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Bill Maher - President Crazypants

entr0py says...

The tiny hands stuff has an interesting history though, I like spy magazine's original framing as "short -fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump". The sole reason this trolling has gone on for 30 years is he reacts to it in such amusingly childish ways.

MilkmanDan said:

I've said I don't like the "tiny hands" stuff before because it isn't in any way a legitimate or meaningful criticism. Trump does all kinds of legitimately crazy shit, and so much energy is spent on making fun of his hands?

...That being said, Maher brilliantly segued a sarcastic "tiny hands" jab into a very legitimate (and funny) jab in this one.

Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)

17 Programs Trump will cut that cost you $22 yr - Nerdwriter

JiggaJonson says...

I suppose, but as you say, they are table scraps of money for all the good they do.

Homeless people should be getting money from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) (aka welfare) but that money has, in a bi-partisan way, been misappropriated and the broad language of the law signed in 96 basically let states do whatever the fuck they want with that cash. $16.5 billion is spent on stupid bullshit like dance parties to help out shitty marriages when it should be doing what that money is named for.


Point being, $445 million < 16.5 billion And I argue there is spending happening that contributes a lot less to society than PBS, NPR, etc. do.

That TANF fund is just one example of a program that's pulling down billions and dumping it, unsurprisingly, into the pockets of for-profit companies that are more than happy to scoop up TANF dollars or any other funds the Federal Government throws at them.

Also, Big Bird.

bobknight33 said:

To be fair some of those programs should be eliminated. In the big picture these table scrap spending issues.

Homeless need food and shelter more than I need PBS or GOV funded arts programs.

Americans need to work longer before opting for social security.

Our defense spending does need to be cut.

Our national debt does need to be lowered.

WE need not to be fighting if /when defenses cutting / social security adjustments issues come up.

Death panels and throwing grandma off the cliff scare tactics need to stop.

Lest We Forget: The Big Lie Behind the Rise of Trump

shagen454 says...

I was about the reply to Bobknight - to say basically the same thing.

Unfortunately, a lot of us who are "liberal" can't understand this. There is truth to it, I'm not going to say that it isn't batshit crazy but for instance, I worked 5 days at a design temp job (before I quit and got the job of a lifetime a week later) and the owner was an older lady. She listened to FOX news ALL DAY long, totally in the box and in the zone for the alt-right mentality.

She, as a small business owner, who probably has other "conservative"(extremist) friends on the Chamber of Commerce (of which she was a part of) really believed that Trump as a "BUSINESS" person would be a great president in creating a better economy for"business"(tax loopholes everywhere, YES!!! No living wage or minimum wage increases, YESSS!!! fucking dicks the lot of em). I had to listen to this shit for those 5 days, but yeah - people really believe(d) it. There are business people out there, who aren't Bobknights eating doritoes in that wheel-less, rusted, mobile home in the trailer park waiting for the next tornado to plop down on tornado alley and give them the ultimate ride to the otherside, that believed in having a business person in the white house a good thing (fucking capitalists and terribly ignorant poor people IMO lol).

Media is in a real shithole these days. I mean, I still listen to Democracy Now! & NPR... but everything is slanted one-way or another...

artician said:

I wish your comment weren't downvoted on this, because I feel you're right.

It's not just Autotune - how singers cheat today(Pop Theory)

Skinny Lister - Trouble On Oxford Street

Samantha Bee - Fake News, Real Consequences

kulpims (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Blue Man Group: Tiny Desk Concert : NPR

1 Scientifically Proven Thing Actually Makes People Happier

eric3579 says...

There are actually a couple of other happiness-increasing technique that is somewhat non-intuitive, is shown to increase happiness in repeated studies, and is fairly easy to implement and difficult to reverse: Having a dog or cat.

It appears that being needed by the animal makes the human feel as if they have intrinsic value which...I mean it would be nice if we had that without pets but, there it is. If you want the best bang for your buck, I would suggest a small dog or cat from the pound as it will eat significantly less food than a bigger animal.

Another life change that actually effectively increases long-term happiness on average is marriage. This seemed a little too hairy for this video though. Also, DEFINITELY NOT DOSE-DEPENDENT. One spouse...better for happiness. Two spouses USUALLY NOT.

So there you go...get a pet, get hitched, and shorten your commute. You need to get home anyway, so you can feed your dog!

Homeownership doesn't increase happiness:
Short Commute = $40,000 raise
Commuting Linked to Lower Life Satisfaction

Commuting and Metabolic / Cardiovascular Health

Commuting related to lower social activity and lower general trust

10 Things Commuting Does to your Body

The Syrians aren't just victims or villains

Bernie Sanders “The View” - Full Interview

00Scud00 says...

It's still working it's way through the courts, Remington claims that they're protected under the Protection of Lawful Commerce and Arms Act. But some say there are exceptions for things like negligent entrustment, as the families are claiming that military style weapons should never have been sold to the public in the first place and therefore qualifies as negligence.

Barbar said:

Is holding arms makers accountant for crimes they didn't commit even a thing? Wouldn't this just get laughed out of the courts if they tried to implement it?

Bernie Sanders “The View” - Full Interview

00Scud00 says...

The reason many in the NRA are so against smart guns is because some places (New Jersey is one I think) have it written into law that when smart guns become technically and commercially viable then all arms dealers must switch to selling only smart guns within something like 3 years. Essentially making the sale of all other guns illegal I guess.
And the gun manufacturers pretty much already have immunity from being sued for how someone uses their products. There is no reasonable way that the makers of a firearm could possibly insure that someone they sell a gun to will not use it in either a criminal or just recklessly.
Personally I think smart guns are a great idea but I think lawmakers didn't consider how their own laws might wind up hindering the adoption of smart guns.
Here's the story I heard on NPR about it a week or two back.

spawnflagger said:

I think the main reason gun manufacturers don't make the biometric locks (as Obama and many other politicians call for) is fear of litigation when that lock fails.

To see safer guns (from children finding and using them) I would support a bill with some form of legal immunity from these types of lawsuits.

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