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Community's movie references, a side by side comparison.

eric3579 says...

Timestamps and films

0:00 28 Days Later
0:35 The Matrix
0:50 The Terminator
1:04 T2
1:09 Predator
1:12 Die Hard
1:25 Face Off
1:30 Predator
1:45 Die Hard
1:55 Rambo (not sure which one)
2:08 Die Hard
2:18 The Professional
2:35 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3:22 Star Wars The Phantom Menace
3:28 Star Wars A New Hope
3:37 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
3:43 Die Hard
3:44 Platoon
3:46 Invasion of the Body Snatchers
3:56 Aliens
4:10 Highlander
4:44 The Right Stuff
5:14 Minority Report
5:19 Disclosure
5:38 2001 A Space Odyssey
5:56 Blade Runner
6:15 Patton
6:29 A Few Good Men
6:43 The Breakfast Club
7:06 Rain Man
7:20 Ghost
7:42 An Officer and a Gentleman
7:55 My Dinner with Andre
8:14 Sixteen Candles
8:18 Lost in Translation
8:23 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
8:35 Good Will Hunting
8:58 An American Tale
9:08 The Shinning
9:20 LOTR: The Two Towers
9:43 MTV- The Real World: Seattle
10:04 House Party
10:09 The Color of Money
10:14 Pulp Fiction
10:22 The Breakfast Club
10:26 Zardoz
10:29 Blazzing Saddles
10:32 MIB
10:34 Hook
10:36 The Beastmaster
10:41 Wallstreet
10:44 The Shawshank Redemption
10:51 The Fugitive
10:55 Pulp Fiction
11:10 The Ring
11:12 Vertigo
11:14 National Lampoon’s Vacation
11:35 Animal House
12:31 Good Will Hunting
12:44 Dead Poets Society

The Rise Of Skywalker

ChaosEngine says...

That's the hilarious thing with the new movies.

TFA came out and everyone complained that it was just an update of a New Hope.

TLJ came out and broke with tradition and a very vocal minority hated it (the movie still made over a billion dollars... you can't say that everyone hated it).

WWANRGLD? At what point was Lucas not rich? Before A New Hope (even then he already had a few successful movies under his belt)? or do you mean before he was ridiculously rich (prequels? disney buy out?)?

It's possible that Kylo Ren will be redeemed, but it'd be very predictable.

Payback said:

More likely...

Episode 1-6 was the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
Episodes 7-9 are the redemption of Ben Solo (his rise and fall seen through flashbacks).

Remember, Star Wars works best when people ask WWANRGLD?

(What would a not rich George Lucas do?)

Lando Gives Tour Of Millennium Falcon

RFlagg says...

My question is how does the MF get so dirty between this movie and Star Wars. The movie is set somewhere between 11 and 14 years before Star Wars: A New Hope. 10 years doesn't seem nearly long enough for the level of grime. Even if Solo doesn't keep as good care of it as Lando did, which is fitting of both characters... or Lando has lots of fake stuff to keep it looking clean and neat, as it is apparently close to 60 years old by the time of New Hope (not sure if that is still canon though), and that stuff is removed or falls off, revealing the ship's true nature, and this might fit with Lando's character, trying to make himself seem cleaner and better than what he was. Perhaps part of his con.

Would be funny if during a mid/after credit scene we see the fake clean stuff start falling off, and Solo commenting about how Lando was a dirty cheat.

EDIT: Seems there is a possible explanation and possible spoilers, Han wanted the ship to blend in so let it get dirty or made it look dirty...

Jane Sanders will be advising Bernie Sanders in2020 campaign

notarobot jokingly says...

Election 2020.

Title: A New Hope.

Slogan: “Hindsight is 2020.”

The rich will choose between voting for tax breaks for themselves, and tax increases and net neutrality. Unless they are rich because of NN, they will be able to afford the new high-prices for the internet to be open to them. They won’t care about NN.*

The poor will likely prefer the guy they can relate to the easiest.

Big words don’t draw a crowd of people who couldn’t afford university. The… undereducated voters will remember a lifetime of corporate media telling them “socialism is bad,” perhaps un-American. It will be difficult to convince this group otherwise. Indeed, “les deplorables” might (again) vote against their own best interests.

The middle class will be divided. Some will have been licking boots as hard as they can for a long time. These “senior boot-lickers” have been entrenched in the ideas of “capitalism” and are looking forward to their next promotion where they will finally get to have their own boots licked by the next chump below them. This sub-group will vote for tax cuts. There will be no promotion. Just a ribbon and thank-you card upon retirement.

The lower part of the middle class will fall for the trap that socialism is for commies. And “they’re not commies! They’re American!” They will vote for their own social security to be cut.

Finally, there is the group that remembers Debbie Wasserman Schultz—senior bootlicker, and professional lapdog—for her actions during the last election. They remember the emails. They remember how the Clinton Cash Club sowed corruption from within the party to stop the rise of a ‘so-called socialist’ outsider. This group will remember how Trump was handed the keys to the Oval Office after the party was fractured. They will fight hard to convince their neighbours not to vote against their own interests. They will be on guard for further corruption.

*Footnote: Among the ‘rich’ will be the ‘old establishment’ of the democratic party. Former Hillary supporters. This group will feel that their position of ‘corporate lapdog’ could be threatened by the prospect of a ‘socialist’ at the helm of their party. There will be an attempt to sabotage anyone who might upset that status quo from WITHIN the party. it has happened before. It will be attempted again. (DWS has not retired from her position on the bootlicker pyramid, and she has friends...)

Bonus: The Disney Princesses.

Now that the House of Mouse has 40% of all American media within it’s walls, you can bet that anyone who refuses to play ball wearing mouse-ears will have a harder time scoring. Just sayin’.

(And if NN is truly undone--you'll only ever see what 'they' want you to.)

2020 will be an interesting race.

Star Wars - The Last Jedi Trailer

RedSky says...

Wow, absolutely the opposite reaction to me.

I thought Rogue One was a travesty of film making. The characters were bland and underdeveloped, the plot made little sense and the dialogue was awful. The only redeeming aspect were the special / practical effects and art.

I would criticise Force Awakens for treading safe in replicating the plot of A New Hope to a ridiculous degree but the characters had a sense of identity, purpose and relatability. Most of the set pieces (Han Solo, Jakku, Falcon escape) were memorable.

The lightsaber battle definitely suffered from FX over-use. What made the one in Empire Strikes Back compelling is the austere focus of it as a battle of wills. At least this one was less ridiculous than the lava clusterfuck of Revenge of the Sith.

For Kylo Ren, a lot will depend on whether he remains a bland, corrupted villain or develops into a repentant anti-hero. Hopefully they won't follow the Vader/Emperor arc too closely. In any case, he's certainly going to take back seat to Snoke as primary villain.

cloudballoon said:

This teaser/trailer is weak. Yeah there's a little bit of intrigue, but it isn't giving me any sense of excitement. Gee, even the Transformers teaser/trailer is better than this.

I hope SW8 will be better than SW7. SW7 was a minor disappointment. Kylo Ren was laughable as a main villain and the ending duel set-piece was the weakest of all lightsaber duels, it's garbage non-sense.

I enjoyed Rogue 1 more than SW7 for some reason. Although I like Rey more than Jyn.

Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

ChaosEngine says...

I felt like the movie was a bit of a structural mess.

So Cassian rescues Jyn so she can persuade Gerrera to hand over Bodhi so he can give her the message from her father who can tell them about the weakness in the death star.... that just feels like one step too many.

And what was with the Gerrera's weird mind squid thing? That scene felt completely unnecessary and was also the worst looking part of the movie (almost exactly like the tentacle ball things scene in TFA).

That said, the last third was great, and seeing the death star destroy part of a planet from the surface really brought home the horror of the weapon.

I'd put it very slightly behind TFA in terms of ranking it (Empire, New Hope, Jedi, TFA, Rogue One). While I admire that they tried something different and didn't just retread old plots like TFA, I just didn't enjoy it as much as TFA. The characters in TFA were just better and it was just more fun.

Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

MilkmanDan says...

I'll bite too. I liked Rogue One.

The three checkboxes thing (characters / story / emotion) seems a bit oversimplified. I think it is possible to have a *great* movie if any ONE of those things is great, and it is possible to have a very good movie without any of them being fantastic.

Beyond that, it seemed like his biggest complaint was that Rogue One requires you to have some basic level of familiarity with the Star Wars universe in order to enjoy it; that it doesn't stand up particularly well on its own. ...Well, duh. Any time a setting / universe is used for more than one film, you're going to have to spend much more time on the exposition and getting people familiar with how things work in the first film (A New Hope) than in later films. Actually, I thought that Rogue One would have been very watchable and enjoyable even for people that are familiar with Star Wars even in only the broadest strokes.

I'm with @SDGundamX. The original trilogy stand as my favorite 3, but I liked Rogue One more than The Force Awakens (and TFA was *way* better than any/all of the prequels).

Star Wars The New Awakening Is A Tribute To A New Hope

MilkmanDan says...

There are a LOT of similarities. It definitely blurs the line between "reboot" and "homage", but I'd argue that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I think it will take a few years for me to digest and figure out where I think it ranks in my personal assessment of the Star Wars movies.

That being said, I'm excited about the future of Star Wars again -- the prequels came very close to destroying any optimism that I had in that regard.

For the moment, consider Episode VII but ignore the plot and parallels / homage / blatant copying between it and A New Hope. In all three prequels combined, there wasn't a single character that was interesting; that we could identify with. Anakin was annoying -- in kid form and adult form. Ewan McGregor did OK with the material and directing he was given, but the script and writing in general did NOTHING to connect prequels Obi-Wan with the original trilogy. Padme, Jar-Jar (ha!), Palpatine, Dooku, etc. -- not a single memorable, interesting character that made me want to learn more about them. Sam Jackson's Mace Windu was probably the closest, but didn't get enough screen time or depth to really establish interest.

Already I feel confident in saying that in terms of characters, Episode VII is massively, overwhelmingly better than the prequels. Rey, Finn, and Poe are each individually far more interesting than every character from the prequels combined. AND, I want to see how those new faces interact with the old stars also. Luke, Leia, even Chewbacca (my personal favorite of the OT) all seem like they will continue to be very important to the story moving forward -- and continue to develop their own story arcs in addition to the new cast.

The Force Awakens wasn't *perfect* -- I tend to think it leaned a bit too much on revamping A New Hope also -- but it was very good and very entertaining. And I am definitely excited about the future of Star Wars again.

Videosifts Sarzys Best And Worst Movies Of 2015

mentality says...

That's not unexpected, because they took the best parts of A New Hope and rehashed it for this movie. What worked for ANH back in the day still works now with a new coat of paint.

It was disappointing movie for me because after you strip away the nostalgia, there wasn't much left. It's still a good movie, but I would not put it in my top 10 list, even though the original trilogy was one of my favorite movies of all time.

Sarzy said:

I saw it with a friend who's never even seen the original trilogy, and he still loved it.

The Force Awakens - spoiler free review (Spacy Talk Post)

The Force Awakens - spoiler free review (Spacy Talk Post)

Can a Star Wars Blaster Bolt Be Dodged?

Doug Stanhope on Dr. Drew

shuac says...

Ooh! New 'hope!

Having just listened to the entire thing, I got curious about the ubiquitous "12 Step Programs" and I realized I'd never known what the actual 12 steps were. And since we have this worldwide repository of knowledge humankind has never known before at our fingertips, I found the following official 12 steps (emphasis mine):

1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10.Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
11.Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12.Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Wow. Douggie wasn't kidding, was he? So apparently, foxholes and alcoholism have something else in common!

farscape-scorpius interview-most under-rated villain

mintbbb says...

And lol: Before acting in films and television, Wayne Pygram was a regular on the Australian theatre circuit. In 2005, he made a brief cameo in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith as a young Grand Moff Tarkin, because of his resemblance to Peter Cushing, who portrayed the same character 28 years previously in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Due to the brevity of his Star Wars cameo, and the makeup he wore on Farscape, Pygram's real face may now be known best for his appearance on the TV show Lost, as a faith healer named Isaac of Uluru.

Pygram has also played the drums in numerous bands over the past 20 years, the most recent being a band named Signal Room (formerly called Number 96) along with his co-star in Farscape, Anthony Simcoe [D'Argo]. He also teaches the drums at Kildare Catholic College, an Australian Catholic school based in Wagga Wagga. (WikiPedia)

TYT - Top Republican Spin Doctor Scared of Occupy

Mashiki says...

>> ^westy:

You are aware that deregulation of the market is what cussed the current economic climete ?

To a point yes, but not in the way you think. What caused the problem was throwing loans to people who should never have gotten them via forced regulation of the mortgage system. A lovely harkening to the days of Clinton, Carter and others. While various democrats in power screamed "racist" whenever reforms were sought to tighten the controls back up. It's pretty damn obvious to anyone who's lived outside the US. You don't allow high risk loans to risky people, but the government not only said it was okay to do it(freddie and fanny), but forced the banks to do it otherwise they'd loose their secured depositor status.

It doesn't help that 100 years of Keynesian economic policies(aka lets throw money at it), didn't help either. Keynesian solutions sow their own doom in the future, either by steering a sector of the market, or by trying to fully steer various markets.

>> ^Asmo:

Never mind losing their job, or their house. It's hard to live the American dream when you're unemployed and facing being homeless...
You can understand why the working class are getting pissed and the republicans are scared shitless about it. And holdouts like QM, with his quaint little almost racial slurs and real bad ass insults (occupoopers... lol, what are you, 6? Or is that your IQ?), are just a pebble before the avalanche. Europe goes under and the US slides back in to recession, you may well see a decent reenactment of the French revolution on Wall St.

Wait, you think it's the republicans that the public are pissed at? Do you even look at the polling data and methodology? They're tired of the new "hope and change" which equaled broke, and I'm out of a job. Hell if you run the correction numbers since Obama and the dem's took office, the unemployment rate would be up around 11%. The "occupiers" are a subset of a subset of people, who don't even come close to reflecting the mainstreet. Republican's aren't scared of that, though the Dem's who supported them sure seem to be. Since the occupiers poison touch sure has tanked many dem's numbers who 'supported' them.

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