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Armenian girl sing "Fifth Element" Opera live on The Voice.

harlequinn says...

She's quite good.

It's essentially a popular music competition. Opera does not fall into that category anymore. An entirely unfortunate turn of events really. So no surprise that the other two don't think they can do anything with her.

The original movie version was sung without digital alteration, but the on screen actress was miming.

The original song, Il dolce suono, from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor, is much nicer without the pop ending from the movie.

newtboy said:

Amazing. I didn't think a person could sing that song without digital help.
Really, only one of them wanted her on their team!?! Now I want to see the other contestants they think have more potential than this girl.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

ChaosEngine says...

No, the bible is fucked up all on its own.

That its adherents have made it worse is no surprise, when your moral code comes from a book that endorses slavery, rape, xenophobia, child sacrifice, genocide, war, homophobia, torture.

Oh and 12 year olds getting married? Oh look, religion endorsed that too.

And there's a reasonable argument to be made that rapists and child molesters were "born that way" in that they may have serious mental issues. That doesn't excuse them acting on it, but one day with enough study, we might be able to identify and treat them before it becomes an issue.

bobknight33 said:

You don't " know" jack. You were told right from wrong.

Just because of men of GOD trip and fall does not mean that the bible should be discarded.

So when society finds it OK to be gay and when it becomes acceptable to have relations with children, you will have no moral standard to stand on.

Just wait for a child molester or rapist to claim " I was born this way".
Or will you just sit back and say yea, ok he was born that way. It ok to rape my 12 year old. no problem What if the 12 year old gave consent? You can't stand behind some old obscure law. 12 year old were getting married 150 years ago so why not now. Its ok.

You want America to be just like Sodom and Gomorrah?

Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants On!

Where are the aliens? KurzGesagt

ChaosEngine says...

No. Not everyone thinks like a theist.

I have no idea whether life exists on other planets or not. I can theorise about the probability of it, but that's as far as I'm willing to commit.

As for the nonsense "roll a seven on a six sided die" argument... I really don't know if you're trolling or just genuinely have no understanding of logic, math, probability, statistics, etc.

Here's a hint: in order to create life, you don't need a seven. If you did you wouldn't be reading this. We exist, therefore by definition life in the universe is possible.

Now, I'm perfectly willing to grant that it might be extraordinarily improbable. The video tells us that the latest evidence is that there are around 20,000,000,000 sun size stars and probably about 4,000,000,000 earth like planets. Now, the video gives the odds of life on each one at 0.1% (and then somehow comes up with 1 million instead of 4 million, but I digress).

So we have 4 billion planets that might possibly have earth like life. But let's say that abiogenesis is really, really improbable. In fact, let's say, it's 1 in 4 billion. We've been testing out the various abiogenesis theories for a while now, but I doubt we've conducted anything like 4 billion separate experiments, so it's really no surprise that we haven't observed it.

But it might be even more unlikely. Maybe it's 1 in 400 billion! Seems pretty unlikely, but let's roll with it. There are still 200 billion galaxies out there. Even if only 1% of them are like the milky way that's still 8 billion billion potential life bearing planets. I don't think it's a stretch to say that some of them could have life.

You don't need a seven, but maybe you do need an edge, or a corner!

Do you understand the difference between what I think is probable based on observed facts and "taking something on faith"?

And as for god? Well, we know for certain that life exists, so it's not unreasonable to assume it might exist elsewhere. But we have zero empirical evidence for god. None, zip, zilch, nada. Does that mean god definitely doesn't exist? No, I can't prove that. Is it probable that god exists? No, it would violate everything we know about the universe. That doesn't mean we're not wrong, but you'd think that something as powerful as a literally omnipotent entity would leave some evidence of it's existence.

As Dawkins said when asked what he would say if he died and met god, "why did you go to such trouble to hide yourself?"

shinyblurry said:

Now you're taking the position of the theist and I am taking the position of the atheist. The size of the Universe really has no bearing if you only have a six sided die and you need to role a seven. Your creation story virtually guarantees alien life, but only so long as abiogenesis could plausibly happen somewhere else (it couldn't happen once plausibly, let alone multiple times by the way). But in spite of how implausible that is you take it on faith that they're out there and you use the traditional theist line to the atheists assertion that they've seen no evidence for God, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Quite a reversal, wouldn't you say?

Swedish cops show NYPD how to subdue people w/ hurting them

Asmo says...

I didn't say they were killing millions, I said they were trained to kill...

US police conflict resolution is at the point of a gun as the first step. Most other countries where a reasonable rule of law exists teach conflict resolution prior to drawing weapons on people.

APC's, body armour, fully automatic weapons etc are not the tools of a police force, they are the tools of an army, but somehow small towns now feature APC's and heavily armed under trained SWAT or tactical response forces. Even US military personal have made the comment, all of the equipment, none of the training or discipline. If you are armed to the teeth and taught to shoot first/ask questions later, it's no surprises that your death by cops tally is so high...

For example, total Australian police shootings in the period 2008-2011 (for a population of 25 odd million or 1/13th of the US) came to /drumroll .... 14

And 7 deaths in Victoria over that time raised eyebrows.

US police, on the other hand, eclipse that total every single year, often by more than the per capita average (often by much more than the per capita average).

2015 (total: 150)
2014 (total: 625)
2013 (total: 342)
2012 (total: 611)
2011 (total: 165)
2010 (total: 227)
2009 (total: 63)

And it's just amazing in how many of those cases, the words "cleared of wrong doing by the district attorney, city paid out to a civil trial for wrongful death" appear. Or "shot while running away", "shot while unarmed" etc.

And to be absolutely clear, I have nothing but respect for most of the people that choose to bear that duty, but they are being trained to go to the gun first and foremost. If that is the first and last tool to resolve conflict, it's no wonder there are so many deaths...

lantern53 said:

Oh, I'm sure Asmo is right...the police in the US are taught to kill people at every opportunity.

I suppose that makes for a big fail since the cops in the US are so inept at killing people. Out of 12 million arrests, 593 people killed by cops in 2014 with about 1/4 of those being black people. But because you can't turn on MSNBC w/o a rehash of Michael Brown or Eric Garner, people think this happens every 6 seconds on the street.

Someone do the math, because I suck at math, what percent is 593 of 12 million?

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

Really, you don't understand that phrase? It means what you do may be done back to you, and you can't complain. That's not good when part of what you do is kill people.

Which nutcase do you mean, the actually violent nutcase with a gun, or the suspect?

Yes, they had that information because 30 seconds before he had the gun to his own head, and they broadcast that info on the radio.

There were no people near where he was walking, the cops had the block surrounded. He had already walked by a number of people in the area without incident, and none can bee seen on either video in the direction he was going.

No surprise you have to be informed that there is a middle, rational ground between walking right up to the armed suspect and running him over at over 40mph with enough force to blast through a cement wall.
You know those things called Tasers...there's a reason cops have them...same with bean bag bullets. Those are tools meant to be used, or at least TRIED, not ignored or dismissed because they don't work 100% of the time...if that's the standard, bullets don't work 100% of the time either so why ever use them?

lantern53 said:

What does that mean...turnabout is fair play?

As for the nutcase depicted, did the cops have information that he was trying to commit suicide-by-cop? Or did they just have information that he was the suspect in a crime spree including a home invasion, the theft of a gun and the discharge of same in a public place?

If he was walking toward some people with a gun and what the cops believe to be criminal intent or being out of control with the gun, then they are justified in using lethal force to stop him and protect innocent lives.

I don't know too many people who would be willing to just approach the guy and give him a pamphlet of mental health resources in the county.

On the other hand, we did have a dispatcher who would have offered to give him a hug.

Australians Try Outback Steakhouse For The First Time

lucky760 says...

Yeah, duhhh, of course it's not going to be authentically Australian. Like the tasters said, their shrimps would be tiny and eaten plain with tomato sauce.

There's very little foreign authenticity in American restaurants, and if there is an authentic representation of another country's restaurant, it's more than likely targeted at immigrants who need that authenticity because Americans don't like Vegemite.

Not only chains, but even locally-owned restaurants change their recipes to appeal to as many Americans as possible. Everything else is just marketing.

In any case, I like these videos. Just would've been better if it wasn't all completely one-sided with no surprises. Can't wait to see Panda Express and Taco Bell next.

Watch German official squirm when confronted with Greece

RedSky says...


Nothing really new I can say again in response.

It's natural that France and Germany being major decision makers in the eurozone will suggest bailouts that also help their own banks, no surprise at all. Witness the US's about turn post WWII from rebuilding Germany into a de-industrialised agricultural state to an industrial powerhouse to counter Soviet influence in about a year.

I think you have to look, not at Troika funding with or without pension cuts and the like, but with or without the funding. See my post above for what I think would happen in a disorderly collapse. I think honestly we can both be certain that the effect on output and unemployment would have been far worse in a disorderly collapse.

Like I said to oritteropo, I'm not debating that the IMF estimates were correct or even that the IMF has a particularly good history of reform (although you could certainly argue that Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia economically at least were successes). As far as low/middle class Greeks suffering, yes I agree it sucks. Most who risk being indicted for corruption are sure to have emigrated permanently to their vacation homes purchased on stolen money, but that doesn't unfortunately change the reality.

Baby Goat Trying To Be A Tough Guy

robbersdog49 says...

It seems different species of mammal are able to recognise that another animal is a baby/very young one, and react accordingly. We've seen exactly this from our cats when we had our first baby just over a year ago. We bred cats before hand so we're very accustomed to how cats react to their kittens, and they reacted in exactly the same way to our newborn's cries.

It's probably fair to say that the horse understands that the goat is young and playing and responds to that, rather than thinking it's being attacked. There's such a huge size difference that the horse wouldn't be feeling threatened or anything anyway. Animals like this do play. Horses like company and are social animals, as are goats. It's no surprise they'll play together when they can :0)

speechless said:

Besides how cute it is, and it is super cute, I just want to understand what is going on here.

So animals have emotions or am I anthropomorphizing? It's amazing to me when I see inter-species animals connect this way. This mare being so patient and nurturing. Dogs adopting kittens etc. I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I think I should go vegetarian, but I do love a juicy steak. If dogs and cats and horses have emotions, don't cows?

edit .. I probably shouldn't include cats. Jury is still out on if they have their own agenda in all this or not.

edit 2 .. not saying we should eat cats.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

shinyblurry says...

it's been a really bad week for my back and lots of meds have been needed, which impairs my math skills. My mistake there...and I've retracted that....and I apologize.

It's no problem. It's completely understandable for what you're going through over there. I'll say a prayer for you and your family. Hopefully some pain free days are coming your way soon.

Doing the math correctly, I see you ARE right that it's about 400 times the distance.
But they (and so you) are wrong that it's 400 times the "size". You are right that the radiuses/diameters are a ratio of 400-1. That's different from size, even 2d size.
It may seem semantical, but to me it's an important distinction. This is what I took issue with mostly, since I was CERTAIN the actual "size" (in 3D) is no where near a ratio of 400-1, but closer to 64 million -1. Even in 2D it's nothing like 400-1.

Point were just trying to be accurate in the way the terms were defined.

Also, I'm not intentionally ignoring your point, it is an interesting fact that the ratios are close, but only coincidental IMO, certainly not 'proof' of anything supernatural.
EDIT: even if they were a perfect ratio, it would only suggest a physical law of motion we don't know or fully understand yet.
I would be interested to see a list of other planets and their moons to see if any other planet/moon (or combination of moons) in our solar system shows the same ratios. Neither answer would make me think anything supernatural however, it's just not that kind of question in my eyes.

Taken by itself, it is an extraordinary coincidence if you deem it as such. Yet, when you pile on the many other factors that have to line up for us to have life here, I find coincidence isn't the appropiate word. Now, some say that because it is such a huge Universe, there are bound to be planets like these (which isn't proven, btw)..and we shouldn't be surprised to find ourselves on one of them because we would expect to find conditions which allow for our existence, given that we exist. I don't think that is a persausive argument.

There is a good analogy about this that I borrowed from the net:

"Suppose you are to be executed by a firing squad of 100 trained marksmen, all of them aiming rifles at your heart. You are blindfolded; the command is given; you hear the deafening roar of the rifles. And you observe that you are still alive. The 100 marksmen missed!"

Taking off the blindfold, you do not observe that you are dead. No surprise there: you could not observe that you are dead. Nonetheless, you should be astonished to observe that you are alive. The entire firing squad missed you altogether! Surprise at that extremely improbable fact is wholly justified - and that calls for an explanation. You would immediately suspect that they missed you on purpose, by design."

newtboy said:

it's been a really bad week for my back and lots of meds have been needed,

Jerry Seinfeld Thinks He Has Autism

A GoPro in a Water Bubble in Space

lucky760 says...

The video from in the water is exactly as expected, so no surprise there.

But the astronauts screwing around with the water and camera got my upvote.

Cenk Uygur debates Sam Harris

RedSky says...

I'm finding it was a fair discussion on both sides. Harris is clearly more knowledge in the subject but Cenk came up with enough counter-examples to keep the discussion interesting.

Ultimately I think they've spent far too much arguing on the part/predominantly Islam to blame and whether Islamic is worse than certain other religions. Both are very subjective positions and I feel Harris comes off dogmatic here. He may be well placed to argue that people will undersell the role of Islam (perhaps due to political correctness) but to take a very absolutist position cheapens his argument.

I'm only half way but I feel they skipped over socio-economics far too quickly. The reason a middle class citizen in a western country can be radicalised by Islam (say ISIS) is because of the wellspring of specifically radical Islamic communities on the internet relative to other religions. This makes the chances of an impressionable individual stumbling on these much higher than say on a radical Christian call to action which I'm sure exist. As an area, the Middle East is also far more conflict prone and engender an immediate need to respond.

That Islam is so important in many Middle Eastern countries is in itself a product of their low socio-economic level. I suspect that in societies where religion rather than the nation state (which is corrupt or ineffectual) is the main cohesive entity and where low education may make many events we attribute to science unexplainable, it is no surprise that religion (Islam) is taken more seriously and literally. For example insofar as there being no effectual system of law and punishment to more humanely deal with criminals. Also because religion is such a more important glue of community, it's strictures are enforced more rigidly - more varied interpretations would lead to disagreements and risk breaking the community apart (or alternatively, I am saying that only communities with rigid ideologies have survived).

The reason why a Palestinian Christian behaves less radically than Palestinian Muslims on average may also have manifold explanations if it is true. If we accept that many religious groups are linked globally, it is arguable that western countries with their more moderate Christian view are a moderating influence relative to the more radical average global interpretation of Islam. Perhaps with suicide bombings being such an Islamic stigma, it is an activity they as a community have actively tried to avoid? Perhaps anthropologically being in the minority in a community engenders less radicalism and more passive behaviour?

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

enoch says...

*promote the master!
welcome back @blankfist
ya'all need to start taking notes.

this guy was super entertaining,i thought he was gonna have an embolism at the halfway mark.


look,no matter which direction you approach this situation the REAL dynamic is simply:power vs powerlessness.

we also should establish which form of libertarianism we are speaking.cultofdusty criticizes the bastardized american version and this dude come from a more classic libertarian (sans the unbridled capitalism).so there should be no surprise they are at odds in their opinion.this man is defending a libertarianism that cultofdusty may not even be aware of at all.

libertarianism has little or nothing in common with the republican party.

so when this dude posits that the corporation is the fault of government,while not entirely accurate,it is also not entirely wrong.corporations in the distant past were temporary alliances of companies,with the blessing of the people (government) to achieve a specific job or project and once that project was complete,the corporation was dissolved.

it was a cadre of clever lawyers,representing powerful interests who convinced the supreme court that corporations were people and hence began the long road leading us to where we are now.

so it was partly the government that fascillitated the birth of the corporation.

i do take issue with this mans assessment of public education.his commentary is the height of ignorance.while i would agree that what we have now can hardly be called 'education".his blanket and broad statements in regards to public education TOTALLY ignores the incredible benefits that come from an educated public.he ignores the history of public education,as if this system has been unchanging for 100 years.

that is just flat out...stupid..or more likely just lazy,regurgitating the maniacal rants of his heroes without ever once giving that 100 years some critical study.

so let me point to the the late 50's and 60's here in the USA where our public education was bar-none the best in the world.what were the consequences of this stellar public education?
well,...civil rights marches,anti-war movement,womens rights movement and a whole generation that not only questioned authority and the entrenched power structures but openly DEFIED those structures.

this absolutely petrified the powered elite.
during the height of the anti-war movement nixon was forced to baricade the white house with school buses and was quoted as saying to kissinger " henry,they are coming for me".

again,the fundamental premise is,and has always been -power vs powerlessness.

so over the nest few decades public education was manipulated and transformed into a subtle indoctrination to teach young minds to tacitly submit to authority.

which this man addresses and i agree,i just disagree with his overly generalized non-historically accurate puke-vomit.

my final point,and its always the point where libertarians lose their shit on me like an offended westboro baptist acolyte (its actually two points) is this:
1.if we can blame the government for much of the problems in regards to concentrated power and the abuse that goes with that power,then we MUST also address the abusive (and corrosive) power of the corporation.many libertarians i discuss with seem to be under the impression that if we take away the symbiotic relationship between corporations and government that somehow..miraculously..the corporation will all of a sudden become the benign and productive member of society.

this is utter fiction.
this is magical thinking.
many corporations have a larger GDP than many nation states.this is about POWER and there is ZERO evidence any corporation will be willing to relinquish that power just because there is no government to influence,manipulate or corrupt.

which brings me to point number 2:
my libertarian friends.
you live in a thing called a society.
a community where other people also live.
so please stop with this rabid individualism as somehow being the pinnacle of human all for personal responsibility but nobody lives in a vacuum and nobody rides this train alone.the world does not revolve around YOU.

but i do understand,and agree,that the heart of the libertarian argument is more power to the people.i also understand their arguments against governments,which directly and oftimes indirectly disempowers people.

i get that.its a good argument..
BUT...for fucks sake please admit that the corporation in its current state has GOT TO FUCKING GO!

because if you dont then ultimately you are trading one tyrant for another and in my humble opinion,ill stick with the one i can at least vote on or protest.

there aint nothing democratic about a multi-national corporation.they are,by design,dictatorships.

so i will agree to wittle the government down and restrict its powers to defense (NOT war),law and fraud police,if you agree to dismantle and restructure the seven headed leviathan that is todays corporation.


Are the police out of control?

Jerykk says...

@newt boy: Out of curiosity, what jobs (outside of the military) are more dangerous than being a cop? There are certainly hazardous jobs out there, like repairing electric lines, but those are mostly predictable. With sufficient preparation and training, risks can be calculated and minimized. Being a cop, on the other hand, forces you to deal with completely unpredictable situations. A routine traffic stop can be a harmless affair or it can end with you being shot or stabbed to death. Cops bear the burden of risk when dealing with the public. Civilians can generally assume that cops aren't going to try to kill them. Cops can't make that same assumption. Their position of authority and responsibility to enforce the law puts them in an inherently antagonistic position. People don't like being told what to do and they definitely don't like being punished for not doing it. It's no surprise then that cops tend to be wary and defensive when doing their job. Some cops (the minority) simply take this too far and try to neutralize perceived threats before they become actual threats.

The ideal solution is to have all cops wear cameras while on duty. That way, there's objective footage of all their interactions, violent or otherwise. If Darren Wilson had been wearing a camera, the whole Brown debacle could have been avoided or at least minimized.

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