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Henry Rollins' Letter to a Young American

Henry Rollins' Letter to a Young American

Men In Black 3 - Trailer 2

Men In Black 3 - Trailer 2

What are you reading now? (Books Talk Post)

Hiking the Chilcotin

lucky760 says...

>> ^oritteropo:

It didn't, I think @lucky760 fiddled with the apparent submit times as a fiddle to help avoid weirdness from the SOPA shutdown. For instance, a video submitted right on the time had no submit time at all until the lights came back on, and then everything in the queue showed incorrect submit times. It still did weird things to videos promoted just prior to the blackout, but I think that only affected the two I promoted so it's not a big deal (it's not far to the deadpool mines, is it?).
>> ^geo321:
That's weird. Why did this video go to the pq half a day early?

We gave all queued and Top 15 videos an extra 12 hours to compensate for the SOPA/PIPA downage. Time travel always has unintended side effects. This is why you must be careful not to cause a paradox.

Great Scott.

Obama worse than Bush

Yogi says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^Yogi:
>> I presume so, and would then ask, what step do you believe in each generation should have been taken to make the bad situation better instead of making it worse?

Not support Saddam Hussein and his gassing of his own people as well as a brutal 8 year war with Iran? One of the many reasons Iran hates us with very good reason by the way.

That's what I thought.
For the rest of us mere mortals who lack the ability to solve problems by using time travel, what should be done to make the situations better instead of worse?

OH you mean what could OBAMA Do. I don't know because I'm not an expert on Foreign relations. You'll have to read more Chomsky I guess.

Obama worse than Bush

bcglorf says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> I presume so, and would then ask, what step do you believe in each generation should have been taken to make the bad situation better instead of making it worse?

Not support Saddam Hussein and his gassing of his own people as well as a brutal 8 year war with Iran? One of the many reasons Iran hates us with very good reason by the way.

That's what I thought.

For the rest of us mere mortals who lack the ability to solve problems by using time travel, what should be done to make the situations better instead of worse?

Animals Being Hypnotised

Animals Being Hypnotised

Stu says...

That's why I asked if they go poof. I can't find it anywhere but I know I saw it. Maybe it's deja vu, or maybe I'm a time traveler with partial amnesia. >> ^Barseps:

>> ^Stu:
do videos disappear from here after a while? I remember seeing this a while ago.

Please share the link & I'll "Isdupe" it.

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

QI - "Nothing in the Laws of Physics Forbids Time Travel"

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^soulmonarch:
... the same cannot be said of time travelers. (i.e. If it was possible, we would have already met them, etc.)

Assuming our species survives long enough to develop it, which is improbable, imho. If you believe that the development of time travel is inevitable (if it is possible), then the lack of visitors from the future may simply mean we are doomed, at least in this plane of the brane.
The Fermi Paradox doesn't disprove anything, nor was it meant to.

I kind of like the sci-fi idea that we make a time machine in some distant future. The time travel event works, but also collapses to universe down to a singularity. Time time travel event works, however, and sends our time traveler back to the original singularity causing a massive disturbance, which causes the singularity to erupt. The end of time causing the start of time, to end all over again. All this completely consistent with the current understanding of general relativity.

QI - "Nothing in the Laws of Physics Forbids Time Travel"

Fletch says...

>> ^soulmonarch:

... the same cannot be said of time travelers. (i.e. If it was possible, we would have already met them, etc.)

Assuming our species survives long enough to develop it, which is improbable, imho. If you believe that the development of time travel is inevitable (if it is possible), then the lack of visitors from the future may simply mean we are doomed, at least in this plane of the brane.

The Fermi Paradox doesn't disprove anything, nor was it meant to.

QI - "Nothing in the Laws of Physics Forbids Time Travel"

soulmonarch says...

I'm with Fermi.

Interestingly, the Fermi Paradox does a better job at disproving time travel than it does extraterrestrial civilization. Where you can argue that all the ETs just haven't developed space travel sufficient to the task or simply have not stumbled across us yet, the same cannot be said of time travelers. (i.e. If it was possible, we would have already met them, etc.)

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