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Naked Ambition on American Ninja Warrior

Ginger Ninja Cat

Kacy Catanzaro 1st Woman to Complete American Ninja Warrior

Sotto_Voce says...

Title is a little misleading. She hasn't finished American Ninja Warrior. She finished the Dallas finals course, and qualified for Mt. Midoriyama, the actual final course of the competition, which no one -- man or woman -- has been able to finish in five seasons of this show.

Not to take away from her accomplishment though. That was an awesome display of athleticism.

Kacy Catanzaro 1st Woman to Complete American Ninja Warrior

Esoog says...

I've been a fan of Ninja Warrior every since watching G4's broadcast of Sasuke. And the American version is best for me on DVR where I can fast forward through the vast amounts of talking...but moments like this are why I watch the show. That was amazing. And it was nice to hear the commentators (who I agree can be scripted and boring) be genuinely surprised and excited too. It was refreshing.

lucky760 said:

*Quality run.

When I watched this the other night, I stood up, clapped, and cheered, and I was watching all by myself. Quite thrilling to watch.

Granted, this is just a semi-final round, but I'm pretty certain there's never been a female to complete the first stage in America nor Japan.

I had a similar fist-to-the-sky cheering moment in the previous semi-final round where Kevin Bull was used his legs to hang from a ball and stick his upside-down landing.

The American version is getting really great, though I still vastly prefer the Japanese version.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Ghostbusters Commercial - Alternative Takes

Bowie & Jagger "Dancing In The Street" Without Music

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

Chairman_woo says...

This scene is pretty close to how it goes down in the book, save a little variation in how the final blow is administered.

I also completely disagree, I think the director completely nailed it. It plays up to a lifetime of predictable cliché's only to turn them right around and give us a dose of cold hard reality.

Hero's frequently loose, villains frequently win, overconfidence is a weakness and having a just cause is no guarantee of victory.

Oberyn wins the fight but allows his need for vengeance to cloud his judgement. He starts calm and works himself into more and more of a frenzy over a neurosis he has carried for many years. IMHO this was portrayed pretty authentically, he starts calm (as he has learned to be) but as the fight progresses he allows the guard to drop and the raging emotions to manifest properly.

Now he can afford to let these bottled up feeling out properly, the mountain is right there and soon he will kill him! Throw in some adrenaline and the anticipation of that moment overwhelms the self control that earned him the title red viper.

I also don't see how you can describe the mountain as a "super ninja" here. Everything he does at the end is an exercise in brute strength, let's not forget he's wearing mailed fists, the blow to the mouth need not be especially strong or quick to do the damage. All he does after that is roll on top of him with the last bit of strength and rage he has (spurred on by his "beetle crushing" fuck everything mindset). Subsequently crushing the skull has more to do with his upper body weight as his hands alone.

A massive strong man yanks someone's legs out from under them, punches them in the mouth and then climbs on top (while they are stunned) to finish the job.

Being run through doesn't necessarily stop one's muscles from working until the blood loss kicks in. Doubly so with the adrenaline of a life or death fight (and the anaesthetic effect massive trauma has on the nervous system). There are countless stories of soldiers and criminals being mortally wounded by multiple shots to the chest who continued attacking till the blood loss overcame them. Gregor Clegane is exactly the sort of psycho who might exhibit such bloody minded behaviour.

I might also remind you that the Mountain has one more than one occasion been described as "swifter than might be expected for a man of such stature" i.e. not a lumbering hulk. He gets several blows in on Oberyn during the fight. Many of the swings are extremely heavy but they are calculated moves from an expert fighter who is more than capable of moving quickly when needed.

Oberyn is quicker, but the Mountain is not exactly slow (that's one of the reasons why the Mountain is/was formerly undefeated, he's big but can still move relatively quickly for his size).

harlequinn said:

That's fair enough. I haven't read the books but the tv version butchered this scene in so many ways.

Up front note: nobody should be surprised Oberyn died - it's GOT - it's to be expected.

That said, I wish the director wouldnt have.... Oberyn (an experienced fighter) be cool as ice before the fight just to turn into a emotional wreck a few seconds into the fight.

Don't show us the Mountain as a lumbering hulk who then, after being fully run through with a spear twice and having a calf slashed, turn into a super ninja while Oberyn makes a beginners mistake and turns into a sloth.

The director going comic book bad guys on us sucked.

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

harlequinn says...

That's fair enough. I haven't read the books but the tv version butchered this scene in so many ways.

Up front note: nobody should be surprised Oberyn died - it's GOT - it's to be expected.

That said, I wish the director wouldnt have.... Oberyn (an experienced fighter) be cool as ice before the fight just to turn into a emotional wreck a few seconds into the fight.

Don't show us the Mountain as a lumbering hulk who then, after being fully run through with a spear twice and having a calf slashed, turn into a super ninja while Oberyn makes a beginners mistake and turns into a sloth.

The director going comic book bad guys on us sucked.

lv_hunter said:

My reply was more of a general comment. But evey death serves a purpose in the book. It starts off something later on and steam rolls. If ned didnt die, there wouldnt of been this whole war in the first place. If Robb didnt die, he would have made his way south and it would be a different book all together.

This is a very dark epic for sure. But it has its awesome moments.

Die Antwoord - Pitbull Terrier

kir_mokum says...

i'm pretty sure we've never seen ninja be himself. he's known as a satirist and a performance artist as well so i'm quite sure there is loads of tongues in cheeks with die antwoord. i'm not necessarily a fan but i can def. appreciate the quality of their extremely cheeky and cheesey music (hyper machismo personalities and lyrics mixed with all of the chaviest rave sounds and s. african interpretations of electrobass) and their videos, which are some of the best music videos coming out right now.

love them or hate them, they're different and at least somewhat interesting.

NinjaInHeat said:

Sorry for hating, but I just finished watching this and the first thing that came to mind was "I wonder what an interview with this guy would sound like, he must have the mental capacity of a poodle", so I Googled, and sure enough:

Hilarious really.
I guess I'm just not "on his level", I'm on that other level, where shit music sounds like shit

Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom"

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Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom"

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Die Antwoord - Baby's On Fire (Official Music Video)

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Die Antwoord - Baby's On Fire (Official Music Video)

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Die Antwoord - Pitbull Terrier

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Pitbull terrier scene - Emir Kusturica's Black Cat White Cat has been added as a related post - related requested by Norsuelefantti.

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Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja. has been added as a related post - related requested by Norsuelefantti.

Die Antwoord - Rich Bitch has been added as a related post - related requested by Norsuelefantti.

Die Antwoord performing live in a taxi cab (next level sh*t) has been added as a related post - related requested by Norsuelefantti.

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