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Low Security Jail In Norway

Velocity5 says...


The reason you didn't know these things is because your thought-leaders intentionally hide information from you

Immigrants were five times more likely to commit sex crimes.[3] A report by the Sweden Democrats published September 2010 and compiled from 114 of 253 court rulings from around the country, stated that 48% of convicted rapists in Sweden in 2009 were born abroad.

May 29, 2013:
Sixth night of violence in Sweden
"In Linköping, central southern Sweden, police responded to 120 incidents as cars, caravans and two schools were set alight. At one point a blazing truck was rolled into a building, which caught fire."

The police are useless:
But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday.

”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.”

Russell Brand on Why The Conservative Government Exist

Snohw says...

I would love renting for the rest of my life.

Properties in Sweden are costly, you will be in debt til the day your grandchildren are in their twenties. Why would I glue myself into a stationary estate wich I might not be able to sell on a future date?

Democracy Now! - NSA Targets "All U.S. Citizens"

Democracy Now! - NSA Targets "All U.S. Citizens"

artician says...

Hehe. I've tried moving out of the country several times, but I have been unable to secure a job, which is my primary concern. That said, I've been successfully supporting myself independently for the last 2 years, so if I can sustain, I may be able to finally do it someday.
Thank the gods for the internet.
@chingalera - I'd recommend Costa Rica. They have gulf-side beaches, it's the most stable democracy in central America, the food is amazing, the women are beautiful, and living expenses are wonderfully cheap.
The only caveat for me is that, in the case that global warming continues to push the climates to more extremes, tropical/equatorial regions will not be fun to live in.
Regardless, that's my main draw next to Sweden, Germany or New Zealand, but make no mistake: the rest of the world will slowly follow suit eventually.

Railroad Thermite Welding

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Grandpa goes mad with his scootmobile

Spinning Duck at Fairground Fails / Wins

Screaming in Sweden

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

jimnms says...

@Yogi Way to miss the point. I wasn't comparing cars and guns, I was comparing laws regulating cars and guns. That's all I'm going to say to you. You've already told me in another discussion that you're going to refuse any evidence that doesn't agree with your narrow minded beliefs, so having a discussion with you is pointless.


1) I'm not implying that the US is more violent. I already pointed out that the US has lower violent crime rates than the US and UK despite the higher murder rate.

2) I'd say people in rural areas are most likely own guns for hunting and also self defense as there are no police patrols out in the country.

I also wouldn't blame the availability of guns to criminals on gun enthusiasts. Criminals generally don't legally buy their guns. One way to cut down on illegall gun sales is to charge the sellers as accomplices to the crimes committed with the weapons they sell illegally.

3) Maybe punishment was not the right word I should have chosen. My point is that to cut down on driving fatalities, the laws enacted didn't put any inconveniences on responsible drivers.

Your back of the envelope calculation isn't quite so clear cut. Sam Harris discusses this in his article.

It is also worth noting that relatively gun-free countries are not as peaceful as many think. Here are some recent crime data comparing the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and Sweden. Although the U.S. has a higher rate of homicide, the problem of assaults in these other countries is much worse...

So, while the U.S. has many more murders, the U.K., Australia, and Sweden have much higher levels of assault. One might think that having a few more murders per 100,000 persons each year is still much worse than having many hundreds more assaults. Perhaps it is. (One could also argue, as several readers have, that differences in proportion are all we should care about.) But there should be no doubt that the term “assault” often conceals some extraordinary instances of physical and psychological suffering.

It's possible that the reason the US has lower assault, robbery and rape is that armed citizens are able to defend themselves from such crimes.

I'm seeing a lot of people saying the US should look to the UK and Australia on how to handle gun control. Both UK and Australia already had low murder and violent crime rates at the time of their "bans." After Australia's National Firearms Act and forced gun buyback, homicide fell by 9%, but assault went up 40% and rape went up 20%. In the years before the NFA, homicides had been on a steady decline, and a 2003 study published by the Brookings Institution, found the NFA's impact on homicide was "relatively small."

After the UK's "gun ban" in 1997, gun crime actually increased [1] [2]. Gun crimes in 1997-1998 were 2,648. The Office for National Statistics shows that 5,507 firearm offenses were reported 2011-2012.

4) Yes cars do provide a benefit to society. Their regulation and restrictions are reasonable, and I already said I'm not opposed to any reasonable gun laws. But cars are the leading cause of accidental death each year. There are lots of things that can be done to make cars and drivers safer. Cars could be limited to 70 MPH. The national speed limit on highways is 70 MPH, why do you need a car capable of going faster? Cars can be fitted with a GPS and a "black box" that records your driving activities. Each year when you renew your inspection, the black box data is downloaded and analyzed. If it's discovered you've broken any traffic laws, you will be fined, and if it's determined you aren't a safe driver, your license is revoked. Prohibit personal sales of vehicles between individuals, because you can't know if the person your selling to is a safe driver or if their license is valid (see below about the "gun show exemption"). Sounds crazy, but those aren't nearly as bad as some of the things being proposed for new gun laws.

I doubt any of those would be acceptable to the majority of drivers, but it would make driving safer and save lives.

As for your suggestions "not yet tried."

- We already have rigorous background checks for purchasing firearms. They're done by the FBI's NICS, I don't know how it can be more rigorous.
- There is no "gun show exemption" or "loophole," that is more media buzzword BS. Private sale and transfer of anything (not just firearms) can not regulated by congress. It's another constitutional issue dealing with the regulation of commerce. It is still illegal for a person to sell a firearm to someone that they have reason to believe may not be legally able to own one. This is another issue that I'm not opposed to fixing though. It could be as simple as requiring the transaction to be witnessed by a licensed gun dealer and perform a background check.
- Assault weapons are already restricted. Real assault weapons that is, not what the media and lawmakers keep calling assault weapons. Once again I ask, why such fuss over the weapon type least used in crime? These "assault weapons" are expensive to acquire, and most criminals go for cheap, small caliber, concealable pistols and revolvers. [source] For more on what an assault weapon is and their use in crime, just head on over to this Wikipedia page.
- Restricting ammunition would be something that would effect responsible gun owners and likely have little effect on crime. Responsible gun owners are the ones that buy more ammo, go to gun ranges and practice.

5) You mean the steadily high murder rate that has been steadily declining for over two decades, by 50% since 1992? [source]

Screaming in Sweden

Lykke Li - Tonight

Top 10 Godless Countries (data from 2007) (Religion Talk Post)

Blackbr3 says...

Sweden also has the lowest eternity rate too! Eternity has much more to offer than this world. Christ was always about love. The USA is full of half hearted followers. If we all learned to love as Christ did we wouldn't be having this conversation, we would want others to have what we do! Go and love your neighbors.

The Situation Room: L.A. gun buyback yields rocket launchers

zeoverlord says...

At a recent gun amnesty (which is similar to these gun buybacks) in sweden someone turned in an anti aircraft cannon.

And for the record that AT-4 is not an RPG it's technically a recoilless grenade launcher

All Time 10s - Countries With Longest Life Expectancy

chingalera says...

So where to PP...Monaco?? Best place to meet someone who owns a yacht.

Diet seems to be one of the driving factors behind the indigenous' longevity, notice that they are all near coastlines. The current list according to Wackipedia:
1 Japan
2 Hong Kong
3 Israel
4 Italy
5 Iceland
6 Australia
7 Singapore
8 Spain
9 Sweden
10 Macau

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