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Black cat Ninja training

oritteropo says...

If it had been silent, the title would have been "Ninja cat"! At least it has the wall hang sorted, now just needs to work on stealth and style.

00Scud00 said:

Definitely too noisy to be ninja, reminds me of a wall beneath a window in our basement and the years worth of claw marks gouged into it.

Black cat Ninja training

Cultural Appropriation

Magicpants says...

Reminds me of a discussion I got into with some friends about why is it okay to be a ninja for Halloween but not a geisha. They are both Japanese professions, both have had non-Asians in said profession, it seems a little random about what's racist and what isn't.

thug kitchen cookbook-making racism tasty

ChaosEngine says...

Fuck me, this is a real thing!

Make sure you pause at 1:28 to read the fine print.... "It's scientific as hell. We made graphs...and all kinds of shit."

On further inspection, this appears to be a vegetarian cookbook in disguise. Well, if you have to have vegetarianism (or as I call it, the art of cooking side dishes), it may as well be ninja vegetarianism, and at least these guys a) have a sense of humour (something missing with most vegetarians) and b) are trying to get people to stop eating processed crap, so...

*promote being a skilled sunuvabitch in the kitchen!

Epic Counter-Strike Ninja Defuse

SquidCap says...

Can happen, not very likely but tunnel vision takes over on even the most experienced players. And because it is so unlikely, no one counts that as a possibility. There are some odd things here like why not use the shorter route, planning to ninja as those usually happen by mistake and also going out from cover and retreating back just in time, rest of the team going to the left side, lots of coincidences.. But it can definitely happen like that.. Too much focus on mission, you forget to check one corner, you see a mate ahead you think that he has done that etc.

There are countless times when you can just stroll around even bumbing to enemies and no one notices; "i'm in a group of mates, why would there be an enemy that is not shooting" and it goes unnoticed. In games that allow prone it happens even more often, then it's your duty to jihad that place, just pull the pin on all the nades you got..

ant (Member Profile)

X-Men: Days of Future Past -Quicksilver Scene

spawnflagger says...

a villain could still kill Quicksilver in his sleep... couldn't do that to Superman (at least not without kryptonite-plated weapon and uber-ninja silence. Wait, does Superman even sleep?

Since time is relative, I'm having a hard time seeing what's different between Quicksilver's power and The Flash. any experts can comment?

Hiddekel said:

seems like one of those super powers that trivialises pretty much everything. great scene though!


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'scientific, comedy, teenage mutant ninja turtles, adhd, turtle peni' to 'Scientifically Accurate, teenage mutant ninja turtles, adhd, turtle peni' - edited by Grimm

Fast Russian Disarms Soldier

CrushBug says...

That shirt with blue and white is usually worn by Spetsnaz.

He did to it fast and after the first move his body was no where near the barrel direction. He would not have been hit.

Fast. FAST, not "fat". Maybe there was a ninja edit, but the title used the word Fast for me.

You can't really disarm someone with a gun if you are farther away.

Honest Trailers - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History

Japan Tech Rope Rescue Competition

Naked Ambition on American Ninja Warrior

Naked Ambition on American Ninja Warrior

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