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Expo 86 - Something's Happening Here VHS (1986)

What happened to BENNY HILL?

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

BSR says...

I think we both know that doubling the previous record would be impossible under the conditions the pros compete in. Plus the pros make their record on indoor tracks if I'm not mistaken.

I made my trip on the east coast as I wanted stay closer to home if something unexpected happened.

This map shows my round trip route from Cape Canaveral to High Point NC and back. The blue was created with my GPS tracker which caused some lost data due to battery drain and poor signal. I flipped the image so the text was easier to read.

I met a lot of nice people. If you like to travel you might like this sight.

I was able to stay with people who invited me into their homes on 5 different occasions and never actually had to sleep on a couch.

EDIT: Someone else brought up the possible invasive species point so I'm on the fence with that. I don't want to be blamed for the next BIG earthquake that gives birth to the new Godzilla. Although, it's California. He could probably get a SAG card.

newtboy said:

that speed would have more than doubled the previous record and that would be amazing.

Nice trip. 2500 miles is a good chunk of the distance coast to coast (depending on the route). Where did you ride to/from?

I'm intrigued by the sand swap idea, but also concerned about the introduction of invasive species that may be living in that sand. Just a thought if you make the trip.

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

newtboy says...

Perhaps you misunderstand me. I don't accuse her of taking anything from professionals, as I don't think they're competing. I only think, when making a claim of record bicycle speeds, if those speeds are not achieved without assistance it should be clearly noted. They didn't hide it, but the title slightly mislead me and left me disappointed it wasn't a human powered speed, because that speed would have more than doubled the previous record and that would be amazing.

This is a feat of skill and bravery. It simply is not a feat of purely human powered speed. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's clear, imo.

Nice trip. 2500 miles is a good chunk of the distance coast to coast (depending on the route). Where did you ride to/from?
I've never done a long distance ride like that, I just rode to school and back daily...over 35 miles round trip...and around town. Up here in Humboldt, the roads are terrible so I don't ride much anymore, skinny racing tires don't do well in potholes. I'm getting too old and broken for serious mountain bike trail riding, which is sad considering the trails I have available.

I'm intrigued by the sand swap idea, but also concerned about the introduction of invasive species that may be living in that sand. Just a thought if you make the trip.

BSR said:

Again, SHE'S NOT A PRO! She doesn't take anything away from the pros but also gives them a chance to break her record. (If they got the guts)

Unrelated, this is me back in 2011 making a 2,500 mile bike trip which I did in 3 months. It was something I did to see if I actually wanted to bike across country. From Cape Canaveral beach to Vandenberg Air Force Base. I would carry a sample of sand from the east and then dump it on the beach in the west.

Due to circumstances beyond my control I still haven't been able to make that trip. But I loved every minute of the trip I did.

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

BSR says...

Again, SHE'S NOT A PRO! She doesn't take anything away from the pros but also gives them a chance to break her record. (If they got the guts)

Unrelated, this is me back in 2011 making a 2,500 mile bike trip which I did in 3 months. It was something I did to see if I actually wanted to bike across country. From Cape Canaveral beach to Vandenberg Air Force Base. I would carry a sample of sand from the east and then dump it on the beach in the west.

Due to circumstances beyond my control I still haven't been able to make that trip. But I loved every minute of the trip I did.

newtboy said:

I think pro riders don't go for this record because they don't see it as a legitimate riding record, just a dangerous equipment test.

CGP Grey Driving a Tesla Across The Loneliest Rd in America

BSR says...

In 2014 I road tested new cars before they hit the showroom floor. Got to drive the new 2015 Corvette Stingray from Florida to Las Vegas. They did a 15 min emission test and then spent a day off in Vegas and then back to Florida.

I loved the scenery in this video and it took me back to my trip out west, all expenses paid in new Corvette.

I did lose $25 gambling. I paid a hooker $25 and then she ran off with my money. I knew it was gamble to start with. Hookers don't usually push shopping carts.

Dora and the Lost City of Gold - Official Trailer

moonsammy says...

I'd kind of love a PG-13 or R-rated Dora where she still acts exactly like the original show (tons of repetition, asks questions with astoundingly obvious answers, reads the simplest of maps like she's doing calculus in her head, super naive, etc), but everyone else is entirely normal, and reacts to her accordingly. "Swiper, no swiping, Swiper no swiping, Swiper..." "Dora what the FUCK?! He has a GUN, stop saying that shit and give him the key!" They seem to do some of that here (paraphrasing "of course she knows the monkey," "she brought a knife on a field trip"), but Dora also appears slightly to behave semi-normally.

Anyway. I started playing this because I have kids who watched the show some years ago, and I hated having to sit through it. Figured I'd show it to them in an "oh man, can you even believe how awful this looks?" sort of way, and then... it doesn't. It actually looks like a relatively ok, fun movie. RFlagg, I think you're right that the recent Jumanji was a huge inspiration; I doubt this will measure up at all. Oh, and for anyone who hasn't seen Jumanji WttJ, it's actually totally worth watching, with or without kids. Clever writing, and the actors all did a great job with their characters (particularly Jack Black, IMHO).

Christone "Kingfish" Ingram - Don't Let The Devil Ride

A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Let's Talk About Teaching the Bible In School

BSR says...

42 is the answer. But you can't use math to solve it because it's outside the box. You are forced to use your power of creation to solve it.

Yes. Hidden in plain sight. Some live to an old age and never find it. Sometimes, others find it simply by tripping over it.

newtboy said:

In Trig/pre calc, my teacher insisted I was a cheater because I tested great but didn't do homework or pay much attention in class, so she separated me during a test...the class average dropped significantly but not my score, I never had to do trig homework after that day. That said, don't ask me trig questions now, I haven't used it in nearly 30 years. ;-)

Kind of....they all seemed to think that there is a hidden unknowable, and they alone had the unknowable deciphered and other theories about it were just mistaken.
Some eastern religions sure seemed more like just philosophies, like Tao, but they all seemed fairly self certain that they alone had the solution to the ultimate question.....but we all know that answer is 42, and not one of them came up with that end sum, so they're all undeniably wrong and so easily dismissed as fable, fantasy, or disguised political tools.

Why Everyone is Going to Iceland Lately

newtboy says...

We went 2016 because tickets were <$200 roundtrip from the West coast on wow air.....air bnb was everywhere and great, most attractions were free and amazing, zero crowds, we drove the entire island in a week without rushing, everyone speaks English well, and because Formula Offroad, which I finally saw in person after years of disbelief. I would suggest a summer trip there to anyone who loves nature, beauty, friendly people, and interesting mythology.

Edit: book your day at blue lagoon first, they can be booked solid for months.

F-18 Criticisms in the 80's mirror those of the F-35 today

transmorpher says...

The reason why we still have human pilots in fighters is because you can't jam or hijack a pilots brain. Any machine that is remotely controlled can be jammed at the very least. Leaving it unresponsive to commands. The exception here is that it could be pre programmed to perform a specific bunch of tasks, perhaps even something as advanced as air to air combat but, it loses a lot of flexibility. And it can be easily exploited.

E. G. you know a robot fighter jet is on it's way. Jam it so it cannot be called to cancel it's mission. Put some children into the target area.... That can happen and does with real pilots too, but they are able check and recheck as many times as they feel necessary either their JTACs or the amazing optics on modern jets giving a clear picture from over 10 miles away.

And that if course is with the ethical concerns of having an automatic killing machine fly around, which people like Stephen hawking warn us about. Perhaps in the immediate future the danger is quite low with only collateral incidents, but can you imagine say Trump with this kind of power. A trained soldier regardless of being broken in during training and even with all of the testosterone and adrenaline flowing through his body is still a compassionate and thinking human being. The likelihood of ordering a military wide atrocity is very low compared to an army of machineswhich will carry out any tasks no matter how gruesome. Can you imagine what Trump would do if people were no longer in the loop to share the responsibilities and burden of war? And by extention, that technology would likely be used to control the populace. You think the police in the US have there fair share of power tripping jackasses slipping into the service, well imagine if every officer was basically a silicon version of Trump. That's the worst ki d of robocop movie ever lol

Mordhaus said:

Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon say the F-35’s superiority over its rivals lies in its ability to remain undetected, giving it “first look, first shot, first kill.”

Hugh Harkins, a highly respected author on military combat aircraft, called that claim “a marketing and publicity gimmick” in his book on Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35S, a potential opponent of the F-35. He also wrote, “In real terms an aircraft in the class of the F-35 cannot compete with the Su-35S for out and out performance such as speed, climb, altitude, and maneuverability.”

Other critics have been even harsher. Pierre Sprey, a cofounding member of the so-called “fighter mafia” at the Pentagon and a co-designer of the F-16, calls the F-35 an “inherently a terrible airplane” that is the product of “an exceptionally dumb piece of Air Force PR spin.” He has said the F-35 would likely lose a close-in combat encounter to a well-flown MiG-21, a 1950s Soviet fighter design.

Robert Dorr, an Air Force veteran, career diplomat and military air combat historian, wrote in his book “Air Power Abandoned,” “The F-35 demonstrates repeatedly that it can’t live up to promises made for it. … It’s that bad.”

The development of the F-35 has been a mess by any measurement. There are numerous reasons, but they all come back to what F-35 critics would call the jet's original sin: the Pentagon's attempt to make a one-size-fits-all warplane, a Joint Strike Fighter.

History is littered with illustrations of multi-mission aircraft that never quite measured up. Take Germany's WWII Junkers Ju-88, or the 1970s Panavia Tornado, or even the original F/A-18. Today the Hornet is a mainstay of the American military, but when it debuted it lacked the range and payload of the A-7 Corsair and acceleration and climb performance of the F-4 Phantom it was meant to replace.

Yeah, the F/A-18 was trash when it first came out and it took YEARS and multiple changes/fixes to allow it to fully outperform the decades old aircraft it was designed to beat when it was released.

The F35 is not the best at anything it does, it is designed to fully be mediocre at all roles in order to allow it to be a single solution aircraft. That may change with more money, time, and data retrieved from hours spent in actual combat, but as it stands it is what it was designed to be. A jack of all trades and master of none, not something I would want to be flying in a role where I could encounter a master of that role.

As @ChaosEngine says, it is far beyond time that we move to a design where the pilot is not in the plane. There is no reason at this time that we cannot field a plane that could successfully perform it's role with the pilot in a secure location nearby. Such planes could be built cheaper, could perform in g-forces that humans cannot withstand, and would be expendable in a way that current planes are not. However, this would mean that our corporate welfare system for huge defense contractors would take a massive hit. We can't have that, can we?

Salad Fingers 11: Glass Brother

JiggaJonson says...

I remember this shit from the earlier days of the internet maybe 6 years ago. I, for one, am not nostalgic for this incoherent psychobabble trying to pass itself off as entertainment.

I've had bad LSD trips that were less annoying than this.

USDA: Eggs are NOT Healthy or Safe to eat

newtboy says... dollars are fine to fund your trip off'll have to get your own Vega spending money.
Extinctions today are 99% from habitat destruction, not the bush meat trade.

Eat some protein, your brain isn't working

transmorpher said:

Earth dollars are no good I'm afraid :-)

They will be worthless since the people of earth are eating their way to extinction. (see Dr. Richard Oppenlander speaking to the EU)

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...


Edit: of the 3 groups, which had permits....natives
Of the 3 groups, which was still performing closing ceremonies of a permitted March...natives.
Of the 3 groups, which refrained from insulting the other two....natives.
Of the 3 groups, which tried to defuse rather than escalate....natives.

But the native elder calmly trying to defuse the escalating situation is the one in the wrong in your opinion.

The inevitable attack was against the Israelites, because the kids were getting irate, taking off their clothes, jumping around like madmen, and screaming insults at the Israelites. Before he came in drumming, it sure looked like violence was likely.

I watched it as many times as I'm going to, which was many, and when the elder stops there's plenty of room between everyone, then the kids move closer from every direction.

Look, you can bend over backwards to pretend the kids weren't also instigating, or being rude, or racist, but I must admit I'm floored people can see a gang of white kids gleefully tomahawk chopping and hi-ya-hi-ya-ing undeniably derisively at a native elder (veteran, but who knew that there) while smirking inches from his face as he's surrounded by their jeering buddies and instead of admitting what they see with their own eyes and hear with their ears, pretend the irate screaming kids were being respectful angels not disrespectful racist assholes. I see and hear what's on the video, you find excuses for it and pretend you don't hear racism in their racist taunting.

I'm most floored chaperones on a church field trip didn't just let the kids respond to the provocation of the Israelites (which is moronic and exactly what they wanted), they encouraged it and did nothing when it turned racist against the elder, just egged them on more. So much for Christ's teachings....fuck what he said if someone's teasing you, right? Christ said take an eye for an eye....oh wait, no he didn't.

bcglorf said:


missed your reply, you need to check the video again as you clearly didn't watch what I'm watching.
You said:
"I disagree 100%. Sane people did this to stop the rapidly escalating anger between the kids and (disgusting) black Israelites before the kids attacked the Israelites, which seemed inevitable because no one was controlling the kids (or the small group of Black Israelites) and the kids were getting more and more rowdy."
At 1:09 the Black Israelites are making fun of the kids specifically because they are "keeping their distance". At 1:11 the kids are presumably standing/jumping doing one of their school chants, moving no closer to the black Israelites. At 1:12 after the chant, the kids all sit down. After the kids have been not only 'keeping their distance', but sitting down now for a minute is when Nathan Phillips comes in to 'de-escalate' things. You can not honestly paint that as looking like an 'inevitable attack' was coming from the kids. The reality is the kids were staying back, and sitting down while the Black Israelite adults continued trying unsuccessfully to escalate things.

You later said:
"and note smirk boy is not there, he gets into the stationary elders face later. "

If you look at 1:13, smirk boy is 3 rows back from the elder. If you watch till 1:14 you notice that the camera man isn't moving, but Phillips gets further and further away because is walking slowly into the crowd of students. The students don't so much surround him, they make way as he invades their personal space until they move until about 1:15. If you watch 1:15, the camera is the same place as it was back at 1:11, the kids are at the same distance from the camera and the same location on the stairs, but now you can't even see Phillips because he's so far into the group.

I gotta admit, I'm a little floored you can come away still seeing what you want to see...

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