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Hyperlapse: Beautiful Google Street View Road Trip

Greg Lake of ELP plays "Still You Turn Me On"

lucky760 (Member Profile)

braschlosan says...

Hello. I was going to help test out the new ability for a submitter to mark their own video *dupeof= however I ran into a new "feature" while testing.

In my dupe video you asked me to try again, but now that the video is killed all the comments have vanished. See here

There is a talk thread about comments vanishing on killed videos

Secondly I tried to run the *isdupe on another of my videos and got the error from siftbot that I am not privileged. See here

Thank you for trying to get these changes in place. It may not seem like much but at least for me as a regular user I would feel a little less powerless

No longer able to view comments on killed videos (Sift Talk Post)

35 yrs. constructing San Francisco replica out of toothpicks

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

Hidden Camera turned on a Texas Diner with gay family

bareboards2 says...

@chingalera Way to miss the point there, my friend.

How do you change perceptions? Play on the stereotype to show the falsehood.

Besides, any problems I have with basic Southern stererotypical attitudes are based on actual experience. My dad grew up in rural Oklahoma. I grew up hearing only the n-word. As a teenager, we had to be in the San Francisco area and we were only allowed to drive through. Couldn't stop and spend money because he didn't want any gays getting it. This was 1971.

Is he alone in his prejudices? Absolutely not. And what this dumb show points up is just how the State of Texas is leaving these attitudes behind.

Racism is being driven underground. Homophobia is being driven underground. They'll never go away.

And yes, @jonny got it, too. That Southern politeness is a stereotype, too -- and it too is based on reality.

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

braschlosan says...

Oh I thought since I am not privileged it wouldnt allow those invocations


Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

Kinetic toothpick sculpture of San Francisco took 35 years

oliver stones untold history of the united states of america

chingalera says...

Watched all these episodes inna row...Some interesting gaps or cracks in the unknowable history of world affairs as filtered through his particular lens-And some never before mashed-up footage of evil white people from the last 100 years shaking hands and drinking blood and what not!

"A Real Snoozefest!"
-San Francisco Examiner

"I Ate Someone's Popcorn Next To Me!?"
-Elizabeth Burkit Cox , 2nd Wife

"Hey, That's My Popcorn!!"

13-Year-Old Girl With Amazing Shooting Skills.

chilaxe says...

In the event of something going wrong, I want the girl who's trained with a firearm on my team. It does require training, including moving while you're firing, which seems to be the part that some viewers find objectionable.

You can read liberals' reasons for owning a firearm in this article and its excellent comments: Liberal Explains Why He Owns Guns.

The best way for liberals to reduce desire for guns would be for them to make good on their promises.

For example, in the city where I live, San Francisco, liberals have absolute political hegemony, so they should be able to fix problems, right?

But street crime, particularly against women, is out of control, often simply with knives or punches. And inequality is unfortunately increasing, not decreasing.

mxxcon said:

I have no problem with women feeling safe and empowered.
But I question how having this skillset applies to that.
Get self-defense, martial arts or close combat skills.
Knowing how to walk around and shoot stationary targets is not that useful in real world situation...unless you are walking through a school shooting up kids laying on the ground.

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Beggar's Canyon