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MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

Sorry...some details that were hastily reported have turned out to be more nuanced than originally thought, for instance it's now being reported that there were adult chaperones there, but the kids absolutely surrounded, taunted, and acted threatening to the native American elder, mocking his ceremony with racist chants and tomahawk chops to derisive laughter, they were not trying to join him as some have tried to claim.
They also blocked the progress of the planned, permitted closing ceremony, intentionally or not.

More video has surfaced of what appears to be some of these kids shouting at and harassing other people (the video I saw was 6+ MAGA boys screaming at a pair of girls) on this trip, away from this incident.
These aren't angels caught up and unfairly painted, these are kids who have reportedly posted videos of at least 4 of themselves dressed in black face and the whole school's bleachers chanting "caramel" at lone black basketball players at their school functions apparently with the full support of their teachers and school....that video just removed from the school website, but after going public.
They've already been invited to the Whitehouse.

greatgooglymoogly said:

It's funny how sure people sound that they know what happened based on a few "media reports"(oops, turns out he's not a Vietnam Vet!). There's video out there, educate yourself people! The drummers did walk into the crowd of teenagers purposefully. The kids likely didn't even know he was part of a protest, just that he was getting in their faces and banging his drum. Some even sang along with him.

The description here "decided to surround and block, taunt, and threaten a native American veteran performing a ceremony" is all false.

"Nice Shoes"

KrazyKat42 says...

:01 Twilight Zone
:20 Naked Barbie Doll
:30 Destination Moon (rocket)
.33 MTV logo
.35 Trip to the Moon movie
.36 Lost In Space
:47 Logans Run, Back to the future, Men in Black, Eye of HAL, Rollerball
.55 Nineteen Eighty-Four, MSTK3
.57 Dr. Who phonebooth, THX 1138 on the wall
1:01 Battlestar Galatica tattoo, BB8 from Star Wars
1:04 Matrix (red/blue pill in glasses reflection)
1:08 Armageddon or Independence Day.
1:11 5th Element
1:14 Patches (Prometheus, Silent Running, Alien)Major Tom Logo On Space Suit.
1:14 Star TreK (USS Enterprise (NCC-1701))
1:21 Posters (War of the Worlds, Body Snatchers, Soylent Green)
1:28 Area 51, Alien Autopsy, Logo from Lost
1:54 and 2:00 Day The Earth Stood Still robot
2:16 Barbarella
2:22 Metropolis
2:23 ET
2:24 Forbidden Planet (Robby The Robot)
2:25 Outland and Enemy Mine posters
2:29 Close Encounters (Devil's Tower)
2:41 Time Machine (on left), 2001 monolith, Star Trek
2:43 Max Headroom
2:35 Alien
3:04 Buckaroo Banzi Ending
3:18 Dr. Who (dalek)
3:36 Flash Gordon rocket ship

"Nice Shoes"

BSR says...

Here's a short list I managed to whip up

.33 MTV logo
.35 Trip to the Moon movie
.47 Eye of HAL
.55 MSTK3
.57 Dr. Who phonebooth
1:11 5th Element
1:14 Major Tom
1:46 Buckaroo Banzi
2:00 Day The Earth Stood Still robot
2:23-25 Robby Robot
2:41 Time Machine from the movie Time Machine
2:43 Max Headroom
3:36 Flash Gordon rocket ship

Trump Ad: Immigrants are Murderers and Dems are Complicit

newtboy says...

You need them, they could help you learn English so you would look less like a Russian troll.
You could also use help with American history, a subject 100% of immigrant citizens know better than you, they had to pass a civics test as part of citizenship, a test you would fail miserably....almost like you aren't even from America, comrade.

Don't ever....EVER...use "we" to describe American sentiment, you do not reflect us. Plenty of Americans do want to help desperate refugees, just not the party that drapes themselves in the flag and cross while denouncing all that those symbols stand for.

Trump is the one wasting our government dollars on photo opps at the border with no legitimate which I mean the blatant ploy to "deploy" thousands of troops at the border a week before the election to intercept the rampaging brown invasion that he's convinced morons is a few months. What do you think it costs to deploy thousands of troops for nothing for 8+ weeks? Probably more than fully supporting every person in the caravan for years.
One single Trump trip to Maralago or another of his golf courses costs taxpayers at least as much (some costs are classified, so not included in the >$3 million average cost) as yearly resettlement costs for >2000 refugees, including their background checks, housing assistance, etc. He's taken 159 golf trips so far, you do the math and gasp.


Side note: it did not go unnoticed that your reply had nothing whatsoever to do with my comments, and didn't address a single point contained therein.

bobknight33 said:

Does't matter if they all Mother Teresa ..
The USA is not obligated to take them in.

Go back home-- We don't want you. Go waist you own government dollars.

Snow Leopard seriously risks life to get a meal

Apple under fire for allegations of controversial business

Iceland Is Dope

BSR says...

I'm suspect that mom had to agree to say her line in order to take the trip to Iceland for free. The miss at the 1:00 min mark will probably cost her breakfast.

When Juggling Knives Goes Wrong!

ForgedReality says...

I can't figure out what caused the cyclist to fall over. Was he intentionally swerving to trip that running lady? I have watched that bit over and over and I just can't get it to make any sense...

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Bob....after your own answer to that question, an answer you changed to sarcastic only after being repeatedly lambasted for it's ridiculousness and idiocy, no one is under any obligation to defend their sources.
If their news source is the voices in their head while on a overdosed acid trip, they are still better sources than those you believe, who are all proven liars and propagandists, excused because not one is an actual news source. They are all biased opinion sources at best and in at least one case they are nothing less than the mouth of madness.

bobknight33 said:

What your your go to trusted news outlets? Enlighten me.

72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

RFlagg says...

Who believes this shit? Trump supporters, and that is near 35% of the voting population. They may not buy into it happening in 72 hours, but they do think this is a religious war, and that Christianity is under attack, and that Trump is appointed by God to lead this country back to being a Christian nation and all us evil Liberals are fighting the will of God. This is the thing most people on the left don't understand. They don't realize how deeply personal and holy this thing is for the right. Everyone just keeps seeing all the trip ups that Trump does, and thinks, "Blue Wave!" but those trip ups energize his base, and help guarantee they'll be out in fore come November. They are being manipulated by Fox, talk radio and their churches to believe all this stuff. Remember, his supporters supported a child molester in Louisiana over a Democrat, because they think Democrats are that truly evil. Just watch a bit of TBN, watch Jim Baker, watch Fox News... just begin to imagine that this sort of stuff is what you absorb all day every day, this is what you are being fed in church, this is what your social media circles are feeding you. You'll begin to see, this isn't that far out there, this is what they think is happening. They think we are in the end times, and Trump is our last hope against the Anti-Christ, even though he and the GOP are EVERYTHING the Bible warned us the Anti-Christ would be like... it's insane. I'm surrounded at home, at work... all over by these types.

StukaFox said:

Who the hell believes this shit? I know that the bar of standards for credibility in the United States is set so far down that the Devil keeps tripping over it, but Rachel Maddow signaling a coup? How exactly is this supposed to work? Were we supposed to get instructions via our Liberal Secret Decoder Rings? If so, I want my money back, because all mine ever spelled out is "Fuck Trump".

72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

StukaFox says...

Who the hell believes this shit? I know that the bar of standards for credibility in the United States is set so far down that the Devil keeps tripping over it, but Rachel Maddow signaling a coup? How exactly is this supposed to work? Were we supposed to get instructions via our Liberal Secret Decoder Rings? If so, I want my money back, because all mine ever spelled out is "Fuck Trump".

Pussy Riots in World Cup Finals 2018 game.

ChaosEngine says...

... and then they tripped and fell onto a fist/bullet/some kind of radioactive poisoning.

If you don't want people interrupting your sports events to protest human rights abuses, maybe don't hold your massive sporting event in Putin's Russia.

We will rock you

Rare Earth - The Country The World Says Doesn't Exist

admiralronton says...

I visited here on my last trip to Armenia. It's as stunning as the video shows. They didn't show the long cables hanging between mountains to catch low-flying helicopters. It's a different life, for sure.

The restaurants were awesome. Lots of BBQ. =]

Car misses exit and causes two semi trucks to crash

cloudballoon says...

I started driving in Montreal for 12 years, and moved to Toronto for another 13 years. These 2 cities always had a bit of a rivalry. Montreal drivers calling Toronto drivers stupid idiots and Toronto's calling Montreal's crazy speed demons. These stereotypes are both accurate. Comparatively I'd feel safer with Montreal's crazy speed demons all around me any day -- they speed pass you of the left, they signal, they don't hog the left lane most of the time. Overall more skillful. Things like the above video happen in Montreal once in a blue moon. Toronto, way too often.

I often road tripped around the Buffalo, NY - Washington DC corridors and I'd say even they are better drivers (in terms of skillfulness & situational awareness) than Torontonians...

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