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Bikers and Westboro Baptist Sodomy Temple

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^gorillaman:
I've never seen a single piece of evidence to suggest porn might be bad for children. It's rare for anyone to even specify the kind of damage they believe it would do. All of my experiences with pornography, childhood and otherwise, have been entirely positive and as far as I can tell so have everybody else's.

Really? You haven't even bothered to look into anything have you. An example of the severe harm it can cause can be read here

Melbourne , 1991: a 6-year-old girl met a 10-year-old boy after school and was by him led - without coercion or violence - to “the back of a vacant flat”. She later explained to police that the boy had “rooted” her, inserted his “dick” into her mouth, and then sodomized her. The boy did not contest her account. Police gave evidence that in his home were “about 50 pornographic magazines”. (An education comes in many guises.) The Crown Prosecutor commented: “Each of the sexual acts the boy inflicted on his tiny victim were graphically depicted in close-up color ... in those magazines.”

Seeing porn at an early age would educate children about their bodies and their function; if the child is old enough to feel sexual desire it would identify and perhaps relieve that urge; and by providing explicit knowledge of sex at an early age it might immunise the child against some of the bullshit with which our society has surrounded that simple act. Your concerns for the child's safety are misguided - it's always safer to be enlightened than ignorant.

Absolute bullshit. Bullshit in the highest order. PORN will do none of these things, porn is created to arouse and excite adults, it confuses and harms children. You can have a very healthy view on nudity and children, I have showers with my kids quite a lot (they love to come in while I'm having one), there's no stigma on nudity in our house AT ALL. Nudity and knowledge and interest in our bodies is one thing, having them see people go at it in hardcore sex is something completely different.

I believe you are ignorant of the maturation process of your own species. For example you are astonished and indignant that twelve year-olds engage in sexual display behaviour, which is wholly normal and healthy at that age. Children have an ever-developing sexuality, and they both enjoy and benefit from the ability to understand and address it.

And I believe you are completely ignorant as to how children see the world and develop. YOU like porn, YOU like violence and therefore think that kids of any age should be exposed to it.

You sir are a misguided fool.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

  1. Faith No More - RV
  2. The Jam - That's Entertainment
  3. Type O Negative - Cinnamon Girl
  4. Motörhead - Fast and Loose
  5. Pink Floyd - The Thin Ice
  6. Manowar - Battle Hymn
  7. Ministry - Cannibal Song
  8. Sodom - Electrocution
  9. Dry Kill Logic - The Strength I Call My Own
  10. Dragonforce - Cry for Eternity

FOX jokes about killing Obama

10949 says...

Hey Twiddles

None of this is meant to troll. You've actually gotten me curious on a few points.

No I would not agree. I wouldn't agree that any demeaning or derogatory words are required to express oneself.

Does this include calling someone a racist or a bigot? Or would you contend that one should spell it out? "Joe Shmoe holds prejudices against other people simply because their skin color differs from his." I would wager it's easier, more persuasive, and more to the point to simply say, "Joe Shmoe is a racist."

If you "mean business" then express what it is that you dislike about her -- tell us why you think she is wrong.

Perhaps I should have said, "This woman offends me because she has suggested it would be a good thing if Obama were killed." I'm sure I would be applauded for my incisive commentary. More to the point, is it EVER ok to use the C-word? If a woman (or man for that matter) were to sodomize and murder a child, be acquitted of any charges, and then brag about it in the public, would you still come down so hard on me for calling him/her the C-word? Perhaps I should say, "That person really makes me angry because he/she sodomized and murdered a child and bragged about it, and I believe child abuse to be wrong." No, I'm gonna call them a goddamn f***ing c***.

Keep in mind that the meaning you attach to certain words is not the same meaning that others may attach to them.

Point taken. And I mean this sincerely, what meaning does it have for you? Why does it personally offend you? I asked this specifically in my comment above, and I received no answer.

Relying on a single word to get your meaning across is generally not persuasive.

Sometimes it is. And this is a case where I see we disagree on whether or not it is.

Though I'd prefer if you expound on the implications of what was said, your comment by itself is not why I think civility has left the building. The comment system whereby someone is rewarded for making such a puerile comment is what disheartens me.

You're right. I'll make an effort to be more eloquent next time. What strikes me as strange about your comment is the suggestion that I've been "rewarded" for making my comment. Rewarded? I understand the whole star points system, but please don't think I come here to earn such points. I know I'm probably insulting 90% of the people on the sift by saying this, but star points are useless and not worth anyone's time. I come here to share and see cool videos (and now I guess also to leave incredibly long comments, jeezus this is long ).

And I am disappointed in my fellow sifters for using the comment voting to agree with you in what seems to me a "whoohoo" reaction.
This of course is off topic so feel free to use our new ignore feature and go back to insulting and threatening people you don't know if it makes you feel good.

You'll be happy to know then that it doesn't make me feel good. Have I insulted or threatened you? If it's because I used the C-word, please help me understand how I insulted or threatened you personally. I'd apologize, but I don't believe the apology would be genuine until I've really understood why you were offended. Help me out here.

Oh, and to reiterate, are there any other off-limits words I should know about?

Iron and Wine - Sodom, South Georgia

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

JAPR (Member Profile)

Jesse Ventura weighs in on Gay Marriage

California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

rickegee says...

This article sums up the problems with the "direct democracy" theory (or the idea that the will of the people is paramount) is a very funny way, particularly the first paragraph.

And California still has the option of amending its own Constitution to prohibit the reading offered by the majority in this case. And re-amending it when another majority takes hold, and re-amending . . .

In my view, the California Supremes both made the right call and fulfilled the role of a judiciary which is not merely to read the polls on a social issue, determine the majority view, and protect the majority. The facts of this case are no different than the facts of earlier miscegenation cases. The Mildred Loving case did not lead to polygamy and dogs and cats marrying each other. Southern Virginians in wide majorities also believed that a black person marrying a white person would lead to Sodom, Gomorrah, and biracial people becoming President (even Southern Virginians are right some of the time).

I have never seen an argument that convinces me that a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman harms civil society. No advanced criminal statistics, no economic indicators of commodity prices plunging due to gay people forming families, no social indicators of degraded schools and poor music in church. There are no compelling rational arguments against permitting two homosexual people in love to be recognized as a family by the State.

I have seen plenty of irrational arguments -- ad hominems, mentions of Greece and Sparta, empty slippery slopes, hell . . . Choggie's whole thread here. But we should try the best we can to avoid organizing society on the basis of irrational arguments. If the Bush Administration has taught us nothing else, it has taught us this.

The Pirate Bay (2007)

sl666 says...

I guess it all comes down to a question of convenience..

eg. if i want to own a particular song, the first place i look is on iTunes, because i can pay my dollar, get the song immediately and i know what im getting.

Only if its not available for a 'reasonable price' with 'reasonable availability' that i wouldn't go and buy the item, and would choose to search and download it.

That pricepoint is different for different people though.

Piracy is much more rife in places where they constantly sodomize you with the prices for goods like CD's and DVD's.

special_ops (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

No I was being serious. They were saying Saddam but just pronouncing it so that it rhymed with Rodham. (Some people do pronounce Saddam that way.) If they were saying "sodom" their joke wouldn't have made sense.

I thought you were just playing off their pronunciation by spelling it that way.

In reply to this comment by special_ops:
I think it counds more like sodom than Saddam...

er were you being sarcastic...? my sarcasm detector works none online.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
>> But RODHAM rhymes with SODOM, Jon!

I love that you spelled it that way.

Is Hillary RODHAM Clinton a muslim? - The Daily Show

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Bibleman: A Fight for Faith

Officer Rivieri at it again

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