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How Time Travel Works


Apple iPhone Users Are Easily Duped

rottenseed says...

hahaha what if they were all time travelers from the past. OH MY GOD!!! WITCHCRAFT!!!>> ^ChaosEngine:

Utter bullshit on so many levels. Do any of these people have an existing iPhone to compare it with? And they found 10 dumb people on the streets? What an achievement.
FFS people, it's a phone. Get over it. Some people like them, some don't.

Grand Theft Auto IV: Hill Valley - [Back to the Future Mod]

ObsidianStorm says...

Ok. I LOVE this.

Would be REALLY cool if when you 'time traveled' the environment would actually change, that is, you're suddenly driving on a dirt road with horse and buggy traffic or to a future populated with flying cars.

DeLorean Hovercraft Spotted at Baseball Game

the time travelers-1964 sci-fi -full feature film

Handcuffed Man Shot, Killed Himself In Cop Car? -- TYT

ponceleon says...

Seriously though, I'm with Sofaking on this one. It isn't like he was strapped to a bed with his hands at either side. We'd have to see the range of motion that was possible in this particular situation to determine whether or not it was "impossible."

This is a very very unusual case, but one of the most compelling things about it is the fact that they left him handcuffed. It just doesn't make sense. If they were going to claim he did it, they could have easily uncuffed him after shooting him and then said he never had the cuffs on. It just doesn't make sense.

Yes, it sounds amazingly suspicious, but I feel like a lot of people who didn't see the specifics are taking the media's word for the exact details when we really don't know how much he could move his hands.

Let's get specific: Put your hands behind your back. Assume you have a gun right in the small of your back. You can easily reach it if you have about six inches of movement and maneuver it around.

Here's yet another scenario... the guy gets his gun from behind his back and makes an attempt at shooting the chain between the cuffs and accidentally shoots himself in the head as he leans over to try to see if he's got the chain in the right place. See? No suicide, no motive for the cops, just a kid trying to get out of the cuffs with the gun he has.

Or it could be the time-traveler.

just sayin'

Handcuffed Man Shot, Killed Himself In Cop Car? -- TYT

ponceleon says...

Clearly the work of a time-traveler who phased in shot the guy and phased out. I'm guessing that the guy was going to be the father of someone down the line who would fight in the resistance or something.

I have my sources...

Chinese 7-up time-travelling commercial is a bit WTF

zor says...

Very funny stuff. It is poking fun at the popular fantasy literature and media in china that romanticizes china's ancient past. A lot of people are really into that and like to have time travel or alternate reality fantasies. Living in China sucks balls sometimes so they need an escape.

Deano (Member Profile)

Chinese 7-up time-travelling commercial is a bit WTF

Chinese 7-up time-travelling commercial is a bit WTF

Chinese 7-up time-travelling commercial is a bit WTF

Chinese 7-up time-travelling commercial is a bit WTF

Will Smith - Men In Black OST

budzos says...

Saw MIB3 this weekend on impulse. It was okay, wouldn't necessarily recommend it unless you want a seriously breezy and disposable movie. Definitely better than the 2nd one, which is not hard to do. If they make another one they need to open up the scale a bit. This movie's budget (admittedly with marketing) is reported at $250 million. That is insane. There are only two real money sequences: a chase to end act 2 that looks like the Obi-Wan and Darth Grievous chase in episode III, and the climax which takes place at the launch of the moon mission at Cape Canaveral in 1969 and looks a lot like Apollo 13.

This movie has some really dumb and small-scale choices. Smith's character is equipped with a device that requires him to plunge from a height in order to gain enough speed to "time-jump". The movie climaxes with Smith literally standing on top of the saturn rocket lifting off for the first manned moon landing. You'd think they'd have a money shot with Smith jumping off the rocket as it lifts off. Those things went pretty slow to start, you could survive the first 30 seconds it takes to get up to any kind of speed, and then jump off for an awesome looking stunt. Or, hell, if I were writing the movie, have him just stay on the rocket until it reaches the necessary ascent speed (something like 100 MPH or some shit.. I remember thinking it didn't sound far from 88MPH), which wouldn't take long after the rockets fire. Then Smith is transported into the future thousands of feet in the air and you have a post-climax gag where he's falling apparently to his death only to have Jones' character sweep in at the last second and save him in a flying car or flying alien bubble pod more likely. Smith's character would be like "How in DA HELL you know I was gonna falling through the air over Florida man!?!?" and Jones' character would put up the video feed that only MIB had access to of Smith riding the rocket and disappearing from 1969's POV. "We had a lot of eyes on that mission" or some shit. Do I have to write this crap for you Hollywood? It flies out of my butthole effortlessly. Instead Smith's character jumps into an evacuation basket and rides it down a zip-line... and this is not even filmed in an interesting way. A whole lot of this movie looked sort of non-commital, like 2nd unit did the whole thing.

They added a "poignant twist" to the time travel aspect which is the same problem with so many movie series these days... Star Wars, Star Trek, Spider-Man.. in a sequel, everything is revealed to have been previously connected.. connected from the start in fact! Oh yawn... more than 30 years later people are still trying to re-create the "I am your father" buzz from Empire Strikes Back. Always at the expense of cheapening the overall franchise and sapping meaning from the actions the characters took in preceeding films. What's worse, they layered on some spiritual/karmic hokum to support another cliche forced by executive interference.

It's crazy to think the first movie turns 15 years old this year. I thought it would be an eternal classic, but the last time I watched it, which might actually have been when MIB2 was coming out a whole ten years ago, it did not hold up.

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