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The Amazing Lyre Bird Impersonates A Camera and A Chain Saw

Pixar's Hidden Secrets - Easter eggs in their films

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^spoco2:
lies, and pretty lame ones at that.
Sorry, I do like the easter eggs that Pixar put into movies, but these were pretty poorly done.
This MAY have been funny if they slowly ramped up how obvious and ridiculous the 'easter eggs' were, but as it stands, it's just pretty crap

Removed from the Lies channel. Have you done the work to know that some of the easter eggs at the end are phony? Just because you think it's obvious doesn't make it so. Maybe the easter eggs at end are fake, but it's still too soon to conclusively prove that.

AlJazeera Talks To A Muslim Marine About His Experiences

cybrbeast says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Why would Muslims serve in our military? A damned good question. A "faithful" Muslim must war against "infidels" aka anyone who is not a Muslim. This is not extremist blather, it's mainstream Islam and it's in the Quran.
Islam is incompatible with the West. You won't find any lefty-diversity phonies converting to the backwards religion anytime soon.

Just like there are many ways the Bible is interpreted which leads to moderate and extremist Christianity, there are also many ways people interpret the Quran, not all leading to extremist Islam.

AlJazeera Talks To A Muslim Marine About His Experiences

quantumushroom says...

Why would Muslims serve in our military? A damned good question. A "faithful" Muslim must war against "infidels" aka anyone who is not a Muslim. This is not extremist blather, it's mainstream Islam and it's in the Quran.

Islam is incompatible with the West. You won't find any lefty-diversity phonies converting to the backwards religion anytime soon.

Glen Beck Cries For A Simpler Time

IronDwarf says...

Just because things seemed "simpler" and "more pure" doesn't mean they ever were; you were just young and mostly ignorant of what was happening in the world. This bullshit nostalgia and sentimentality that reinforces that times were somehow better and that we were better off is just that: bullshit. Glenn Beck needs to shut his fat, lying, phony, overacting goddamn mouth.

For some reference, a few things that happened in 1979 (the year that Coke ad aired): Three Mile Island, Ayatollah Khomeini seizes power in Iran, the Sino-Vietnamese War, the San Francisco riots over the Dan White verdict, the Ixtoc I oil spill. That's just a few things in the first 6 months of the year. Great times back then.

SNL Digital Short -- Threw it on the Ground

Glenn Becks tearful 9-11 rant

IronDwarf says...

He is essentially the boy who cried wolf at this point. He's such a bullshit showman that I don't think he actually believes or feels a word of what he's saying. He's a complete phony in every sense.

Glenn Beck attacks Van Jones

Christian Girl, Frantic after Father Threatens to Kill Her

IronDwarf says...

I'm curious to know the context of this interview. What was the purpose of the interview? It feels like bullshit Christian propaganda, designed to give hardline Christians watching it more of a reason to be outraged and to hate Muslims.

Her body language immediately made me think she was lying. Too much of it seems rehearsed and practiced; the crying yet still being able to form full, informative sentences seemed absolutely phony. She's telling a story instead of imparting actual information about herself.

EndAll (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Yea I can see why you get sentimental about it. Once it becomes a part of you, you can't help but love the little guy. I think that's one of my problems with going for broke and growing it out to make it a longer fuller beard. I've grown so attached to the one I've got, and it looks good on me, so I don't want to go through the ugly part of beard growing again just to see how it looks.

Oh well, maybe during the winter I'll have a good excuse to do know how cold these San Diego winters get...

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
There seem to be periods where the beard reaches a nice stage and is very full and illustrious, and others when it is scraggly and puffy and gross. At least in my own experience! I try to wait through the scragglier times until I get the right length. Sometimes though it just gets so itchy and hot I shave it all off and start over. I've yet to really dedicate myself to a full, long beard. I can understand why you'd keep it short, as it usually looks better like that.. and I assume you also have a job! But yeah, I think the trick is to wait out the shitty inbetween stages and get that nice full, long, magnificent manly beard which has more character and means more to you as you've watched it grow over time. Lmao, getting real sentimental about beards here... Anyways, I'll check out that other site - cheers.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I definitely support the growth of beards. I feel like a phony now though. These days I keep my beard clean and tight to my face. I don't quite like the density or the way the hair grows when I let it grow out. is another awesome beard site.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

EndAll says...

There seem to be periods where the beard reaches a nice stage and is very full and illustrious, and others when it is scraggly and puffy and gross. At least in my own experience! I try to wait through the scragglier times until I get the right length. Sometimes though it just gets so itchy and hot I shave it all off and start over. I've yet to really dedicate myself to a full, long beard. I can understand why you'd keep it short, as it usually looks better like that.. and I assume you also have a job! But yeah, I think the trick is to wait out the shitty inbetween stages and get that nice full, long, magnificent manly beard which has more character and means more to you as you've watched it grow over time. Lmao, getting real sentimental about beards here... Anyways, I'll check out that other site - cheers.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I definitely support the growth of beards. I feel like a phony now though. These days I keep my beard clean and tight to my face. I don't quite like the density or the way the hair grows when I let it grow out. is another awesome beard site.

EndAll (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I definitely support the growth of beards. I feel like a phony now though. These days I keep my beard clean and tight to my face. I don't quite like the density or the way the hair grows when I let it grow out. is another awesome beard site.

Mouse Scares Manly Man

Mouse Scares Manly Man

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