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Street Musician inspires Dancer, encouraged by her father

newtboy says...

Nice, but I don't understand the description.
It seems to assume that people think Arabs don't dance, or don't allow their daughters to dance, or never take pride in their children's skills? Really? Not me. No surprise here except the fact that she had such a nice clean space to dance in in a public square.

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

newtboy says...

No, I actually try hard to not read ANY biased stuff on either side, since it's all time wasting propaganda with an agenda...but I understand why you might think that. That does mean I have not read much from Clinton's camp either, so it's no surprise I missed it.

Yes, I agree that many charges thrown don't hold water, but some do, some might, and many more appear to because of her dismissive way of addressing concerns. I do push back when I hear claims against her that are pure fantasy, I'm not a Sanders fan AND a lie fan, I'm a Sanders fan because I hate lies, even when they help my cause.
Because most people don't give her that much, it doesn't matter what reality is, she's thoroughly painted as a dishonest self serving windsock, and nothing is going to change that perception for the masses, and it's the perception that matters come election day. You can be sure the worst smear campaign ever is coming at her, and she can't stand up to it by being dismissive. She's already tied for most disliked candidate EVER!

No, I think they should go to a contested convention and calmly debate who is the better candidate to win, and nominate that candidate, like they normally would. I just think that candidate is obvious, and it's not the one the DNC is going to let win.
(EDIT: There's a reason that the person who's 1 delegate ahead doesn't just 'win', because that person might be unelectable even if they're the favorite. That's why the threshold for victory is way more than 1/2 +1)

I'm doing my best, by contradicting anyone who says it's over. It's not an easy road, but there is a road to his victory, and an easier road to that debate on who's better to both win, and to serve the voters. I contend that both answers are Sanders.

Yes, I think the world is in horrendous shape on nearly every front, and I want it to be different....I want it, and us, to be better. I think everyone should. If you don't continuously try to be better, you undoubtedly are getting worse.
I think of myself as a realist idealist. I want people to try to do the right thing, but I understand that not only can all people not agree what that right thing is, but that it's actually not the same for everyone, and sometimes one person's 'right thing' denies another person's 'right thing'.
I don't look for purity, but when it's presented, I don't turn away either. Purity is a rare commodity, one that should be cherished if found. I see it in Sanders.

bareboards2 said:

@newtboy - I suspect that the reason you haven't seen it in print that Dems who support Clinton will vote for Sanders is because you don't read anything but Sanders stuff. Dan Savage has even said in print he will support Sanders -- and yet what you repeated was the fact that he supports Hillary. You missed that he will gladly vote for Sanders. How could that be?

We all have our biases. And we all are, more or less, trapped in our own echo chambers.

What bothers me most about the attacks on HIllary is that the vast majority are bogus that were ginned up by the REPUBLICAN SMEAR MACHINE. And nobody looks that nasty beast in the eye and names it. Or when Hillary has done it, she is ridiculed for it. Instead, these lies are repeated as truth. You say you don't like lies -- how about pushing back on that crap, instead of embracing it, since it helps your candidate?

What I don't get from your position is what exactly you want to happen? Hillary is ahead on delegates and the popular vote. You want her to just concede right now? Is that what you think should happen?

I have lost track, but last I read, Sanders needed to win something like 65% of the remaining contests to win the nomination.

So do it. Go out and do it.

And I'll vote for Sanders.

To me, this is all more proof that you want the world to be different than it actually is.

And as I have said repeatedly, as much as idealists annoy the hell out of me with their purity tests and unrealistic, not of this world, points of view -- I am desperately glad these idealistic warriors exist. Because otherwise, nothing would ever change.

(I'm not happy about conservative idealists -- Tea Party purists who are constipated, me-me-and-mine ideologues. And I have to acknowledge that we need them, too. The continual pulling of the middle by the fringes -- that is indeed the way the world works. The pendulum that swings back and forth throughout human history.)

Trump Transforms for the General Election: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Actually, he's said clearly and repeatedly that wages are too HIGH in the US and should go down, so any inkling that he thinks we should raise them in any way is a 180 switch. It's also a total cop out that he could use for any topic....'I'll just leave it all to the I don't have to do a damn thing as president and nothing I say makes any difference.'
It should be no surprise to anyone. He's written about how he operates, and not keeping your word and changing your position by the moment while insisting everyone else follows along with his 'new deals' is a large part of that is lying about facts and threatening anyone that contradicts him with lawsuits or just 'taking his ball and going home' (which doesn't work when you are in business or government) etc.
The whole 'self funding' thing was a fraud from the beginning....and a clear one. He LOANED his campaign money, he didn't spend his own money. He ALWAYS planned to pay himself back with private donations, and you can be sure he's paying himself an enormous interest and massive 'fees' on those 'loans', which means he's actually MAKING money on the campaign, not spending a dime of his own. You can be certain he'll get every dime back and then question. should note, this is not a news program (not that they're better) so should not be subject to the requirements of fact, honesty, and clarity we SHOULD (but don't) insist on with 'news' organizations.

Barbar said:

He's a bit of a nut for sure, but I'm getting sick of this style of coverage.

He says he wouldn't raise the minimum wage [federally], then he says he thinks it's an issue that should be decided state by state. That doesn't sound like a change in position to me. That just sounds to me like he wants the minimum wage to accommodate local factors.

I don't know much about Trump. I'm not even American. If someone puts together a montage like this to undermine a political figure and the very information they present me with runs against the narrative they're selling, it's shoddy workmanship.

How American Elections Are Decided

newtboy says...

No surprise at all. There's been 0% confidence in election results since the day we switched to 'electronic voting machines'.
Tampering with them is easy and simple. Seeing the tampering is incredibly difficult. Proving the tampering is nearly impossible. Doing anything about a stolen election is absolutely impossible after the fact.

It sure sounds like this is probably one of the methods used to help Bush steal the election from Gore.
What do you know, we finally have some evidence of voter fraud...perpetrated by the Republicans and having nothing to do with voters committing fraud. Unfortunately, the Republicans won't be worried or surprised by THIS voter fraud and won't do a thing about it, because the companies that make and certify the machines are all owned by Republicans.

Parliament-Funkadelic Performs "Flash Light"

newtboy says...

I SOOOO wanted to love this...but what the hell happened to George Clinton?!? Seeing Bernie looking so emaciated made me sad. Bootsy, no surprise, looks pretty much the same. Please don't let this be the last time we get see them together.
Still some *quality funk.

The surfer not considered hot enough for sponsorship

ChaosEngine says...

I'm with you on the inbred dogs and being hot, but why shouldn't people get money for surfing?

If they're good at what they do, and it encourages people to buy a companies product, why shouldn't that company sponsor them (or at least give them free gear)?

But really this is no surprise to me at all. The surf industry is pretty adolescent when it comes to these things.

Babymech said:

I don't think people should be getting money just for being hot. I also don't think people should be getting money for surfing. Or for breeding really inbred dogs. I have opinions on the internet

Apple is the Patriot

newtboy says...

McAfee is not someone you want to publicly be in your camp. I thought he was actually still wanted for murder, and he certainly doesn't have a clean history of rational behavior.

It's insane that the feds have repeatedly, and under oath, claimed this is a one time thing...when it's clear that there are hundreds and hundreds of other phones they, and other government organizations want and plan to unlock with the 'tool' today, not to mention how they'll use it tomorrow, or what happens when it's 'released into the wild', which WILL happen. Government internet security is a joke.

No surprise at all that Trump is on the wrong side of this issue.

EDIT: Really, a downvote for that ^ comment? Someone has their panties in a bunch.

Elizabeth warren-we have a problem and that problem is money

newtboy says...

It's not so much that they lack the 'spine' as it is they lack any incentive to do so. If they do nothing, they get handed millions with no repercussions. If they work to remove the influence, they start an unwinnable 'war' with all those 'donors' and all their colleagues, effectively ending their careers and the handouts for nothing.
We should have Federal ballot initiatives, maybe requiring a 2/3 vote to pass, so the people could take some control back of congress and stop allowing them to make the rules they have to play by, and stop allowing them to police themselves as well. It's no surprise that an organization that only answers to itself is corrupt, and the people have not held a Federal politician to task for accepting bribes in decades...that I know of.

So yes, they have many workable ideas on how to solve the problems, but all of those ideas are against their own interests until we change the system.

LukinStone said:

At 9:33: This congress doesn’t lack for workable ideas for how to rout out the influence of money in politics. This congress just lacks the spine to do it.

Trump's Thoughts About Megan Kelly's Debate Moderation

newtboy says...

No surprise here.
Someone he claimed was great and worthy of respect is now a PMSing idiot because they didn't kiss his ass tenderly enough.
How do his followers think that's going to work with foreign leaders if they elect him?
Oh, that's right...they don't think.

confrontation at trump rally

newtboy says...

Later in the evening, Trump instructed his mob to "confiscate" a protester's coat and throw him outside in the 10F. weather.
Sounds to me like he's guilty of theft, assault, and incitement. If only there was a prosecutor who's not either a Trump fan or terrified to take him on.
These people are so dumb they don't see the terrible idea of electing a bully, and don't notice how he's turned against almost all those that supported him in the past.

Won't it be amazing if he's elected and at the inauguration says "wow, you people are just so incredibly stupid...I'm a democrat, have been my whole life and I never hid the fact, and you actually believed my idiotic, hateful republican character was for real. Losers."

EDIT: As a side note, has anyone else noticed the number of famous people the guy with the 'best memory in the world' can't remember being friends with? First it was the disabled reporter he knew personally and socialized with but 'didn't remember' although he mocked his handicap exactly, and more recently it's Samuel L Jackson he can't remember playing golf and having lunch with, as if anyone would forget that. So much for having the "best memory in the world", huh? Well, it was only about as true as everything else he says, so no surprise....except that some people still believe anything he says.

confrontation at trump rally

newtboy says...

Making America Hate Again-CHUMP! mean TRUMP!

No surprise these people can't stand any whit of dissent, no matter how respectful or calm it might be, and instantly move from anger to battery and destruction of property while being egged on to go farther. Fascists can never stand disagreement, because it tends to point out how wrong or dumb they are.

Also no surprise, but sad that the rent a cop (at least I hope that cop was off duty and being paid by the Trump campaign) ignored the actual crime and opted to eject the victims.

Why aren't Trump supporters ejected this fast and mobbed when they actually interrupt other candidates and assault and batter people at, for instance, Clinton rallies? It seems to me they have decided in their wisdom that the rules are now that it's OK to beat up and threaten to burn alive 'interlopers' at a rally (as if it's a secret meeting and Trump's secret master plan to win might get out and be ruined), so that should mean they think it's the proper response when they go to other's rallies to interrupt others, right? Turnabout's fair play, after all, right?
(To be clear, I'm not advocating beating and/or burning them, I'm saying they should see that since it's not OK to do to them, it's not OK to do to others...but they don't see that)

How to Open a Master Lock with No Key or Special Tools

robert reich debunks republican deficit hawks-austerity 101

enoch says...

well said mate,and i agree that @radx is the man who can best explain this situation,though @RedSky is quite adept as well.

don't let those fearmongers get to you man.
the deficit hawks use household analogies to make their point and this is not only a fear tactic but a disingenuous one at that,or just plain dishonest.

how you and i run our households is NOTHING like how a government runs finances.yet that is the comparative example they use over and over and it is no surprise that many people may be a tad freaked out when they look at those massive numbers.

if we compare republican vs democrat over the past few decades,democrats have proven to be the better pick in regards to fiscal responsibility.

we live in bizzarro universe where rhetoric has the exact opposite outcome when applied to reality.

what i would really like to know,and not ONE candidate will even mention it:military spending.

the budget keeps going up.
by some estimates the military counts for 25% of all tax revenue but when you factor in ALL military/defense/intelligence it is closer to 50%.


soldiers benefits keep decreasing.
their health care harder and harder to obtain.(never mind the mental health care of our soldiers,which is criminal).
soldier suicide is at an all time high in over a century.
homelessness of our veterans is an embarrassment.

yet the military budget keeps getting higher and not one politician will even dare breath a word.even sanders record is not exactly stellar in this regard.

maybe if our political class stopped engaging in the practice of empire,we could re-invest in our own country.

Lab is terrible at filling the kiddie pool

Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agre

Sniper007 says...

I don't know about any of these videos (haven't watched them). But it is a fact Planned Parenthood kills babies before they are born. It is also a fact that they have killed babies after they were born. No difference in effect, so why not?

And it is a fact they must dispose of the children's bodies somehow.

It's no surprise to me that they must discuss this at some point, and the costs involved.

Perhaps these videos are fake - they should be exposed as such. To me, the videos are irrelevant to the issue.

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