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Sears takes inventors idea all the way to China

rottenseed says...

Sweden. I'd have the Swedes put together my widgets. It's not cost effective, but I'd like to knock them down a peg.>> ^bobknight33:

It appears that SEARS ripped off this dudes idea.
As a side question:
If you were a CEO of a company and had to decide where to make your widget where would you make it? In the USA or China?

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's incredible goal against England

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's incredible goal against England

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

bmacs27 says...

>> ^L0cky:

>> ^bmacs27:
Like Switzerland, right?
>> ^L0cky:
That's not an idealism, that's pretty much most of Europe.

Hence why I said most.

Which is what I figured, however, if you take a look at the noise in the numbers, Switzerland is within noise of Iceland, Germany, Austria, France, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Would you still call it most?

For every enthusiast per capita the US has like this guy, Switzerland has one with half as many guns. Does it really make a difference? Is Europe really that different?

Frankly, I come from the North East. I still feel an attachment to the revolution, and if you think about, it wasn't that long ago. The minutemen weren't paranoid, they were prudent. And they were packing cannon, the nuclear arms of their day. While I think it's worth carefully considering where lines are drawn, e.g. "small" arms, I think most criticism of gun ownership is alarmist, and heavily influenced by confirmation bias and sensationalist media. Sure they're dangerous. But so are lots of things. Accepting a dangerous world is the cost of living in a free society.

I'm sympathetic to the view that "well regulated militias" should probably keep large stores of arms away from their residences, and certainly children. However, we have no strong evidence this guy has kids around. I guess we can quibble about fire, however there is not particularly much in the way of ammunition present. Remember, guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. Personally, I suspect this guy is a gun salesman. That would explain the quantity of guns, and the relative lack of ammunition. Further, it would explain the youtube video that appears to be an advertisement for a gun cabinet. I don't begrudge this guy his vocation.

Deformation of Tires in Slow Motion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tires, deformation, slow motion, sweden' to 'tires, deformation, slow motion, sweden, drag racing, slicks' - edited by xxovercastxx

TYT - Julian Assange is Now 'Enemy Of State'

Romney bragging about Bain Capital days and factory in China

alien_concept says...

>> ^swedishfriend:

Interesting tidbit: I recently was given a bag of the candy called Rollos bought at a local Target store. It was made in England. It had real sugar, real cocoa, but didn't cost any more per ounce than candy made in the USA that use cheaper ingredients, cheaper labor and doesn't have to be imported from Europe. I am sure Cadbury in England still makes a good profit on these bags that are imported into the USA so why the shitty wages and cheap ingredients here in the USA? I say this points to a difference in morality of corporations here in the US vs those in Europe. It isn't black and white of course but there is obviously some difference on a gradient.
This is the same for Swedish candy I bought at Ikea. Less or the same cost per ounce as Mars or Hershey chocolate even though labor and ingredients are more expensive in Sweden plus the product has to be imported (IKEA also adds 30-50% of profit on these chocolate bars, not sure how much my local Target or grocery store adds to their cost). What is sold as premium candy here is the quality of regular candy in Sweden. Why?
Greed at the cost of your customers is never a good idea for long term health of your company so I guess people at the top of these corporations are more greedy than smart. Not the kind of person that should be in charge of thousands of people's livelihoods.
Also interesting that a culture that is so hot for religion is less moral than a culture where churches are near empty. Makes sense to me. Organizations relying on getting people to stop thinking critically cannot be good for promoting morality after all.

Rolos are made by Nestle, just FYI. A global and far richer company than Cadbury's. But I'm positive your point still stands!

Romney bragging about Bain Capital days and factory in China

swedishfriend says...

Interesting tidbit: I recently was given a bag of the candy called Rollos bought at a local Target store. It was made in England. It had real sugar, real cocoa, but didn't cost any more per ounce than candy made in the USA that use cheaper ingredients, cheaper labor and doesn't have to be imported from Europe. I am sure Cadbury in England still makes a good profit on these bags that are imported into the USA so why the shitty wages and cheap ingredients here in the USA? I say this points to a difference in morality of corporations here in the US vs those in Europe. It isn't black and white of course but there is obviously some difference on a gradient.

This is the same for Swedish candy I bought at Ikea. Less or the same cost per ounce as Mars or Hershey chocolate even though labor and ingredients are more expensive in Sweden plus the product has to be imported (IKEA also adds 30-50% of profit on these chocolate bars, not sure how much my local Target or grocery store adds to their cost). What is sold as premium candy here is the quality of regular candy in Sweden. Why?

Greed at the cost of your customers is never a good idea for long term health of your company so I guess people at the top of these corporations are more greedy than smart. Not the kind of person that should be in charge of thousands of people's livelihoods.

Also interesting that a culture that is so hot for religion is less moral than a culture where churches are near empty. Makes sense to me. Organizations relying on getting people to stop thinking critically cannot be good for promoting morality after all.

Obama: Don't Boo, VOTE

shagen454 says...

Wow that butt can move. First of all, Greece is not a socialist state second of all you must know nothing about Sweden or Norway or, or, or? And then compare that to this corrupt oligarchical shit we have along with the most corrupt media in the world. Yes, we are missing out on real ideals.

>> ^Mashiki:

>> ^shagen454:
Lets get it over with so we can start the socialist revolution for real truth and justice in the world.
Yeah that socialist revolution is working pretty well in Europe. So how's greece today anyway? Oh and how far are you willing to go? Your avatar seems rather succinct, going to give the o'l college try and just dive into communism while we're at it? Ah what's another 150-250m dead anyway.
Pft. Real justice. Okay there, I'm constantly reminded that the sift is full of people who believe that their ideals are full of "reality" until they come into contact with just how cold and realistic the world really is once they're in it.

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

swedishfriend says...

Weirdly, Sweden should be the safest place for him. The problem is not with the laws in Sweden (Assange would be protected from US prosecution) the problem is with certain people in the Swedish government and judicial system being pushed by and / or bought by US interests. This has been a problem lately and has pissed off the population so I don't know if it would still happen.

Put it this way, a few years ago US interests got The Pirate Bay "founders" found guilty of stuff that wasn't even against the laws in Sweden but today is hosted on the Swedish parliament's servers by the Swedish Pirate Party who are now in the Swedish parliament. I guess I can see why Assange would be worried because of Sweden's track record of a few years back. I would hope that something as big as Assange being given over to the Americans couldn't happen precisely because of the reaction to those past few years.

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

iaui says...

The thing is if he surrendered and was extradited to Sweden at any point when he is on Swedish territory the US can demand he be extradited to the US because Sweden and the US have an treaty. Assange would never face trial and would be brought to the US for indefinite containment.

Why I Support Julian Assange (Politics Talk Post)

Deano says...

While I'm sure he's got plenty to fear from the U.S there is the issue of the allegations from the two women in Sweden.

Here's an interesting piece, updated to the 16/8/12 from a legal perspective. The final line might give you a taste of the contents;

[edit, here's the link!]

" If the Americans, the Swedes and the British are engaged in a sinister plot to deny him his rights, by subverting proper legal processes, then the founder of Wikileaks has a duty to tell us, in detail, what is going on and what is being done in our name."

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

thumpa28 says...

And you sound like his mother. You want him to get away with his crimes because what? He happened to run a company that released something someone else stole? That make sexual assault ok in your book?

Theres been no acting outside the law, except by Assange with the assault, breaking bail, fleeing justice etc. so i really dont see what breaking tradition youre complaining about.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^thumpa28:
Why should the swedish government do anything more than stick to the extradition process? When has it become a part of the extradition process that the person being extradited sets out the terms of his extradition?
'but Assange is special!'
No, no he isnt, hes just another criminal in hiding. The fact he says he is and that you seriously think that it should affect whether or not he is brought to justice, makes me glad that we have in this country an independent judiciary who rely on more than the latest daily mail opinion for their decision making process.

You're absolutely right. They should stick to the process.
And when Ecuador decides that julian assange's application for asylum is valid and they want to honour it, we should respect that process too. To do anything else would be hypocritical, correct?
If sweden want assange so much, or if america want him so much; let them break diplomatic tradition. Why us? We probably invented half of the traditions for christ sake (i assume diplomacy was established in or before colonial times), if we can't stick to them then who will?
To me it sounds like you simply want assange's blood. Nothing you've said on this topic has made me think you're genuinely after justice. You sound like he's stolen money off you.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dannym3141 says...

>> ^thumpa28:

Why should the swedish government do anything more than stick to the extradition process? When has it become a part of the extradition process that the person being extradited sets out the terms of his extradition?
'but Assange is special!'
No, no he isnt, hes just another criminal in hiding. The fact he says he is and that you seriously think that it should affect whether or not he is brought to justice, makes me glad that we have in this country an independent judiciary who rely on more than the latest daily mail opinion for their decision making process.

You're absolutely right. They should stick to the process.

And when Ecuador decides that julian assange's application for asylum is valid and they want to honour it, we should respect that process too. To do anything else would be hypocritical, correct?

If sweden want assange so much, or if america want him so much; let them break diplomatic tradition. Why us? We probably invented half of the traditions for christ sake (i assume diplomacy was established in or before colonial times), if we can't stick to them then who will?

To me it sounds like you simply want assange's blood. Nothing you've said on this topic has made me think you're genuinely after justice. You sound like he's stolen money off you.

messenger (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Yes and i just want us to keep to ourselves for a while. This doesn't concern us. If ecuador have seen fit to grant him asylum for protection from the swedish or american government, then we should respect their choice and allow him to leave britain. Anything else is just utterly wrong, and an insult to many hundreds of years of british tradition. It's between them and sweden (and potentially america), not us.

If the olympics has told me anything it's this; why does britain need to change and become more modern at all? Why must this country chase people around the planet in the name of freedom like some psycho vigilante? Because the american government are?

I want us to just be happy with who we are; quaint, friendly, intelligent and skilled. These things will become increasingly useful as time goes by. That's how i propose to fix "broken britain". Focus on our own development.
In reply to this comment by messenger:
Curious: who is "we"? Are you British?>> ^dannym3141:
Sure. Then the south american nations decide that the falklands is no longer british territory either.
Or how about ANY of our embassies ANYWHERE in the world? It'd be extremely uncool and we'd be lucky not to have to suffer consequences for it.
Last time we made an international gesture when opinion was split, we ended up with the fucking iraq war. The fact that we're on the verge of doing someone else's dirty work again so soon makes me feel fucking sick. Just what type of fucking clowns are in charge here?

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