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Ted Sieger's Wildlife

oritteropo (Member Profile)

taranimator says...

Thanks for this awesome link!!
I love that show -- you know what, I worked for that company in Berlin on an Asterix film and I'm sure the little critters in that video were just heading into design as I was leaving. They have such a knack for cute characters. The world needs more of that kind of humour. Love the ants getting ready for work haha...

Cat's Cradle is such a weird film! I never really 'got' it, but I adored the shaggy linework. I'm a huge Driessen fan. There are a couple of newer ones he's done with split screens that show the same story from different perspectives -- or other splits like land, sea, air.. I'd really like to see those again.

It's great to see such amazing animation here.
In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
Have you seen this before?

I only posted it because your comment on "Cat's cradle" got me to watch it (loved it btw, the moral would have be be "be kind to spiders"?) and then that reminded me of this.

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I posted it because I thought you and Tara would like it... but also because it's just too good not to share. One of your other postings reminded me of it, so then I had to track it down.

I guess it doesn't really fit in with ant's downvotes, so it should be safe enough for him to find, unless he's particularly curmudgeonly at the time
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Absolutely adorably fun, it is SO full of little things, I had to pause many times to appreciate it fully. Excellent post, Orriteropo!

...I hope Ant finds this.

taranimator (Member Profile)

David Attenborough and Vanity

robbersdog49 says...

The person I would most like to go for dinner with. Such a fascinating individual and Michael Palin is probably my second choice. Both must have such incredible stories to tell. The Attenborough + BBC natural history unit combination make by far the best wildlife documentaries in the world. No-one else even comes close.

Fox Reporter Gets Berated With "FOX Lies"

radx (Member Profile)

Gasland (full film)

Reefie says...

I've recently watched H2Oil describing the problems that have arisen from pillaging the Canadian tar sands (I say pillage because if the companies behaved responsibly then they would have demonstrated a fair "give and take" approach instead of taking with little thought given to the people and wildlife affected). Going to give this one a viewing later this evening, will be interesting to see if there are any corporate cross-overs.

Mouldy Sloth: Amazing Animals-Amazon Assassin - BBC Wildlife

Lioness trusts Kevin Richardson with her newborn cubs

EndAll says...

Well, not really, as he doesn't work with stingrays. But I'm sure you know that, and are merely trying to imply that he'll end up getting mauled eventually. That's certainly possible. But it's important to note that Richardson hand-raises practically every lion (and hyena) in the enclosure he works for (which is a wildlife reserve) and while still large, dangerous animals, he has a unique, very special bond with them, and they are to a slight degree tame. If you've seen this video before, it serves as another example of the rare bond I speak of.

Yet the point stands, they could kill him at any moment. However Richardson maintains, despite that fact, that he would do it all again in an instant, no regrets. He feels the work he does to protect these animals is worth the price he could ultimately pay. And I'm sure Irwin felt the same way about his career, bless him.

Your comment was harmless, but elsewhere on the internet where ever these videos of Richardson are posted there are always people likening him to Timothy Treadwell and jumping to the same conclusions over and over again without knowing very much about the broader context of the work he does. Personally, I admire him and all those who risk life and limb for something they believe in and care for. (Which reminds me, I've to buy some poppies)

Anyway, that's my 10 cents.
>> ^thyazide:

Stingrays have a new target IMO.

A Different View on the Science Behind Global Warming

gwiz665 says...

I do believe this is what they call an ass handing.

or was that just something that guy in the park made up..?>> ^Tymbrwulf:

2:12 - Professor Philip Stott:
He has not published scholarly articles in the field of climate change, although he has published books on the subject.
Writes books instead of having his theories subject to peer review.
2:18 - Professor Paul Reiter:
The UK government has said that Reiter "does not accurately represent the current scientific debate on the potential impacts of climate change on health in general, or malaria in particular. He appears to have been quite selective in the references and reports that he has criticised, focusing on those that are neither very recent nor reflective of the current state of knowledge, now or when they were published" - Source
2:33 - Professor Richard Lindzen:
Jerry Mahlman, director of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, did not accept Lindzen's assessment of the science, and said that Lindzen had "sacrificed his luminosity by taking a stand that most of us feel is scientifically unsound."
3:07 - Professor Patrick Michaels:
Office of Science and Technology Policy director, John Holdren,[8] told the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee, "Michaels is another of the handful of U.S. climate-change contrarians … He has published little if anything of distinction in the professional literature, being noted rather for his shrill op-ed pieces and indiscriminate denunciations of virtually every finding of mainstream climate science."
He also gets money from fossil fuel companies.
7:06 - Patrick Moore:
Moore has earned his living since the early 1990s primarily by consulting for, and publicly speaking for a wide variety of corporations and lobby groups such as the Nuclear Energy Institute.[36] Monte Hummel, MScF, President, World Wildlife Fund Canada has claimed that Moore's book, Pacific Spirit, is a collection of "pseudoscience and dubious assumptions."[41] Dr Leonie Jacobs of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands has accused Moore of being paid by the timber industry in order to deliberately mislead the public about logging.
He is accused of having "abruptly turned his back on the environmental movement"
I wish they would source the people on all the other claims. Would be nice to fact check those as well.
What kind of debate are you trying to start here, blankfist?

A Different View on the Science Behind Global Warming

Tymbrwulf says...

2:12 - Professor Philip Stott:
He has not published scholarly articles in the field of climate change, although he has published books on the subject.
Writes books instead of having his theories subject to peer review.

2:18 - Professor Paul Reiter:
The UK government has said that Reiter "does not accurately represent the current scientific debate on the potential impacts of climate change on health in general, or malaria in particular. He appears to have been quite selective in the references and reports that he has criticised, focusing on those that are neither very recent nor reflective of the current state of knowledge, now or when they were published" - Source

2:33 - Professor Richard Lindzen:
Jerry Mahlman, director of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, did not accept Lindzen's assessment of the science, and said that Lindzen had "sacrificed his luminosity by taking a stand that most of us feel is scientifically unsound."

3:07 - Professor Patrick Michaels:
Office of Science and Technology Policy director, John Holdren,[8] told the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee, "Michaels is another of the handful of U.S. climate-change contrarians … He has published little if anything of distinction in the professional literature, being noted rather for his shrill op-ed pieces and indiscriminate denunciations of virtually every finding of mainstream climate science."
He also gets money from fossil fuel companies.

7:06 - Patrick Moore:
Moore has earned his living since the early 1990s primarily by consulting for, and publicly speaking for a wide variety of corporations and lobby groups such as the Nuclear Energy Institute.[36] Monte Hummel, MScF, President, World Wildlife Fund Canada has claimed that Moore's book, Pacific Spirit, is a collection of "pseudoscience and dubious assumptions."[41] Dr Leonie Jacobs of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands has accused Moore of being paid by the timber industry in order to deliberately mislead the public about logging.
He is accused of having "abruptly turned his back on the environmental movement"

I wish they would source the people on all the other claims. Would be nice to fact check those as well.

What kind of debate are you trying to start here, blankfist?

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^moopysnooze:
Frankly the two dudes that told him off came off looking worse.
The guy had a plastic shovel doing a shallow patch on the beach. Same as what someone could probably do with their feet. It's not like there is a line of 50 different media persons going to the same beach doing the same thing and ruining the beach for the wildlife etc.
He'd already dug a bit, the guard could have stood watch to see if they went on to do anything else and if not just let that go. If it becomes a problem where a significant amount of others are copying him or if he was digging any deeper sure take action. Complete and total lack of common sense.
Frankly if an idiot person wants to smear oil all over their face knowing the harm it could cause it's their problem. the whole I must save you from yourself mentality is much too common. I mean feel free to talk up to people to warn them of the dangers but being all tough telling people oh you can't do that cuz it's the rules is just being arsey.

Not completely true. Same principle with seatbelts... It affects you, until I pay for your insurance because of the medical bills, or I pay for your hospital stay because you did not have insurance... I.e, what you do affects my pocket book.

No seatbelt means higher cost to insurance company which gets passed on. No insurance means the hospital pays, and passes it on to me. Rubbing oil is the same prinicple.

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

moopysnooze says...

Frankly the two dudes that told him off came off looking worse.

The guy had a plastic shovel doing a shallow patch on the beach. Same as what someone could probably do with their feet. It's not like there is a line of 50 different media persons going to the same beach doing the same thing and ruining the beach for the wildlife etc.

He'd already dug a bit, the guard could have stood watch to see if they went on to do anything else and if not just let that go. If it becomes a problem where a significant amount of others are copying him or if he was digging any deeper sure take action. Complete and total lack of common sense.

Frankly if an idiot person wants to smear oil all over their face knowing the harm it could cause it's their problem. the whole I must save you from yourself mentality is much too common. I mean feel free to talk up to people to warn them of the dangers but being all tough telling people oh you can't do that cuz it's the rules is just being arsey.

Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Tymbrwulf says...

Looks like everything is getting lost in the bureaucracy. Those laws seem to have been in place for a reason (not digging in national parks, etc). I would assume it's something akin to keeping off the sand dunes to prevent destruction of habitat for the local wildlife.

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