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What Happens When You Eject Out Of A Jet At 800 MPH

Asmo says...

>> ^aurens:

"He knows that he has only minutes to climb into his life raft before the freezing ocean kills him. 'I stopped everything; I started praying. I said, God, I need some help.'"
Well, now he has even less time to make it into his life raft.

I'm usually right on board with taking pot shots at religious crazies and their god bothering but I think we can cut a guy who was dealing with hideous injuries after such a traumatic experience a little slack for falling back on his faith, regardless of the fact that we don't share it.

Sorry about the killing and bombs, here's some candy!

The Walking Dead AND Episode 11, Season 2 --Spoilers-- (Scifi Talk Post)

kceaton1 says...

I'll answer the questions a bit later, I need to do a few things first. I will say that when I first realized Dale was going to die, I felt horrific. I had to actually pause the show for awhile and collect myself; it was like I was hit in the gut with a sledgehammer. I can imagine MANY people had similar reactions. I know many will be almost nothing at all, but others can feel true traumatic feelings (if you let yourself become that involved with the Universe and who the actors play).

I really do want to know though why they decided to kill Dale now, that is what got me. I was NOT expecting a major death, but I should have after reading the description: ~Karl may rethink an earlier choice he made--I thought they were talking about Randall, I should have known that walker meeting was not a good one...

Two Whitetail Bucks with horns locked together

Two Whitetail Bucks with horns locked together

It's a Snap - Central Institute of Technology

Matt Damoncraft

grinter says...

so, is there a Malkovich texture pack?

..and maybe you survived the explosion because you were trained by the government as an elite assassin but following some traumatic event you have forgotten your true identity?

You're giving up Pepsi until abortion "ends?" Cool story.

bcglorf says...

i won't discuss when a life is a life until you answer why i must discuss that first.

Fair enough, I suppose I thought it was self evident. When life begins is the underlying basic assumption upon which all your other arguments are based, as are the other arguments on the pro-life side. The pro-life and pro-choice camps are disagreed on the very original and basic assumption of when life begins. There should be no wonder at all that neither side can make heads or tails of the other side's logic and reasoning, as it is fundamentally based on a different starting assumption.

When life begins is the underlying assumption of all the accusations of murder, insensitivity to women, cruelty to other human beings, and all the related consequences.

You want to talk about the consequences of changing laws and making a rape victim a criminal if they pursue an abortion? You are assuming the fetus that is being ended is not a separate human life. If a rape victim is too traumatized and takes 10 months to come forward our country already removes her right to end the child's life. The important distinction is when life begins, and both sides need to recognize that they can not, and will not EVER understand one another unless they recognize and approach the true underlying difference of opinion they really have.

I didn't suggest any "pro-life arguments"
My apologies I meant to say 'pro-choice' and obviously confused things greatly . I was assuming you were pro-choice and thus tried to illustrate the importance of when life begins with a pro-choice example.

Diehard Penguins Fan Are Made Young

Toddler Flips Out Over Angry Birds

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^westy:
child is traumatized by how much of a rip off angry birds is of this game
Oh, come on... Scorched Earth, Worms, and a million other physics-based games where you lob, shoot, throw, fire, or catapult something at something else were before both those games. I remember playing a Scorched Earth-like game on a TRS-80 in Computer Science when I was in high school.

No, no, no... Scorched earth and worms are totally different games from Angry Birds and Crush the Castle. Yes, they use physics. So do a million other games. Yes, you shoot things, just like a hundred million other games. But Westy's right. Angry Birds and Crush the Castle are set up in almost exactly the same way. Total ripoff. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Toddler Flips Out Over Angry Birds

Toddler Flips Out Over Angry Birds

Kim: Youngest Person To Have Gender Reassignment Surgery

VoodooV says...

>> ^hpqp:

Did you watch the video? She knew who she was since very early childhood. I agree that gender reassignment surgery should definitely not be done on a whim, but such was not the case here, nor is it even possible, considering all the medical and legal procedures one must go through before getting it.

What part of "very early childhood" do you not understand? You don't just accept stuff like that because a kid tells you so. They're kids, the vast majority don't know shit, especially about sexuality.

Again, I'm not saying every kid is the same, I'm just saying its extremely dangerous to make such an expensive and permanent decision just because a kid one day says they don't like their gender.

And my question went unanswered. Do we subsidize gender-reassignment surgery for poor kids who are "really sure" they're not in the right gender if it's that traumatic? If not, then tough luck, guess only rich people get to be in the right gender.

Why are we accepting at face value what these kids say about their sexuality when they're not even hitting puberty? It's ridiculous. I'm not against the surgery, I'm just against these families that apparently let the kids do the decision making.

MSNBC Analyses Police Assault On "Occupy Wall St." Protester

messenger says...

Some police forces now do extensive psychological profiling before hiring to eliminate exactly this kind of person. The problem is that almost everyone starts out normal, but after a few years on the job, they see the world differently. They become psychologically damaged by the job. They divide the world into "Police" and "others", and cease to see people as people, but as criminals. This division creates all sorts of hostility and misunderstanding, which combined with their incredible legal powers, results again and again in what you see here. If police could just admit that it's a severely traumatic job psychologically and accept help, the world would be a much better place.>> ^Fletch:

I didn't need any more reasons to hate cops. They are nothing but militarized, above-the-law goons nowadays. They are under-trained, shoot/tase/spray-first, hyper-testosteroned thugs whose primary purpose is to raise revenue for the city/county/state they work for. Police forces everywhere are rife with power-trip blowhards who simply can't function without a daily dose of "yes sir", "no sir", "anything you say sir". People who desire to become cops are often the very people who shouldn't be allowed to become cops because their reasons have little to do with "public service", and more to do with desiring power and longing for the respect they couldn't earn as a civilian.
Remember when a college degree was required to become a cop? They'll take anybody nowadays, as long as they can write tickets. They are nothing but paid witnesses, and absolutely worthless when it comes to "protect and serve".
O'Donnell is spot on.

(good book, btw)

18 Weeks in Jail for Internet Troll

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Mentally ill people don't often can't pull themselves out of it without medication or something really traumatic/intense happening to getting beaten bad enough that it requires some recovery time to where they can directly associate what they do to getting their ass kicked thoroughly.

I agree with you except for one word choice.

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