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my15minutes (Member Profile)

JAPR (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

hahaha. no my dad didn't leave me at seven.

...I was born a bastard son.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
You forgot "And vanishes into the dark of night like my Dad did when I was 7."

(P.S. If you dad really did leave you at age seven, I'm sorry.)

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
and the heap of gorgon strikes again.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Classical, Educated, Brilliant, Refined, A real Gentleman. Yes these are words I would never use to describe Dotdude. Oh I know you've seen him at swank social gatherings and posh dinners but in reality he lives a lie. You see 'artist' is just another word for 'homeless'. We all know that the difference between a pizza and an artist is that the pizza can feed a family of four. Poor dotdude can barely feed himself.

So if you see Dotdude on the streets of New Orleans, trying to sell scribblings of a LOLcat on a dinner napkin. Tell him his mom called and that she doesn't want him to come home again, ever. And while your at it why not buy a LOLcat napkin for a couple cents, you can always throw it away later.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

You forgot "And vanishes into the dark of night like my Dad did when I was 7."

(P.S. If you dad really did leave you at age seven, I'm sorry.)

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
and the heap of gorgon strikes again.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Classical, Educated, Brilliant, Refined, A real Gentleman. Yes these are words I would never use to describe Dotdude. Oh I know you've seen him at swank social gatherings and posh dinners but in reality he lives a lie. You see 'artist' is just another word for 'homeless'. We all know that the difference between a pizza and an artist is that the pizza can feed a family of four. Poor dotdude can barely feed himself.

So if you see Dotdude on the streets of New Orleans, trying to sell scribblings of a LOLcat on a dinner napkin. Tell him his mom called and that she doesn't want him to come home again, ever. And while your at it why not buy a LOLcat napkin for a couple cents, you can always throw it away later.

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

and the heap of gorgon strikes again.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Classical, Educated, Brilliant, Refined, A real Gentleman. Yes these are words I would never use to describe Dotdude. Oh I know you've seen him at swank social gatherings and posh dinners but in reality he lives a lie. You see 'artist' is just another word for 'homeless'. We all know that the difference between a pizza and an artist is that the pizza can feed a family of four. Poor dotdude can barely feed himself.

So if you see Dotdude on the streets of New Orleans, trying to sell scribblings of a LOLcat on a dinner napkin. Tell him his mom called and that she doesn't want him to come home again, ever. And while your at it why not buy a LOLcat napkin for a couple cents, you can always throw it away later.

The Official Roast of dotdude! (Parody Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Classical, Educated, Brilliant, Refined, A real Gentleman. Yes these are words I would never use to describe Dotdude. Oh I know you've seen him at swank social gatherings and posh dinners but in reality he lives a lie. You see 'artist' is just another word for 'homeless'. We all know that the difference between a pizza and an artist is that the pizza can feed a family of four. Poor dotdude can barely feed himself.

So if you see Dotdude on the streets of New Orleans, trying to sell scribblings of a LOLcat on a dinner napkin. Tell him his mom called and that she doesn't want him to come home again, ever. And while your at it why not buy a LOLcat napkin for a couple cents, you can always throw it away later.

Jimmy Carr vs. Heckler

dannym3141 says...

the guy definitely did it to watch jimmy go at it.. use your common sense people, why would he say something like that in a perfectly reasonable voice without any swearing or emotion? answer: because he wants to get pwned, and carr knows it.. i'd probably do the same if i saw the opportunity, and i'd be laughing the hardest at his comebacks!

Johnald_Chaffinch -- i feel exactly the same.. i used to hate him, and that little posh prim accent he used to do.. but now i've totally warmed to him - i was warming to him since QI appearances and before that on 8 out of 10 cats

i don't like joke-format standups.. i sometimes see american dudes on the sift and a lot of americans saying "omg this guy is king of the 1-liners, so funny!" but i don't even crack a smile at what they're doing.. but for some reason, and i don't know why, jimmy carr just cracks me up over and over, and he's pretty much up there giving one liners interspersed with stories..

1. you're gay aren't you?
2. you're a necrophiliac
3. i did your mum
4. from behind
5. she thinks you're a c**t too
6. it wasn't just me there doing your mum
7. whilst she performed fellatio
you'd think he'd finished at about 3 or 4.. then 5, then 6 and boom the kill shot at 7


Spice Girls - Wannabe

oxdottir says...

This video tells me something I didn't seem to quite notice before: how much hotter scary spice is than the other spicers. I don't even remember the name of the baby doll spice thing, but it's disturbing. It's also amazing, in hindsight, how invisible posh is.

Discarded videos amnesty thread (Sift Talk Post)

Jimmy Carr reads some of his small ads

Kula Shaker-Mystical Machine Gun

MINK says...

kulashaker were the nuts. i never understood why so few people noticed the music... oh yeah because they were posh kids who were into indian mythology.

trust you to post this choggie! where do you get your breadth from?

anyway kulashaker = awesome. thanks for the reminder

Kids Mob Convenience Store on Halloween

maatc says...

The combined wisdom of 100 brains did not think of the fact that there might be cameras installed? Tells you a lot about the average IQ...

Something similar happens every year in Hamburg/Germany. An activist group runs into the same really posh deli every year around easter, dressed up as superheroes and takes the best food they can find. They later distribute the champagne and oysters to the homeless. Store started putting up extra security but the activists vary the dates and I think they were only caught once. At least that is a kind of Robin Hood approach and not drunken party folk...

Story here and here (german only, sorry)

Is this my 15 Internet minutes of fame?! (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

I recommend picking up a trendy coke habit and going on a binge of club-hopping followed by an obligatory stop by the cops and arrest for a DUI, then, check yourself into a posh rehab 'clinic', find jesus, get out back into the spotlight and do it all over again! Seems to work for a lot of celebs anyway.

Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

British accents

MINK says...

no, there is not.

if you wanna go full on jamaican, you should drop the h, making everyting.

but only posh people and "normal" english speakers say "everything" afaik. Like on TV or in an awards ceremony or somefink. Liverpool has a th maybe. Sometimes it becomes "d" or "v" a bit, like "it's over der, on ver sofa". But let's face it, th is a hard sound to make in the middle of quick casual speech.

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