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Video tag cloud - a quantitative/qualitative research (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

comedy funny music animation 80s commercial rock classic ad live musicvideo tv 70s parody iraq japan dance war cat bush car video science simpsons movie Japanese documentary dog wtf cool 60s cartoon bbc trailer religion cute guitar news art fight amazing song wow history awesome 50s 90s baby beautiful beer british canada cats christmas crash crazy drugs familyguy film fire football french fun game hilarious hiphop horror interview jazz kids love magic mashup movies nature nintendo ouch piano police politics pop prank punk rap robot ronpaul sex short show snl soccer space spoof standup starwars technology water weird

(i.e. without of and the and with ronpaul/starwars/hiphop/musicvideo/familyguy)
in the dada poetry generator

musicvideo Japanese ouch police
funny japan baby crash drugs
weird football dog starwars mashup
funny car trailer guitar beautiful
dance video fun magic
cute art 90s christmas hilarious

animation bbc christmas football show
funny dance simpsons cool kids
classic ad video french prank
70s car song beer hilarious
animation classic british nature show
music movie politics sex show

bush drugs game jazz kids
dance war news fun game
live video bbc fire fun
bush dog cartoon religion crash
70s 60s beautiful piano prank
comedy movie baby christmas love

Pippy, the Jumping Kitty

Star Wars Gangsta Rap




Shepppard says...

Meh..this bit is stolen from SNL technically.

They had a whole bit about Phone sex girls dressed up as hobbits and starwars chicks and everything.. I can't upvote it because i know SNL did it better.

Ladybug- Miniscule

Crawfish vs. Cat!

That damn viral tag again! (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...


a) something that an ordinary person made for fun or personal use and didn't expect would go all around the world, e.g. star wars kid.

b) something that bastard marketeers made in the desperate HOPE that youtube would pay for the distribution of their vile message via clueless users who don't care where something's from as long as it's lol, omg or wtf. e.g. Will It Blend? this is ALWAYS commercial too.

i think maybe you should just put everything in commercial if it is selling something, and put starwars kid in comedy,wtf

DELETE the viral category. it's the only sensible thing to do. dag's point is covered by the commercial tag. noncommercialvirals don't need a viral tag. in a way, anything on VS has already gone viral. will it be hard to find drama king without a viral tag? no.

if you have a problem, the delete key is your friend. otherwise this will come up again and again and again and again.

Chewbacca lives again!

Spoon_Gouge says...

I actually saw a special on the making of starwars and all of the sound effects that go into it and how they were made. Ordinary stuff like tapping on a guy wire, for example, was the sound of lightsabers crashing against one another. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something exactly like this that was the original concept for the "voice".

Womb Wars

Real Life Chris Cunningham Effect

Guy Doing some dare-devil drifting on His Bicycle!

Panorama - Is TV Bad for My Kids ?

swampgirl says...

That's right. Moderation...tons of it. I think Gorillaman mistook me as some Amish wannabe that makes my kids get up at 5 to make soap or something.
We have xbox,wii,ps2,gamecube..they have the DS's even...but they have them maybe at the end of the day, and on weekends. Because there is a world outside to EXPERIENCE instead of vicariously living through tv programs.

Since when does TV show us what the real world is like, Gorillaman? Nothing is honest through the's all prewritten and staged. Even the nature shows do it.

My little 8 year old boy most likely could wipe the floor with your hinders on Halo and StarWars Battlefront, but he can also tell you the story of Beowulf that he learned from a BOOK. They don't adapt classics for children on Nick.

Jar Jar Returns to Visit Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

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