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2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

We have already established your experience differs from this in that there was no impact causing the roll.

citation for maximum/force time being a primary factor in vehicular CSI .

You're also making the assumption that the roll doesn't send you roof first into oncoming traffic, telephone pole, tree, parked car, building or whatever.

We saw a rollover on here recently that was the result of a pit maneuver where the driver died. Guess that wasn't an easy flop for him.

newtboy said:

*personal experience crashing/rolling...too much of it

I'm no doctor, but I've been in dozens of what normal people would call wrecks/accidents thanks to off road, and multiple rolls. The lateral (to the side) forces in a roll were never close to direct impact forces...not in the same ballpark. It's all about maximum force/time. Rolls are nearly always comparatively slow, drawn out rotational acceleration, crashes are quick, near instantaneous. That makes an enormous difference. Rolling at 50mph, you might get hurt. Hitting a wall at 50mph, you're lucky if you survive.
Rolling looks scary until you've done it. Dead stop crashing is scary.

Edit: I once watched a truck roll 10 times at 100mph + through a fence...driver walked away and raced later that day. That speed into a boulder, he would be dead, no question.

Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

cloudballoon says...

Well, the video already mentioned the cost of getting traffic lights as well as laying down miles (or Kilometres) of electric cables, so this is a rural area (otherwise a city/town would've certainly found the money to do it)... installing traffic cams will need to lay those same cables.

They could do a roundabout maybe? UK & EU are fond of those...

00Scud00 said:

In general I'm opposed to using traffic cams to ticket people who don't stop at lights or intersections, but I think I'd allow it in this instance.

Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

School resource officer threatens to shoot student leaving

newtboy says...

They threatened to shoot him if he tried to leave school. He has every right to defend himself, and zero obligation to remain after such threats to his safety. They're lucky he didn't just duck behind the dash and hit the gas, using the excuse he feared for his safety after an armed man blocked his exit and threatened to shoot him if he drove away.
Standing in traffic, blocking his vehicle to detain him as they did is illegal too. Any decent lawyer would have both their jobs. School administrators aren't police, school resource officers aren't police. Detaining someone by physically blocking their exit with a threat of deadly violence is called kidnapping.
The proper action would be to simply suspend him, but allow him to leave, not go on a power trip and commit crimes. I feel like these administrators are going to have a problem in the near future.

How Mumbai Police Stop Drivers Honking at Red Lights

mxxcon says...

Ya...I don't see this effort being too successful because they will eventually just start ignoring traffic lights

but holy crap do indians love to honk..

lucky760 said:

This is a great idea... but how about results?

Did people eventually stop honking???

Such a disappointing end to the video!

I was on the edge of my seat... and they LEFT me there. Boo!

Trolling Teslas autopilot systems

mxxcon says...

Actually I've always been worried about rogue attacks like that. Some asshole would project something to confuse self-driving system and would cause either an accident or a traffic jam..
There should be a law where it would make these kind of attacks equivalent to attack with a deadly weapon.

Woman suffers accident after discussing scooter regulations

Sagemind says...

This is why Motorized Vehicles should use the bike lanes, and not the sidewalks and crosswalks. They are too fast and will cause accidents mixed in with slower pedestrian traffic.

Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy

moonsammy says...

...Maybe? It would absolutely annihilate at something like chess, or Go. I have a hard time imaging a good use case for having it actually run a video game, but I'm guessing few people working on early traditional computers could've envisioned any of the delightful diversions we now take as a given. Probably when I'm 80 kids will be playing quantum Minecraft in a layered omniverse of worlds, where removing a block in one world has consequences in nearby dimensions, with chaos theory realistically modeled and incorporated.

Some complex tasks a QC would absolutely rock at however. Feed it a long list of employees, hours of availability, and coverage requirements, and it should spit out a 100% optimum schedule immediately. Air traffic controllers (particularly at large hub airports) would likely find it helpful in coordinating flight plans. Logistics for manufacturing, shipping, etc. The downside is that encryption will likely be utterly fucked for a while, as a quantum computer with a sufficient number of qubits could try all possible options at once. So it'll be interesting, but we're still 10+ years from any sort of commercial products, and they'll be like the computers of the 60s: huge and expensive, big iron for custom purposes. Or at least that's my semi-informed guess, I ain't no technoprophet.

Someone who really wants to get involved in bleeding-edge tech would do well to dive into this field. Writing the algorithms needed to run a task on a QC requires a completely different mindset than programming a traditional computer. I don't think people with years of experience with current programming methodologies would adapt well. At best they'd be nearly starting from scratch, at worst they'd have to work to un-learn what they already know.

vil said:

Thank you sir.

So it may not run Crysis but it will definitely improve the SimCity experience!

Next generation vertical lift Bell V 280 Valor

SFOGuy says...

lol; well, yes.
Actually, as a civilian, for short trips in bad traffic areas (yes, I know that light rail and mass transit would be better)---I would try this out.

And---for Air Ambulances (yes, mixed evidence on efficacy) and Military MediEvac---farther, faster, safer with more load?

surfingyt said:

Not having the fleet is even cheaper.

Tailgater Climbs The Ladder Of Success

AeroMechanical says...

I see a lot of fail to go around in this video. Naturally, the biggest failure is on the part of the driver who failed to secure their cargo. that is grievous and inexcusable negligence (assuming it wasn't the result of freak equipment failure like a strap breaking).

I don't like all the cars swerving out of their lane to avoid the ladder. Can't really say for certain from the video how aware they were of surrounding traffic and distances involved, but that is usually the wrong response. Better to come to a complete stop in your lane if you have to. I'm pretty sure the tailgater wasn't aware of that pickup coming up on his left.

And of course the guy not leaving enough space when he had plenty of alternatives available. That guy and his like-minded buddies are the primary reason 40% of my commutes over the last two weeks have been an hour and a half instead of the 20 minutes they should be.

I think it must be the heat or something, but way too many people have been driving foolishly or like they're defending their position lately.

At least two second intervals. Let other drivers merge. Use the accelerator on the on ramp--you should be going the speed limit by the time you have to merge with traffic. We'd all get home quicker that way.

Ah, that's better. Thank you Videosift for the therapy session.

Why were there missing rungs on the Lunar Lander’s Ladder?

BSR says...

Neil Armstrong's last words on the moon. "Good luck Mr. Gorsky"

It seems when Apollo Mission Astronaut, Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous "One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind" statement, but followed it by several remarks - usual com traffic between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control.

Before he reentered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark, "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut, however, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian nor American space programs.

Over the years many people have questioned him as to what the "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" statement meant. A few months ago, (July 5th, 1995, Tampa Bay FL) while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. He finally responded. It seems that Mr. Gorsky had finally died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.

When he was a kid, he was playing baseball with his brother in the backyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of his neighbors' bedroom window. His neighbors were Mr and Mrs. Gorksy. As he leaned down to pick it up, he heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. "Oral sex, oral sex you want? You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

Florida Cop Plants Drugs At Over 120 Traffic Stops in 1 Year

Mauru says...

From what I have been told many of the smaller county's budgets are directly tied to arrest and conviction statistics.

This creates a multitude of problems.
Officers literally have to score X convictions or their buddy might "loose his job".
Similarily, the only way out of traffic duty up the career ladder might be a high conviction rate.
The sick thing is that this just the tip of the iceberg. AFAIK departments have been doctoring their statistics for so long it has widely become accepted that you literally go "fishing" once the next review period comes up (usually its more like speeding/broken tail lights, etc) and is widely viewed as common practice.
However after 9/11 a lot of departments have inflated their expenses with more equipment/personel (go look how many redneck county police deparments have their own Special Tactics Squads...) - combine that with poor budgeting and you can see where this goes...
Not all the blame can be put on the police though - a lot of it comes down to the way the review process works (i.e. convictions vs crimes prevented - go figure which is the easier statistic to use/present).
This problem really isn't new unfortunately.

Magicpants said:

What's his motive? Did he do this just so he would get credit for a bunch of drug busts?

newtboy (Member Profile)

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