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cell phone justice-man beaten-tazed-teeth knocked out

artician says...

I also believe there are more good cops than bad cops. The issue is the concentration. In most large cities, almost all the cops are/can be bad cops under certain circumstances.

One of my friends in Southern California had multiple members in the Long Beach PD; his dad, and his younger brother who'd just joined. My friend told me how his brother came home during his first week and told him this story:

"We went to this guys house to talk to him and found him in the garage. My superior said 'this is how we get compliance. it also helps to blow off a little steam'. He shut the door to the garage, pulls out his club, and starts repeating 'Stop resisting! Stop resisting!', as he goes to town on the guy. Guy wasn't doing anything other than being uncooperative."

Events like that were something everyone in the area laughed off as being part of life there.

The job also attracts a certain kind of person. When I lived in San Francisco I had an ex-coworker who'd lost his job, and applied to the police force with the absolutely-serious reason of "I want a free-pass to beat the living shit out of people". He was a dark guy really full of hate, and I eventually cut off ties with him. Happily he was never accepted to the Academy.

shagen454 (Member Profile)

I Hate L.A. (NSFW)

Helicopter steals pool water to fight fire

Porksandwich (Member Profile)

aaronfr (Member Profile)

Trailer for "The Act of Killing"

12 Unwritten Social Rules You Need to Follow

Trancecoach says...

The CPB (Cars Per Block) rule is seriously under-appreciated. In San Francisco, people will park in a space that could easily fit three cars in such a way that only one car will fit, presumably to prevent their bumpers from being bumped. It's such a dick-move and makes me want to "bump your bumper" even more.

Bill Burr: Gay Dudes Kissing

chingalera says...

If ya wanna break the cycle Eric, you can always spend a weekend at ground zero in the Castro in San Fran-during the pride parade....OOOooops-43rd annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade June 29-30 2013, you just missed your chance to get all man-kissy.

eric3579 said:

I've always had this type of reaction when any two people are making out in public, straight or gay, but when it's two men I tend to feel guilty for having the reaction. What gives? Must be some kind of straight guilt.

Domino's Domicopter Delivery Test

artician says...

I thought the same, but I've heard way too much about companies interested in making use of this in some way. I think it will actually happen eventually. Don't they already have the airspace for it?
Either way, went looking for an operation I knew of along the same lines, but delivering tacos in San Francisco, and found this one:
Though I suspect it's just viral for Yelp. Who knows.

Lethin said:

likely hood of getting beyond gimmick: 0%

Mexican Cuisine in California

shagen454 says...

There are many misconceptions of Mexican Cuisine. I am probably one of many that apart of this misconception. I have noticed many Indian and Thai restaurants have Mexicans cooking those respective cuisines, not because they are cheap labor but because they are diverse in their respective trades.

"Mexican" food is popular all over but the Taquerias in San Francisco are well known around the US and locally. But, the food served in the Taquerias are actually a San Franciscan cuisine. The San Francisco burrito is just that. It was made here, it is an American food influenced by Mexican cuisine but geared towards us gringos. This is not necessarily true for everything on the menu of course.

Regardless, it is very good. Surprisingly, one of my favorite "Mexican" food spots is in a very industrial area of Oakland in the form of a food truck. You would never know it by the taste of the food. IT IS AMAZINNNNNNN!!! Amazingly tasty fresh salsa. a secret spicy salsa, great beans, great tortilla, tomato friend rice, carne asada to scream for. The best tacos I have ever had in Cali and a burrito that rivals SF's best and they do it everyday, so it is not a fluke and it takes place on a truck.

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

Man of Steel - "Fate of Your Planet" Official Trailer

braschlosan says...

Traditionally there are separate channels (left right center etc) and if you want to make a sound come from above and slightly left an audio engineer would put a little in the left, a little in the center and maybe a small amount in reverse phase in the rear speaker. This worked but theaters have different sizes and layouts so it was never perfect.

Atmos takes a totally different approach. it can have 30-200 channels (iirc). Each speaker is on its own monitored channel and it is specifically tuned for that room. The ATMOS processor decides the exact amount of sound to each speaker on the fly from the "3d soundtrack." When making the movie the sound field is represented as a half sphere and the audio engineer places sounds around this.

What it means is that the theater shape/size/number of speakers and other factors add/subtract nothing from the experience. Not only that but each speaker is monitored for health so it can compensate and alert staff.

The important part is that with so many speakers being able to be addressed independently sounds can transition around the room completely smooth. If you had your eyes closed a helicopter circling your head and landing will transition around naturally.

There aren't many theaters that have it yet since they have to tear up the ceiling to add so many speakers (its usually every other ceiling tile front to back in two columns!). In the San Francisco Bay Area there are only three specific theater room that have it - One on the top floor of AMC Van Ness SF, One at the AMC Metreon SF and one at the Century theater in Fremont.

SevenFingers said:

I's assuming Atmos is some sort of atmospheric surround sound for a theater? I hope the Alamo Drafthouse of Kansas City has that, because that's the only theater worth going to.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

chingalera says...

I used my skateboard for my primary means of transportation while living in San Francisco-Once, a cop approached me (never had been for 2 years while on my daily commute) quite gruffly with obvious control issues telling me to get off the board now. I did, and he proceeded to rant about ordinances and threaten me with arrest. I reminded him that I had immediately complied and began walking away from him. He escalated his rant, I dropped the board, mounted and sailed away.

My only encounter with the po-po on a board happened to be with a dickhead. I run from dickheads, especially alphas with issues that have been given unlimited power to fuck me.

All that to say, these skaters were dicks and had it been my property, I'd have taken the kids board and cracked his deck on my property, then given it back....or perhaps I would have simply pummeled them with eggs, grease, water, etc. from a window.

I Am Not A Bum

chingalera says...

Bad town to be homeless in-Homelessness for me would find me at the first week without a roof in a city with a relatively mild, year-round climate with a resident population more amenable to the cause. San Francisco comes to mind immediately. Plenty of loopy, sympathetic-to-the-cause people with your choice of rooftops and squats to sleep in. Oh, and free gourmet coffee and restaurant food, and plenty of drugs

Been ain't fun but it doesn't have to be miserable either. Get the hell outta Chicago, Ron.

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