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Obama shootin hoops and talkin smack

kronosposeidon says...

If this were 2004 and it was Bush playing 18 holes with Phil Mickelson, we'd all call it propaganda. Blankfist is right. It just seems so phony. And I voted for Obama, and I generally support his policies. But to me this is over the top.

Gay Conversion stories

xxovercastxx says...

Regardless of what you say here, when you're filming a documentary or reporting news, ideally you should just present the facts or the story and let them speak for themselves. I think that's the point @kymbos was after.
>> ^foad:
"Warning: not judgemental or sensationalist."? Hahah! Fuck this phony non-judgmentalism bullshit. The idea that it is somehow ethical and virtuous to abstain from judgment about a thing when clear harm is being caused by it, is a laughable joke. It is a game irrational people play to convince themselves that they are righteous. The opposite is true. These superstitious shits are ruining people's lives and driving kids to suicide. Not only are they worthy of my judgment, they are worthy of my scorn and they are worthy of my ridicule.

Gay Conversion stories

foad says...

"Warning: not judgemental or sensationalist."? Hahah! Fuck this phony non-judgmentalism bullshit. The idea that it is somehow ethical and virtuous to abstain from judgment about a thing when clear harm is being caused by it, is a laughable joke. It is a game irrational people play to convince themselves that they are righteous. The opposite is true. These superstitious shits are ruining people's lives and driving kids to suicide. Not only are they worthy of my judgment, they are worthy of my scorn and they are worthy of my ridicule.

Rachel Maddow Interviews Bill Nye On Climate Change

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^choggie:
"corporate think tanks, blogs, public relations firms" are the same places that fuel both sides have made no point, you simply react to a nay-sayer with the same bullshit script-This is NOT an issue about anything else BUT, "follow the money"....Al Gore would have been the same brand of turd as any of them, creating empire and wealth and consolidating it for those who run the show.
Global Warming....Climate Change, no matter what the fuck you call it, it's obvious on this site and many others that there are still folks who think they have a clue as to what the fuck is going on based on the so-called findings of so-called experts.....Why not ask yourselves the questions instead of parroting answers. Could the nuclear furnace that appears on the horizon everyday have anything to do with climate change?? Could it be possible that pumping megawatts of energy into the ionosphere by the Dept of Defense have anything to do with erratic weather conditions? Could it all be a fucking hoax designed to further enslave the gullible populace(s) worldwide with the burden of so-called, carbon emission taxes?
There's a reason why carbon is not taxed yet....because people with a clue stand against the absolute absurdity of it. Want to eliminate the carbon footprints you leave??? STOP BUYING WORTHLESS PLASTIC SHIT, STOP EATING NON-NUTRITIVE FUCKING FOODS, AND FILLING YOUR HEADS WITH FUCKING INFOTAINMENT!!

There is consensus on this, regardless of how it fits into your world view. No internationally recognized scientific body holds a dissenting view on the reality of climate change. Not that there aren't exaggerated claims, politics and falsehoods from those who support the science side of the argument, but their actions do not discredit any of the standing research or the overwhelming consensus that climate change is real.

You are correct in saying I am ignorant of the specifics (as are you), which is why I choose take my 'bullshit script' from the 'so called experts' who have dedicated their lives to the study of climate change. You are free to take your 'bullshit script' from 'non experts' if you like, but it comes at the cost of your credibility, and doubly so when you make goofball AlexJonesian claims about ENSLAVING THE WORLD!!!!1!!

On the surface, a phony global climate change scare would seem to be a pretty complicated and esoteric means of enslaving the world. Don't you think there might be better, more efficient ways of putting us all in bondage? Buying governments? Building high tech mercenary armies? Destroying economies and then offering aid at a large premium? Destroying democracy under the banner of 'individual rights' and then picking off those powerless 'individuals' one by one? Creating massive unemployment to exploit the existing labor force via supply and demand? Creating some kind of deadly plague with an expensive proprietary antidote? These are just off the top of my head, but all of them would seem to be simpler, more logical, more direct avenues for world enslavement. I don't know, I'm no expert on world slaving.

I've got some logical issues with the conspiracy theorists that maybe you can help me clear up:

-How can you 'follow the money' and end up siding with industrialist polluters who stand to lose a lot of money if they are forced to clean up their act?

-How were the masterminds of this nefarious plot able to coordinate and control the research of many thousands of scientists from all over the world over many decades?

-How do you get from 'climate change' to world enslavement?

-Are the underpants gnomes somehow involved in this conspiracy?

1) Create a global climate change scare
2) ??????
3) Enslave the world

These conspiracy theories are vague, illogical and contradictory. In your response you throw out several possibilities a) It's real and caused solely by the sun (which is like saying tornadoes are caused solely by wind and have nothing to do with weather fronts) b) It's real and was intentionally created by the military (for some mysterious reason) c) It's a hoax to enslave the world through carbon taxes (but only polluting corporations pay these taxes).

It all comes out like a bunch of hastily though out nonsense, especially coming from someone who seems to think he has a monopoly on the truth. I'd love to hear an attempt to fashion these random bits into something vaguely plausible. Who might have engineered such a plot? How did they get the ball rolling? What was their overall plan from start to finish? How specifically might they parlay this into mass slavery? What do they intend to do with this massive slave force?

Charity from the Rich

Mel Gibson calls reporter an asshole

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^lucky760:
I think Mel's response was totally fine and very much reality-based. Anyone who has ever screwed up royally could have a similar reaction when it is brought up years later and they just want to forget what they'd done.
I find his honestly angry reaction to be much more satisfying than if he were to put on a phony smile and provide the canned response his publicists authored for him.

No, no, no... of course he wants to forget the past. But it's so obvious when the reporter asks him the question that Mel looks like an idiot for acting oblivious.

"Oh, I'm sure I have no idea what you mean..? Did I do something in the fairly recent past that came under scrutiny? ME!? MEL GIBSON!?!??"

I mean give us a break. If he had just told the asshole to move on in the first place then he wouldn't have appeared like an asshole himself.

Mel Gibson calls reporter an asshole

lucky760 says...

I think Mel's response was totally fine and very much reality-based. Anyone who has ever screwed up royally could have a similar reaction when it is brought up years later and they just want to forget what they'd done.

I find his honestly angry reaction to be much more satisfying than if he were to put on a phony smile and provide the canned response his publicists authored for him.

Leno: "Conan, It's yours. See you in 5 years buddy" (2004)

Leno: "Conan, It's yours. See you in 5 years buddy" (2004)

Paper airplane demonstration of thrust and drag

IronDwarf says...

Seems phony to me too. Too many eddies and currents that would collide exactly where the plane is supposed to be perfectly still, especially outside where any little gust of wind would push the plane around.

Jay Z ft Alicia Keys Empire State Of Mind

EndAll says...

Alicia Keys never disappoints.. but Jay-Z.. don't get me started.
Phony corporate rapper, fledgling occultist, and egocentric to the max (although that's not really unusual for a rapper).


Tea Party Patriots laugh at Lost Daughter And Grandchild


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