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Testing of ion engine module

The greatest movie cell phone PSA ever

Meet Tony, A 25yr Old Backstreet Boys Groupie

westy says...

he is not doing anny harm and i think its good he has found something that makes him happy. it would be alot better if he had a job and was paying for it with his own mony though.

although i dont like backstreet boys if he had a colectoin of starwars memrabilea ore clasic arcade cabinates ore something that was more cultraly acepted as cool then i dont think people would have the same response. the only realy sad thing is he hides it all away in his house. would be far better to have it in a museaum

Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

joedirt says...

Actually, I found this article on all the Lucas acquired technologies. The video above demonstrates the first two the bought, euphoria is Indy Jones dancing around, and DMM is the crap breaking.

And to answer yer question:

IGN: So just to be clear, who specifically is developing this engine? Is it LucasArts internally using the tools provided by its partners, or is it a more collaborative effort that's coming together in smaller pieces to make a larger whole?

Blackman: The engine is being developed internally here at LucasArts by experienced game development engineers. These are guys that have worked on many, many games in the past and guys who have worked on a number of really big titles. What we're doing is bringing in Pixelux's DMM technology and NaturalMotion's euphoria and combining them with a variety of different techniques that ILM uses. We honestly believe that using these technologies will result in better games.

How to Beat Your Children at Video Games

swampgirl says...

Ahhh, here we go. Thanks hon, I haven't had a good rant all day.

I disagree w/ him. I understand the concern, but you can't legislate parenting.
Oddly enough some think it's weird that I'll let my kids play SC 2, StarWars Battlefront, or Halo,but I will not let them watch preteen Disney and Nick shows. I personally hate Disney's material shallow message that it offers kids.
They (speaking of my kids) are not socially impressed or desensitized to real life violence in any way from videogames, because to them they're not real. They never resort to violence to settle disputes.
Instead my kids are easily influenced by the lying and scheming ways of say "Drake and Josh" and other shows of the like and they aren't allow to watch popular "pre-teen" shows.

It's only when you understand your child's temperment, where they are strong and where they can be influenced is where and when you censure. A responsible parent does this.

It's the irresponsible parents out there that stay so busy that they have no time with their children... No time to really know and influence them morally. When their children have a problem or gets into trouble, entertainment media is "to blame". Bullshit.

No, folks like Jack Thompson although well-meaning, just can't think he can have a law passed to change that. [Ok, off soapbox.]

Oh, and Farhad.... I would love to watch my son slay you at Halo

Star Wars Holiday Special - Princess Leia sings

Home-brewed Lightsaber battle filmed on a Bolex film camera.

Battlestar Galactica vs. Star Wars

joedirt says...

The number one rule (well maybe like number 13) is that shields always get weaker when hit with laser beams. Look at StarTrek, StarWars, StarGate, Babylon, etc. So my theory is that enough giant guns would eventually bring down the shields. (Maybe they could slice up Galactica in that time)... Also, StarGate uses rail guns and they whomp the hell out of ships with shields. Technically, I guess Picard could beam out everyone on the bridge of Galactica.

The main, original site with size comparisions is
I found it a long time ago. And trekkie only stuff is here

Hardware Wars (Original 1977 Star Wars Parody) Special Edition Part One

bnsa says...

The Special Edition version includes a few digitally enhanced scenes that also was making fun of Lucas when he decided to digitally enhance the first three starwars films.

Keep in mind when watching this, this movie (and the original special fx) were made in 1977 - Almost 30 years ago!!!

Cool lightsaber Battle

messats says...

Your combat is wonderful, i love your style, your dialogue and the music used !!! What is it ?? I want to search it and use it for an art martial choregrafy with lightsaber !! like you in fact !!! I want you just to say to continued in that way !!!! A french fan of starwars !!!!

Chernobyl - Compilation of the Disaster

lptrp says...

It's all very sad. But, atleast to me, very fascinating. The Soviet Union was big and strong at the cost of its people which in the end couldnt compete with Reagans Starwars.

Im also posting a video with the aftermath of chernobyl's closest town which now is abandoned, scary.

Best home made lightsaber duel ever!

filmaker says...

Dude I was always trying to make starwars movies with my friends, and I had photoshop, but you guys did an awesome job, way better than I have ever done. The sound effects were Amazing, realistic and coordinated. The Digital effects were awesome, and amazingly reactive to each others hits. Good job, I think you should apply at Industrial Light & Magic (Star Wars) digital company.

Awesome job, You guys rock.

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