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Road rage and getting assaulted.

newtboy says...

Except that it's not shenanigans to lane split to the front at a light when on a bike, it's expected and legal, but it is shenanigans to jump back in front as a car just because you're butt hurt someone got in front of you, then swerve at the bike as if to kill him....and also serious shenanigans to chase him like you're Steve Macqueen because he turned your mirror slightly.
Perhaps you mean it's shenanigans to hit the douchebags mirror? I guess I can't say that's totally incorrect, and clearly didn't turn out well, but when someone tries to kill you (which is what happened as I see it), that's a fairly restrained response.
Florida is a concealed carry state, and a 'stand your ground' state as well. The biker could have shot that guy in my eyes after the first attempt to hit him at the very start, certainly when he cut him off and got out of the car, and justifiably, properly, and morally when the car started really trying to run him off the road.
(ps, I don't ride motorcycles)

Mordhaus said:

Bit of shenanigans on both sides. Bike guy cut off car guy to go first at light, car guy upped the ante, bike guy slapped car guy's mirror. Then we get a lovely chase that endangered their lives and the lives of everyone else on the road.

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

newtboy says...

Pretty much what @Mordhaus said.

There's no way to sustain the numbers we have today without changing 99% of people's habits, most effectively starting with breeding habits.
With the need for only 10% the power required today, you would never need to use nuclear power at all, or hydro. You could supply it on wind and solar with a small fossil fuel peak power generator system.
The planet MAY survive....but I don't count only extremophile bacteria as really 'alive'. Worst case scenario, we could be Venus 2.0, in my eyes, that's not alive.

diego said:

actually, its not at all like that. the planet has food and land in surplus for everyone, but there is huge waste. Some of it is the price of technology and the modern life style, some of it is avoidable, reckless waste, but its not only a matter of "if there were only less people". That wouldnt make trawling the ocean any less destructive, or nuclear waste any less toxic. The planet is going to survive no matter what, the question is in what form, reducing the number of people on the planet only changes the time it takes to ruin the planet if the people that remain are going to continue irresponsibly consuming and contaminating as before.

The Most Costly Joke in History

newtboy says...

What? Helicopters are LESS vulnerable? How do you figure? They're vulnerable to small arms fire from ground troops, unlike a Warthog (unless you have a super sniper around that can do supercomputer type calculations in a fraction of a second and hit it on the fly with a 50 cal. depleted uranium round). They can pop up and down behind cover and do awesome targeting tricks, but in my eyes, for every advantage they have, there's another disadvantage.

But then you hit the nail on the head. Drones do it ALL better, for exponentially less, without putting a highly trained pilot in danger. I think it's just plain dumb to make piloted planes when we have working drone tech. For the current cost of the R&D on this single plane, not including the cost of building a single working F-35, we could have 1.3 million drones (+-, if we make that many, I'm sure we can make them for <$1 million a piece) and own the skies of the entire planet for eternity....or at least until Skynet takes over. Drones are far cheaper to maintain, don't have the G-force limitations human pilots do, can do far more dangerous jobs because we can afford to lose them, etc. We should never make another fighter that has a pilot IMO....maybe not any kind of military fighting plane.
I also love the A-10, but I've never had to fight in one. That cannon though, so satisfying.

transmorpher said:

I'm saying that the F-35 doesn't need to do the job of the A-10 in the same style, because helicopters and drones already fill that loitering style of close air support. And they fill it better than the warthog. Drones loiter better and longer, and helicopters are less vulnerable while having just as much fire power, with the ability to keep enemies suppressed without stopping to turn around and run in again. Helicopters don't even fly that much slower than the A-10 and they have the advantage of being able to stay on the friendly side of the battle-line while firing at the enemy, as well as being able to use terrain as cover.
And fast movers do a better job of delivering bombs.

The warthog was created as a soviet tank killer and hasn't been used in the role ever, since the cold war never became a hot war. It was created in a time where high losses were acceptable. You could argue it was made to fight a war that didn't happen either. But it's been upgraded with all sorts of sensors that are already in helicopters and drones to extend it's role into something it wasn't really designed for in the first place.

I'm not beating up the warthog, it's my 2nd most favourite plane. I've logged some 400+ virtual flying hours in the A-10C in DCS World. I know what every single switch does in the cockpit. And I've dropped thousands of simulated laser and GPS guided bombs, launched thousands of mavericks, and strafed thousands of BMPs. I love the thing really
But it's duties are performed better by a range of modern aircraft now.

West Indian Girl-What Are You Afraid Of

eric3579 says...

I lost myself inside someone else
I couldn't see the lines between her and me
On a darker road, the fear I've shown
With eyes of stone, he walks alone
What are you afraid of?
All the years fade away
What are you made of?
From the ties that hold us down
What are you fighting for?
To feel them all
What are you dying for?
To be free
Who tonight will change your life
To jump on a plane and land a
Thousand miles away
Just to see what we came to be
Inside my eyes
There's no chance of losing
When there's no chance at all
As time goes by, I forget why
From a distant view it might still be true
There's a part of me that lives for you.

Super Trolling: Rickrolling with fake parking tickets

newtboy says...

I consider a cell phone a hand held computer. I started computing on an Apple2, so the power of a cell phone certainly meets the definition in my eyes.
Also, my PC has a decent camera built in. One could just as easily scan it into their PC, no? If not, why not?
I've never have a cell phone (FREAK!...What?! Who said that?!), so I don't really know how those QR codes work.

I just assumed that phones are nearly as vulnerable as computers, and I know that just opening a web page CAN infect your system, even with anti-virus software and without clicking/intentionally installing anything. Some viruses auto-download once you're on the site with no notice, or a fake notice pretending to be a 'I've read the terms of service' or 'I agree' boxes and downloading to hidden files in the background in ways only IT specialists would notice.
I know that I've seen many reports claiming that many 'fremium' games include Trojan horse programs that track your phone usage, location, and in some cases steal your information. I'm just guessing that the same thing is possible without the game attached. It wouldn't be difficult on a PC to use a link/web page to auto-infect visitors, I'm just guessing the same goes for 'hand held computers'.

I think "literally zero risk" is a bit much. Possibly extremely unlikely, but certainly not really zero risk.

ForgedReality said:

How is it scary, exactly? How would you scan a QR code into your COMPUTER? And the only way you can get a virus is by clicking a link and downloading and installing software. Just visiting a website won't do that. At most, it could crash your browser via JavaScript. There's literally zero risk.

It Was Just A Regular Flight, Until These Old Men Blew Every

Sagemind says...

Egads! Stop with the click-bait titles - These types of titles make me want to scrape my eyes out, bang my head against the wall and then refuse to visit the page!

Top 10 Most Evil Kids in History

dannym3141 says...

So this is just fucking great. I'll tell you, i recognise the kid in the picture and i remember what happened to Jamie Bulger. What a fucking wonderful way to sensationalise it and get a few quid from youtube views.

Just so you know, that young boy was led away from safety and led on a death march through populated areas, crying himself hoarse and scared - no, terrified and desperate and pleading - in a way that only a child can be. He was marched past some 30 odd people and everyone looked away because they thought they were brothers. To his poor little mind, he must have thought that all those strangers were in on it.

Once he had been walked miles away from where he was found to a secluded spot, he was tortured and mutilated, the details of which are harrowing even to simply READ about.

One can only imagine the relentless fear that this poor little kid went through and it brings tears to my eyes to contemplate it. This is something that affected me really strongly as a child, when it happened, and i can't believe that there are people who would use that to make money. Every single penny that they made off this video should be going to the families that suffered.

I hope whoever made money off this fucking video chokes on it and knows that what they've done regardless of their intent is to glorify and profit off some of the most desperate suffering that very few humans will ever experience. Profiting off the misery of a kidnapped, tortured, dead little baby.

By fucking god i hope there is a heaven and i hope Jamie Bulger is there and happy right now. I couldn't even bear to watch the majority of it. I look forward to the day that the bastards who did it are found and killed and i hope it's fucking slow. It makes you want to wipe the human race out and let nature start again. What a truly disgusting video to make and to present.

a menthol tear stick

trump supporters get violent with silent protesters

newtboy says...

Agreed, but only 1 Trumpeteer got violent. He's the only one I saw that deserved to be removed. I can even support them removing the protesters because they aren't wanted at a private function, but not over policing actual violence that happens right in their face. Ignoring that is outrageous in my eyes, and a reportable shirking of their sworn duties.
More than one supporter was being far more disruptive than the protesters, but that's kind of par for the course at these rallies....then again so is the violence it seems.
Oh how the Republicans have fallen. I recall not that long ago when they were considered the 'adult' party.

Khufu said:

Removing 2 protesters surrounded by 1000's of angry rednecks is easier than removing 1000's of angry rednecks from a Trump rally.

Corden and Adele in Carpool Karaoke

Korean Girls Try American BBQ For the First Time

newtboy says...

Having sauce on it doesn't make it not BBQ, but ONLY having sauce on it doesn't make baked meat BBQ either. If it's slow smoked with a spicy rub, but not smoked to dry jerky, I say that qualifies as BBQ.
Sour pulled pork? Something's not right. Mine is almost too sweet, but I use a brown sugar and pepper based rub.
They all need to be served with large-cut sweet onion. That's the proper side for all BBQ in my eyes....but I was raised in Texas, so I have a very particular idea of what makes BBQ good.

AeroMechanical said:

A lot of folks wouldn't consider that proper BBQ. I mean, it's got sauce on it for god's sake.

The Official Donald Trump Jam

newtboy jokingly says...

ERMERGERD!!! I was CERTAIN this was someone making fun of the Trump crowds by greenscreening in this...this.....there are no words. Then I checked and see this is actually linked from the Fox local channel, not some liberal jokester.
Absolutely needs a *terrible
MY EYES! The goggles, they do nothing!
Where's my brain bleach....this must be removed from my memory for my own sanity's sake.

Videosifts Sarzys Best And Worst Movies Of 2015

bareboards2 says...

Agree to disagree, I guess.

I was bored by the long beginning sequence and I certainly rolled my eyes more than once at plot points. Part of the beauty of the original was its grounding in Saturday serials that played before the movies that would leave you in a "cliffhanger" moment, then skip ahead to the following Saturday without explaining things. I don't think the reboot was grounded enough in that delicious silliness.

In my opinion, of course. I'm just one person. Clearly millions disagree with me. There isn't any right or wrong here. Although my unedited response upon walking out when it was over was snarky and judgmental. I'll apologize for that, but not for my personal experience of the movie that culminated in that one line judgemental-of-other's-fun review.

JustSaying said:

You don't have to be blind to love SW:TFA, you just have to appreciate a very well made blockbuster for the whole family that doesn't insult an adults intelligence.

DAIRY IS F**KING SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

newtboy says...

My point. Honesty would go a long way, much farther than exaggeration to make a point. Things are bad enough without any need for exaggeration clouding the waters. The video strongly implied that this is how all milk is produced, while, as you indicated, as much as 50% is not produced using these methods. Those 50% should be mentioned, IMO, and applauded for taking the extra time and effort to give their animals a better, at least comfortable if not free, life.

Your stats sound like a reason to buy milk...from local smaller producers. Otherwise only the giant factory farms that are invariably the worst at care for the animals will be left. A better solution in my eyes is to support those doing it 'right'.

Your stats are confusing. In one paragraph, you say that 50% of milk is made by 'smaller' (<500 cow-'good') farms, then you have other statistics about tiny (<100 cow) farms. If under 500 cow farms are USUALLY the "good" kind, why mention the under 100 cow stat, unless it's just to show how few there are in what's likely the 'best' category? (or is it to include my family's farm techniques in the equation, since we've discussed it before? you know, we had 200+- head on 300 acres when we had them, free we (well, they, I moved to California) have about 100+- angora goats) Again, the second set of stats would also seem to me to be a good argument for supporting local, small farmers that take much better care of their animals (and produce a better product), rather than a good reason to boycott farm products altogether....but that's just me.

EDIT: Can we agree that the tactic of, without warning, showing horrid animal abuse to people who love animals is not a good way to get them on your side?

eoe said:

It's not all dairy farms, but it's most. See or page 7 of (note my requirement of .edu not some blowhard blogger).

The number of dairy farms with fewer than 500 cows (your "good places") has decreased significantly and the number with more than 500 has increased majorly. And those farms with more than 500 account for 50% of the milk made.

So, yeah. There are some good farms out there. But the number is shrinking and they're unable to compete with the large factory farms.

Also, from one of the docs cited above:
In 2000, about 71.1 percent of production came from
operations of 100 or more cows, up from 55.2 percent
in 1993. Production from the smallest herds, not a
large share to begin with, fell by about half—from 4.1
to 2 percent


Rather than refute any of the other claims above, I'll just leave it at this. I have vegan exhaustion. My point is that these aren't just made up vegan facts from PETA, these are studies by the USDA.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

newtboy says...

Hmmm. That doesn't sound like a therapist or guidance counselor to me. "Advising students" is not the same thing by far, and therapist, not at least not in my eyes. More like a 'campus manager' to me.
I agree, it sounds different from 'teacher', but it's even farther away from 'head cuddler'. His job is, in part, to ensure a variety of ideas and ideals are free to be represented on campus, all with safety and respect for the others' rights to express THEIR viewpoints, and to squash any group that actively tries to hinder that freedom of expression. Anyone asking for "safe space" should calmly be asked to leave campus, as it's not 'safe' for their fragile mindsets, indeed it's designed to challenge them.

Babymech said:

I looked up how he described his own role: "Officially, Masters are charged with setting the “intellectual, social, and ethical tone of the College.” On a practical level, I am here to support you, our wonderful Silliman students. I spend time trying to get to know and advise students; working with our amazing residential staff to foster college life; and hosting social and academic events. I also devote energy to anticipating needs, whether they involve space allocation, resources, or new programs to meet students’ interests. Oh, and I deliver sweets at odd hours. "

To me this is a different role from a teacher, and it seems like someone that the students might expect to provide them with safety and hugs rather than constructive criticism... But it still seems absurd to me and I hate their entitled rudeness.

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