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Looper - International Trailer

Grimm says...

The problem I have with this is the idea that the mob in the future is going to use "time travel" which is illegal to kill people. There's gotta be 1,000 easier ways to get rid of a body other then time travel.

Arizona Artist Ordered to "Lighten" Faces on School Mural

VoodooV says...

This is where I really want time travel so we can find out without question what would happen if the kid was painted as caucasian and see if they still call it tacky.

racist or no...what a stupid thing to protest. There's lots of art that I either don't get or I don't find pleasing...tough with it. There are bigger issues in life.

Awesome Lego Star Wars Hologram

How Tupac's Coachella concert was done

Awesome Lego Star Wars Hologram

Fact or Friction

Trancecoach says...

Not all of the studies and census statistics are as clear cut as Rachel makes it seem in this clip. For one thing, statistically speaking, more men are willing (or are socially coerced) to work in particular kinds of jobs that women are not (such as physically riskier jobs, longer commutes, more frequent travel, longer hours, for example) than are women. This is likely due to the the implicit societal norms which consider men's "value" or "worth" as being based on their income. By contrast, women's worth or value is based less on their income and they are therefore more willing (or socially allowed) to work in jobs that have a greater range of flexibility in terms of experience, time, and physical impact.

The question we should be asking is what is lost by the income disparity? If the society is complicit in a gender bias as evidenced by an income disparity, it is just as complicit in the social pressures that are imposed on what is valued on the basis of gender and why.

The confrontation with misandry is a third rail, politically speaking, but, the myth of male power only serves to further propagate both the misogyny and the misandry that are both rampant throughout the society.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Men also have more expenses, more liability in divorces, more financial responsibilities, less free time, and more time away from home.

Kinda weird to see you taking up the contrary side of the argument. Having "expenses" and "financial responsibilities" are functions of lifestyle choices, not something intrinsic to your gender. Likewise, having less free time or more time traveling are functions of your job, not your gender. Having more liability in divorces is a result of the man having the higher income, not because men are being discriminated against as a group.
In any case, none of that justifies paying a women less than a man for an equivalent quantity & quality of work, which studies show is what's happening.

Fact or Friction

NetRunner says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

Men also have more expenses, more liability in divorces, more financial responsibilities, less free time, and more time away from home.

Kinda weird to see you taking up the contrary side of the argument. Having "expenses" and "financial responsibilities" are functions of lifestyle choices, not something intrinsic to your gender. Likewise, having less free time or more time traveling are functions of your job, not your gender. Having more liability in divorces is a result of the man having the higher income, not because men are being discriminated against as a group.

In any case, none of that justifies paying a women less than a man for an equivalent quantity & quality of work, which studies show is what's happening.

Japanese mini burger meal kit - wtf? And I mean MINI

Stephen Hawking - Time Traveller's Party

Presidents Reagan and Obama support Buffett Rule

VoodooV says...

>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
Now if I could just get my relatives to watch this.

It doesn't matter. I showed this to some people I know are conservative and they've all had the same reaction.
I can't understand why people wouldnt' want to just change everything back tax wise to how it was under the Clinton Administration. The economy WORKED back then you know?
It's like, if I'm wearing a size 9 shoe, and then I switch to a size 8 because they didn't have any size 9's and this shoe is REALLY AWESOME so I'm going to try it! After about a year I'm going to be in agony I'd just go back to only buying size 9!
Why does everyone (conservative) want to re-invent the whole wheel?

We've reached that level of divisiveness and partisanship that it doesn't matter how good things were under Clinton, there is always going to be a large amount of mental gymnastics and false rationalization for some people that will allow them to be "convinced" that things were really quite horrible under his administration.

We're already seeing it now. The only way the republicans are going to get the white house is if they convince enough people of the doom and gloom. It doesn't matter how much good he does. He could single handedly bring down North Korea and Iran and the right will still try to argue that he's the worst president ever. All throughout Bush's presidency, all we heard about was Bin Laden this, Bin Laden that. A Democrat Administration gets him, and the first thing we hear is "pshaw....we don't care about him. He's not important." It's completely insane.

We could have time travel and actually witness Obama being born in Hawaii and it just won't matter, the birthers will still find some "rationalization" of their shit.

Speaking of which, I see that the latest "proof" that the birth certificate is fake hasn't gained any traction.

Hell, we had a sift here recently about a group of people who still think the world is flat and it's all just a huge conspiracy that the world is round. It's fucking 2012 and we have people who think the world is flat.

Part of it is the media's fault, they continue to insist that almost every issue could go either way. so that they can sell the conflict and turn it into ratings. It's one thing to have people who honestly believe that Obama wasn't born here, but it's quite another to have a media that gives them legitimacy for the sake of ratings.

The point is, we really gotta stop worrying about the fringe thinks. We live in a era of where we apparently don't care about what the majority wants anymore. We seem to only pay attention to the vocal minorities. Over half the US is ok with Gay Marriage, but yet it's still this wedge issue, 60-some percent were in favor of Medicare for all...yet we still can't make it happen. Most people ARE in favor of higher taxes for the rich...yet it still hasn't materialized yet. Most people have no problem getting along and living and working with people of other ethnicity, yet we still seem to live in a world where race is still an issue. All because we still continue to pay more attention to what the fringes thing than the majority.



Bill Maher On George Zimmerman: He's a BIG FUCKING LIAR!

VoodooV says...

The justice system is in need of overhaul. Bill Maher spoke about this a month or two ago. The current justice system doesn't determine what The Truth is. It determines who the best arguers are. It also rewards those who spend the most money, just like our elections.

The problem is, aside from excising money from the justice system, we don't really have a better way of determining justice. There is always going to be someone who "gets away with murder" and there are always going to be someone who gets sent to prison or put to death for a crime they didn't commit.

Welcome to the real world, where there are no guarantees. Until we come up with a better system, we are dependent on people doing their due diligence and we are depending on people to have integrity, but it just doesn't always happen. All you can do is to do your best. It's part of being human.

It's just going to be that way until we figure out a way to read people's memories to see what they really witnessed to find out if they're lying or not. or we learn how to time travel and go back and observe what really happened. or some other sci fi way of determining true or false.

TED: The missing link to renewable energy

GeeSussFreeK says...

AH HA! I did find a mistake. The data I pulled was for all of Texas, not just Austin (I didn't think it sounded right, 66 gigawatts is high even for a time traveling Delorean). We used closer to 2.7 gigawatts. Even so, as Texas manages its own grid, the original number would most likely still be relevant, though, you could diffuse that across the state among all your power distribution centers. Your still only talking about an hour of power at the theoretical level, and that isn't great when you consider the volatility factor of renewables. But I digress.

Doctor Who and Van Gogh Museum Scene

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Doctor Who, Vincent Van Gogh, Art, time travel' to 'Doctor Who, Vincent Van Gogh, Art, time travel, vincent and the doctor' - edited by xxovercastxx

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