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British accents

Ann Coulter - Worst person in world - Pat Robertson 2nd

quantumushroom says...

Comment from a liberal @

I'd like to address the misperception that those of us who dislike Olbermann are automatically Bush supporters, Fox fans, Coulter fans, Limbaugh fans, Hannity fans, and/or Republicans, I'm none of the above.

I know that's the easiest assumption to make but assumptions can be grossly wrong and in my case it is. It is entirely possible to be a liberal and not like Olbermann. I think he is egotistical, stuck on himself, arrogant, and after watching his show for a few years, I grew very weary as he continued to heap insults on females, minorities, the elderly, the middle-aged, the poor, and just about any other group you'd care to name. It became apparent to me that he holds 99.9% ofthe general population in great contempt. I guess if you didn't grow up in the tri-state are, didn't attend a posh prep school or a fancy Ivy League college, and aren't young and attractive he has zero use for you.

I've grown weary of him criticizing far better journalists out of sheer envy. When Olbermann decides to venture out to hotspots around this globe, I might respect him but I think that's as likely to happen as it is that BushCo will admit they've f---ed up time and time again.

I keep reading on Kos and DU and HuffPo the notion that Keith can't be criticizied because he "speaks for us". Well he doesn't speak for me. It's obvious he has issues. And I long ago suspected that his off-air protests of how he's not a liberal, isn't political, etc. are in fact really the truth and 99.9% of what he does on air is just an act designed to win him more viewers. And I have absolutely zero respect for anyone who could be so coldly calculating just to earn a few extra viewers.

Robertson's original suggestion remains correct about p-o-s tyrant chavez. I correctly predict liberals will make up many excuses for chavez arresting his political enemies (formerly free Venezuelans) just like liberals excuse tyrant castro. Shameful.

Jimmy Carr's first standup on TV

Spice Girls - "Naked" (are they or aren't they..?)

White-water kayaking by Portland-based group, category V+

yaroslavvb says...

I look like the guy with the milk moustache? lol!

Man, I had a feeling that posh look would get me in trouble. Seriously, that's not me. And I don't know those guys, although I live in the same general region.

The Young Ones - University Challenge

Yeah, she's a Spice Girl... but I bet she's a good mom...

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

Krupo says...

I'm surprised I didn't see anyone mention the fact that the poor girl's brother is in jail.

Obviously she could've handled it better, but the cop acted like a racist jerk to begin with. The sad thing is that nobody said, "hey, stop - we have a camera, why not just check the tape?" Of course you're not expecting top flight managers at a place like that to begin with, so I'm not surprised he was a complete failure as a man.

She's obviously not happy with the cops to begin with. Having said that, would've helped so much - the "real" how not to get arrested vid. I know it was posted above in an earlier comment, but it's just good sense.

It's fun to fight with authority figures and I respect that, but you have to pick your battles - i.e. if you're going to fight the cops, do it in a way where you can win. To quote a fictional character, Klingon General Martok said "war is more fun when you're winning!" and it's so true.

I haven't had the luxury of being able to do this very often or in a dramatic way, but I did ask some cops, out of curiousity (see, you keep yourself safe by not immediately aggravating them), what was the crime they could've charged a woman with for writing on the sidewalk in a posh area of Toronto (Yorkville).

He replied that they could charge her with defacing public property.

Now I've taken chalk to the American Consulate in the past (a week before 9/11, ironically), and scurried away before security arrived, so I said, "how is it defacing it? Chalk washes right off."

So the cop says to me, "do you want to wash it off?"

And I say, "um, the forecast says it's going to rain tonight."

Oh is it?


Not a very thrilling exchange, although I never claimed it would be; I found it amusing nonetheless.

The Fastest & Most Expensive Cars in the World

Tracon says...

McLaren F1, if your talking super cars thats the only one the rest are just fancy car's. It comes with a full matching luggage 2 sets of tools 1 gold plated, 1 titanium, its has a center steering column which is just cool. plus its just flat out amazing performance and a mechanic is flown out to your house to fix it and do maintenance for life not 5 years for life. Plus the top speed is much higher when you start to look at the F1 GTR, or LM or any of the follow years but they only made 5 of the LM and 28 GTR and 3 GT's. These cars are 2 steps from being the 24 hour lamon's ready. the only change is tires and body both of which take about half hour each. ferrari cant say that and the rest are posh crap that your are driven in so its a nice ride but thats what your supposed to do is ride in it. screw that i want to drive it.

Nigerian scammers busted by the cops

westy says...

HAHA LOl watch at the end the nigerain person goin mental and excited over shootin he is like "fire fire WOWOHHOWO" and the brit is like "dont fire" in real posh acent lol. Nigeria is class been there as a babby and lived close for 2 years.

oh and people that fall for these scams are pritty dence realy. id rather the cash go to some nigeran than say all the milions of pounds taken from people in gambaling going to fat cats.

Daily Show on Violent Video Games

Neo Double Games: Nintendo DS Ripoff

Emo Girl is Back!

James Roe says...

I think choice of music, Bauhaus for goth kids, anything featuring whiny male vocals for emo, Bright Eyes and Dashboard Confessional being excellent examples. Also goth chicks tend to enjoy clunky boots, where as emo girls typically rock horn-rimmed glasses or some sort of other posh urban attire.

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