

SARs are submitted and sent to the Treasury Department when banks "have a strong suspicion" that a crime has been committed, so as to protect the bank.

As Comer emphasized, these are submitted "very seldom."

If someone were to have two, the chairman explained, it would be hard for that person to open up a bank account.

Submitting an SAR, Comer added, also is "inviting the regulators to come in and regulate," which is the last thing banks want.

The 170 reports are thus quite significan

HugeJerk (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Exactly. Yes.

I say the same should go for anyone who uses loopholes or exemptions or creative accounting to avoid paying taxes…they didn’t pay into the pot, they get no say in how it’s distributed.

HugeJerk said:

Remember how right-wingers would argue that poor people didn't have any "skin-in-the-game" because they didn't own land? Well, do these people that are near death have any "skin-in-the-game" when it comes to the future? Surely they shouldn't have any say on laws that will effect the nation/world beyond a few years.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Could that be Hunter, the DC DA and the Georgia DA that all are now ‘sposta file charges…because reports are all 3 have begun that process.

She sent the same revenge porn in a non age gated newsletter to her constituents in Georgia, sending porn directly to children and posting revenge porn…two crimes in one.
That’s industrial level child sex grooming from the cuckholding manly tranny Greene. 😂

Georgia law- Revenge porn is an aggravated misdemeanor if the offender posts the photograph or video on any other electronic means. This offense carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months and a $5,000 fine. Repeat offenders face harsher penalties as second and subsequent revenge porn charges become felonies. In that case, repeat revenge porn is punishable by one to five years in jail and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

The second offense in one day, so it’s already into the “subsequent charges” phase. She sent it over 100000 times, she could get the longest sentence in history, 100000-500000 years just for Georgia! Holy shit!

Also Georgia law- (e) (1) A person commits the offense of obscene Internet contact with a child if he or she has contact with someone he or she knows to be a child or with someone he or she believes to be a child via a computer on-line service or Internet service, including but not limited to a local bulletin board service, Internet chat room, e-mail, or on-line messaging service, and the contact involves any matter containing explicit verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse that is intended to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of either the child or the person, provided that no conviction shall be had for a violation of this subsection on the unsupported testimony of a child.

(2) Any person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years or by a fine of not more than $10,000.00; provided, however, that, if at the time of the offense the victim was 14 or 15 years of age and the defendant was no more than three years older than the victim, then the defendant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
Another 1-10 years for every minor that got her newsletter!

DC law- If the sexual image is shared with 6 or more persons through “publication,” either directly or by uploading to the Internet, then the offense is First-Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a felony offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a fine of $12,500.

Because this is a crime, not legislative activity, and transmitted both in the form of an electronic newsletter (uploaded to the internet) and statement to the press, she has no immunity….specifically listed in the speech and debate clause as exemptions to immunity.

Hunter also has civil cases in both DC and Georgia worth tens of millions each. Bye MTG. 😂

Not to mention the federal laws she broke by publishing the documents she swore under oath to not share or publish before she could see them.

surfingyt said:

suck it @bobknight33 bobby boy. yaboylost! LOL

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

She was point out crimes of Hunter.
The data show from his own laptop .

The laptop is real and the FBI knew it. This information would had sunk Sleepy Joe from winning.

"During a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI official revealed that at least one senior agent, along with potentially others, who had alerted social media companies about a potential “hack and dump” operation before the 2020 election, were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As the House Judiciary Committee’s official Twitter account noted, “Testimony reveals the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic, but when asked by a social media company about the laptop’s authenticity the FBI said ‘no further comment’.”

The FBI official, Laura Dehmlow, participated in discussions between the FBI and Facebook prior to the social media platform’s decision to censor the story related to Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election. Furthermore, The Intercept has indicated that Dehmlow was also involved in the Biden administration’s endeavors to suppress and censor content on social media platforms in relation to misinformation."

Bobnight 61 Nutboy 2

newtboy said:

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy says...

So desperate you little boy. Just HAVE to show photos of naked men to children. You’ve been trying for 3 years now to publish this revenge porn where children will see it knowing it’s illegal to post and nonsense to boot. Groomers.

Absolutely nothing new here in the baseless accusations supported only by hostile spies and disgraced ex agent’s nonsense and proven fake laptop data in your attempt to smear a private citizen. So sad. You just couldn’t help it, you people HAD to show naked penises to children…AGAIN. It’s a pattern. Groomers.

If paying prostitutes is some disqualifier, Trump is disqualified…he pays for sex every time he’s had it, usually from his firm’s business accounts, and the women he’s been with all charge massive amounts to sleep with him (except those he raped), usually hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. Hunter usually got it for free because he’s a stud, not a tiny mushroom tipped 2 pump chump like Trump. 😂

If consorting with prostitutes is some disqualifier, all republicans are disqualified by ex hooker and child sex abuser Boebert who also likes forcing naked men’s penises on young children in public….namely her abusive husband’s penis she helped him expose to 15 year old girls in public….he was convicted. Groomers.

This so smacks of desperation little boy. It’s proof the right has absolutely nothing to offer besides hatred and vitriol…and they don’t even know how to harness or focus that hatred on the right issues, you just hate. They have no plans, no functional legislation, absolutely nothing positive has come from the right since Nov7 2016.

This is the best you’ve got against Joe? Or to defend the rapist Trump? Quit now. If that’s what you’ve got, you lost already.

Trump has done everything you accuse Hunter of (except smoke crack) to exponentially higher degrees. Not only did Trump constantly use company money to pay for sex, illegally hiding it as legal fees, he’s also a violent rapist with at least 24 victims not including all the literally hundreds of minors he forced to get naked in front of him (miss teen USA). 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

PS- even reposting this revenge porn may be a crime. Don’t be surprised if someone comes knocking at your door to take you away for 3 years, more than 6 people saw your post. Groomer. 🤦‍♂️ 😂

bobknight33 said:

Constant philandering slut MTG posting nsfw nude revenge porn publicly for children to see.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Only according to lying douchebags with an axe to grind and absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
On “valutainment”, not a news source but an internet entertainment business (from someone’s basement) that’s far right leaning and well known for lying to support Trump or impugn Biden.
And Alex Jones!!! The guy who repeatedly admitted he’s a character he plays on tv to separate fools from their money, who in court said he doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he spews!!?! The blathering nutjob screaming about gay frogs sued into the poorhouse for lying about murdered children?!? You really need to learn to vet sources. 😂 holy shit you fucking idiot! “I like what they’re saying.” is not verification, Gary. “He hates who I hate!” does not indicate honest reporting. When they agree with YOUR preconceptions, it’s 99.9996% likely they’re lying to you, because you’re an ignorant nutjob that believes the most insane nonsense imaginable and denies verified facts constantly and who only gets their misinformation from the most dishonest biased sources available.

How many of these baseless accusations are you going to believe before the fact that every single one falls apart when proof is required sinks in. How many fake paid whistleblowers must evaporate into thin air before you stop thinking they’re real? More proof of your severe learning deficiency that no one could possibly graduate college with.

But with Trump…there IS evidence, mountains of evidence and actual charges in real courtrooms with convictions galore, not just flapping liars gums but paper trails, boxes of classified documents, depositions under oath from his coconspirators, recordings of him bragging about felonies, $2 billion in his kids accounts paid for highly classified top secret information sold to the Saudis, and multiple convictions for moral turpitude already, proving he’s the most corrupt, anti American, anti democratic douche bag rapist and incestious child abuser ever to hold office. Convicted of multiple business frauds, tax evasion, charity fraud, sex abuse, wire fraud, bank fraud, etc, and accused of more of the same plus stealing and selling/sharing top secret classified information, fomenting a coup, and election fraud to the extreme….but sure, some Trumpists say Biden wasn’t hands off on Hunter’s case,so lock him up and forget Trump’s crimes, in fact just replace Biden with Trump and call it a day. Such idiotic ignorant nonsense bob. You just love to be duped by liars, and love to hide from your stupidity when the lies are invariably exposed.
Sucker. 😂

BTWx you really need to put this on a loop for a month…

bobknight33 said:

Biden is a corrupt douchebag.

LA Deputy Gangs Investigated

moonsammy says...

It should not be legal for law enforcement to establish unions, and I'm pro-union. The police are the arm of governmental power, and policing in the US in general can be traced back to union-busting efforts.

If police unions had a history of fighting for issues that benefit society overall my view would likely be different, but they always seem to focus on eliminating accountability and supporting evil assholes.

newtboy said:

The police/prison guard union is the most anti American anti constitutional entity in the USA...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So government should just stop paying for previous spending? That somehow saves money? You MUST explain how you think that works.

Seriously…dumping $10 TRILLION from private accounts and TRILLIONS more from the treasury SAVES MONEY!?! EXPLAIN HOW THAT WORKS.

Making it more difficult and expensive to borrow money, harder to sell treasury bonds, and making all future debt payments much more expensive permanently SAVES MONEY?

How does it work when the right has stopped negotiating and gone home until Tuesday, so can’t even get the cuts they demand under any circumstances now?

Inflation is due to excessive government printing more money to spend instead of raising money…mainly under Trump.

If you like getting poorer by wasting tens of trillions of dollars for spite, causing major global depressions, death, and destruction, insanely high unemployment, never before seen levels of homelessness, market crashes, high interest rates, and national bankruptcy, be for MAGA and team.

Edit: New reporting indicates the newest Republican demand to release their hostage, the economy, is a $3.5 TRILLION tax cut for the rich and corporations. More proof they don’t care about debt or deficit, only wealth transfer to the rich as fast as possible.
If you like bankrupting the country and starting a depression by choices be for Trump and team.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid man that roots for Russia and against democracy consistently. You think you can just repeat Russian propaganda, flatly deny reporting from any non Russian sources, and still convince someone you haven’t clearly taken sides, choosing Russia over democracy?

“Proven wrong”?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!! Please, if you think you can, explain exactly what I’ve said that’s been “proven wrong”. (Hint- Saying “Russia said so” actually proves me right). Be precise, not just generalizations…make sure you quote me, don’t intentionally incorrectly paraphrase what I said. I KNOW YOU WON’T EVEN TRY, you are just a dishonest coward whining.

Every legitimate source is reporting major advancements by Ukraine, retaking much of Bakhmut and the surrounding areas and establishing supply lines, Russian lines are falling, supply lines failing, and Russia is in a major retreat.
The only places you hear any hint Russia isn’t on the ropes is directly from Russia, no where else.
You get your pure Russian internet propaganda “news” from sources like “weeb nation” and other incels in mom’s basement and think it’s real?!? 😂 I guess you’ve forgotten how many times you repeated the Russian claims and claimed they had already taken Bakhmut, only to be proven wrong every time. You simply are incapable of learning, which must be why your English skills don’t exceed a poor 3rd grade student’s.

Even far right anti Biden CNN says this is only unverified Russian propaganda directly from repeated liar Prigozhin that has claimed to have taken Bakhmut more than a few times now (every time you buy it) and Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Ukrainian troops were still “holding the defense” in a district on Bakhmut’s western-most edge.
“As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector,” she said.
I guess Prigozhin was lying about having taken the city, then about having no ammunition, about Wagner fleeing Bakhmut (on film), and about Russian regulars dropping their guns and fleeing the front lines just last week? But now he’s telling the truth….I see.

Admittedly not the city captured then 🤦‍♂️, Likely not any actual Russian advancements, only a change by saying the Ukrainian held parts are “unimportant”…and it’s certainly not an unimportant piece of the city as Russia is suddenly changing their narrative to indicate, the opposing army having a well defended stronghold in “your” city is hardly unimportant. Ukrainian territory is not shrinking but expanding and displacing Russians.
Ukrainian capabilities have increased by multiple generations of weaponry in the last few months, now capable of shooting down even hypersonic missiles, aircraft deep in Russia, even of getting Russia to shoot its own aircraft and soldiers. Russian capabilities are near nil, no new weaponry to bring to the front, only 50+ year old mothballed WW2 equipment no one has training with.

Russians are fleeing Crimea because it’s so clear it’s likely to be retaken soon.

COVID’s not real, the economy won’t suffer, Trump won the election, Jan 6 was a coup by BLM, Russia is winning in Ukraine. Your list of insanity grows daily, fool. Keep spreading Russian propaganda, it helps us identify it.

I’m actually glad you say this, because your reporting of facts and prognostication are so diametrically opposed to reality that your assertion that Russia is winning is real evidence they are losing.

“Side bitch”? Lol. Because we agree on some things?!? Um…..ok. I think he’s going to take issue with being declared my “side bitch”, right @surfingyt? I definitely don’t think of him (I assume) as some subordinate…just a fellow sifter with a brain.
At least I don’t have to create sock puppet accounts to have someone agree with me like you. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

visionep says...

Quick google search, since I never really looked at the legal liability side pf this issue before.

Some states actually hold drivers accountable for not wearing their seatbelts and discount the payout for injuries, others don't allow insurance companies to consider whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt or not when looking at their injuries. (California discounts, Pennsylvania doesn't)

I think you are understating the societal impact of obesity compared to drivers getting more badly injured without seatbelts. To be clear I don't think the government should be regulating either.

newtboy said:

Perhaps not, but we don’t live in a free society, nor a responsibility free society.

The effects are not low. The difference in cost of a serious car crash with and without seatbelts is in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

Again, because you can be “at fault” through no fault of your own, and responsible for all injuries the other driver suffers, it’s not just smart but the only responsible move to be forced to wear them and minimize the shared risk.
It’s 100% unfair for the other driver to be allowed to take the high risk of not wearing it but you have to pay for the consequences of their irresponsibility….don’t you think?
The difference here as opposed to, say, obesity is the risk/consequences of the irresponsibly transfer to others regularly and often completely (at least financially).

If not wearing it was an automatic waiver for any and all bodily injury damages, fine, but it isn’t so being forced to wear it is the only sane and rational move. Because that choice can turn a no damage bump into injuries requiring life long care

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And turns out Hershel Walker was funneling campaign funds directly into his own personal accounts, taking over $500000 of campaign donations.
Another case of Republican unprecedented corruption that can be found at every level top to bottom in your party.
This may be the worst campaign finance fraud ever in American history. Of course, from a Trump pick.

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