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Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

SDGundamX says...

Oh certainly, there are definitely glaring flaws with Rogue One.

The biggest problem for me was how every character conveniently dies IMMEDIATELY as soon as their narrative purpose is done with. And strangely, every character seems completely ready to die in a way that makes the deaths fairly laughable.

Saw: "I'm gonna stare out this window and not even try to escape."

Bodhi: "I'm gonna close my eyes and not even try to toss that thermal detonator back out of the shuttle."

Baze: "Welp, my best friend is dead so I'm just going to Leroy Jenkins those Deathtroopers."

They missed major dramatic opportunities for each character death. Think "Saving Private Ryan" where each character death is meaningful. Caparzo disobeys a command to do something decent and gets himself killed. Wade dies because Tom Hanks wanted to do the right thing and clear the machine gun nest. Fish dies because Upham is too cowardly to climb the steps and fight. And none of those guys resigned themselves to death--they all wanted desperately to live.

A couple of other things that bothered me about Rogue One:

Why did Admiral Raddus take Princess Leia--a Galactic Senators daughter--into a major battle with the Empire, one which most Rebels were convinced was a trap designed to draw out the fleet?

Why didn't Vader just Force pull the Death Star plans out of the escaping rebels before massacring them all?

Why did the Death Star "miss" Scarif base and hit the ocean instead despite them showing it had pinpoint accuracy when blowing up Jedha?

All that being said, TFA disappointed me big time. It was just trying waaaaaaaay too hard to evoke the original trilogy. If I wanted to watch the original trilogy again I'd, you know, watch the original trilogy. And don't even get me started on Kylo Ren. I haven't wanted to punch a character in the face so hard since whiny Anakin from Attack of the Clones.

EDIT: To keep this on topic, I'm annoyed that Plinket didn't point out the actual flaws in the movie and instead focused on the "they didn't explain the Force" bullshit.

ChaosEngine said:

I felt like the movie was a bit of a structural mess.

So Cassian rescues Jyn so she can persuade Gerrera to hand over Bodhi so he can give her the message from her father who can tell them about the weakness in the death star.... that just feels like one step too many.

And what was with the Gerrera's weird mind squid thing? That scene felt completely unnecessary and was also the worst looking part of the movie (almost exactly like the tentacle ball things scene in TFA).

That said, the last third was great, and seeing the death star destroy part of a planet from the surface really brought home the horror of the weapon.

I'd put it very slightly behind TFA in terms of ranking it (Empire, New Hope, Jedi, TFA, Rogue One). While I admire that they tried something different and didn't just retread old plots like TFA, I just didn't enjoy it as much as TFA. The characters in TFA were just better and it was just more fun.

Typical Day Working at Hot Topic

eric3579 says...

Customer: They were able to resurrect my flesh, it's healed. And it's time for me to go home.

Cashier: Oh my god!

Customer: And I.. my.. e-they even told me my scales are turning gold as my father's were. My father was a piece of creation itself. He was the protector of god himself.

Cashier: Well that's good then.

Customer: That's the thing, people damn power. It's not evil it's how you choose to use it.

Cashier: Oh yeah most definitely. That's pretty much like how everything is.

Customer: But the dictation of true power is lost to this world. I'm returning home but I'm... going to come back. But I'm going to make it that no human is permitted to use power without sanction.

Cashier: Good!

Customer: You must give your soul to me.

Cashier: Oh my god!

Customer: I am the Sovereign of Power and I'm going to become what my father was before my birth: "Eternal Guardian Dragon of Time".

Cashier: Oh wow!

Customer: My father gave up much of his power when I was born. Because she.. (pause) h-he-his mate was Hecate (?), mother of angels. I was the only true born.. My brethren. Even Lucifer down in the pit for his fucking retardation, he was my brother.

Cashier: Oh my goodness!

Customer: I am not a fallen. I am a lost. I fell to Earth from my own folly- not following that bastard.

Cashier: (exasperated exhale) Wow.

Customer: Honestly look into my eyes. Do I seem mad to you?

Cashier: Not really.

Customer: Most humans denounce anything that is outside their realm (of...)

Cashier: (finishes Customer's sentence) Understanding.

Customer: But that is my dictation. I do not demand your soul as payment. It is moreso protection that if you abuse your power.. then your soul is (was?) going to be bound. You keep your soul within your flesh but your soul will be bound never to touch power again. That is the dictation of the blood contract. I give you my blood, you give me... a piece of your soul. You do not lose your soul. I am not the father, I have no rights to your soul. But I do have rights to claim how you use my power. And that is the only reason I bind your soul like that.

Cashier: Oh yeah forreal.. like.. that makes sense.

Insane woman assaults legal e-bike rider on public path

newtboy says...

Only one asshole, the idiot that attacked the rider because she's 100% wrong about the law and her rights to enforce it. He could have legally killed that woman. She kidnapped (that's what it is when you illegally detain someone, like she did) and assault and battered him. As I see it, he would have been justified shooting her.
I hope they find and charge that moron, she committed at least 2 felonies on camera.

Edit-keep in mind she had already blocked and attacked him before the video starts, explaining and excusing his attitude in my eyes.

CrushBug said:

I think there is plenty of asshole to go around there.

This is how fast fire can spread. Warning: disturbing

newtboy says...

If I remember correctly, the band made it out the back. I can't remember if they were convicted or if so, of what, but they sure should have been. Pyro in a tiny club like that with no fire protection and seemingly at least double capacity sure spells 100 counts of manslaughter in my eyes.
*terrible, absolutely terrible. I should have skipped this one.

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

RhesusMonk says...

The first time I saw this video, I was a first year law student, lamenting that I hadn't taken the road not traveled. For about a week straight, I would play this as soon as I woke up to get right and face the day. Sometimes it brought tears to my eyes. Right now, I am writing this message in my high school science lab, with the video playing up on the overhead. My students asked me why I became a high school science teacher when I have a license to practice law. This is my answer.

The 15 Yr Old Who May Be The First Person On Mars

My Drug Dealer Was A Doctor - Macklemore

eric3579 says...

They said it wasn't a gateway drug
My homie was takin' subs and he ain't wake up
The whole while, these billionaires, they kicked up
Paying out congress so we take their drugs
Murderers who will never face the judge
And we dancin' to a song about our face goin' numb
But I seen homies turn grey, noses draining blood
I could've been gone, off 30's, faded in that tub
That's Prince, Michael and Whitney, that's Amy, Ledger and Pimp C
That's Yams, that's DJ A.M
God damn they're making a killing
Now it's getting attention cause Sara, Katey and Billy
But this shit's been going on from Seattle out to South Philly
It just moved out about the city
And spread out to the 'burbs
Now it's everybody's problem, got a nation on the verge
Take Activis off the market, jack the price up on the syrup
But Purdue Pharma's 'bout to move that work

My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
He said that he would heal me, heal me
But he only gave me problems, problems
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
I think he trying to kill me, kill me
He tried to kill me for a dollar, dollar

And these devils they keep on talkin' to me
They screamin', "Open the bottle," I wanna be at peace
My hand is gripping that throttle, I'm running out of speed
Try to close my eyes but I keep sweatin' through these sheets, through these sheets
Four horseman, they won't let me forget
I wanna forge a prescription, 'cause, doctor, I need some more of it
When Morphine and heroin is more your budget
I said I'd never use a needle, but sure, fuck it
I'm caught up, I'm on one, I'm nauseous
No options, exhausted
This is not what I started
Walkin' carcass, I lost everything I wanted
My blinds drawn, too gone to leave this apartment

My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
He said that he would heal me, heal me
But he only gave me problems, problems
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
I think he trying to kill me, kill me
He tried to kill me for a dollar, dollar

More, more, more
Re-up, re-up

Death certificate signed the prenup
Ain't no coming back from this percocet
Actavis, ambien, adderral, xanax binge
Best friends with the thing that's killing me
Enemies with my best friend, there's no healing me
Refilling these, refilling these
They say it's death, death
Institutions and DOC's
So God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
And the wisdom to know the difference

Looks Like Trump is Now Peddling Russian Propaganda

Januari says...

I actually think we're pretty much of the same opinion on virtually all of this.

To be honest i really thought the Russians in this bit were ancillary at best. Sure they make great bogey men but, the point in my eyes is just how easily a candidate for president could be manipulated.

Robert DeNiro wants to punch Trump in the face

JustSaying says...

Dude, you used that word, 'sex tape'. I do not think it means what you think it means.
If Trump had a sex tape, I'd taken already a blowtorch and removed my eyes from my skull with it. Burn them with fire. Just to make sure I don't have to unsee something that isn't for my eyes.
Same goes for the word 'impeachment'
Or, now that I think of it, the word 'pro'. Did you mean 'bro' maybe?

bobknight33 said:

Trump handled his sex tape like a pro.


shagen454 says...

Yeah, Meshuggah aren't huge in America for some reason and I always see people say "I listened to this over the years and then I came back to it and it clicked". It isn't something most people are going to "get" right off the bat.

No doubt, Meshuggah will click for people once Metallica takes them on tour later next year, lol. But, it's funny how many metalheads, many hipster mathrock people, etc etc, do not like Meshuggah, when in my eyes they are the best at both math and metal.

ant said:

Don't like the music, but like the visual. It reminds me of the demo scenes!

Why ALIENS Is the Mother of All Action Movies

dannym3141 says...

I have only one complaint. Calling "Get away from her you bitch!" the most famous line underplays the fact that this film is chock full of the most quotable lines in film history.

Compared to just about anything Apone says, also Hudson and many from Hicks, that line is pedestrian.

-"I like to keep this handy, for close encounters."
-"How do I get out of this chicken-shit outfit?"
-"Game over man... game over!"
-"Well why don't you put her in charge?!"
-"Me and my team of ultimate bad asses are here to protect you!... We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks," etc.
-"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure."
-"A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade - I LOVE THE CORPS!"
-"What do you want me to do, fetch your slippers for you?" etc. and "Look into my eye......"

I'll stop before I end up pasting the entire script.

Edit: One final complaint - i consider Aliens to be tarnished by associations with modern wonder woman, which IMO was indicative of the abject failure of rich Hollywood males to produce a worthy female superhero.

Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Health

transmorpher says...

I'll address your linked report first because I have a problem with the statistics on there. It's a little misleading because the bit you mentioned only considers cancer deaths attributable with processed meats.

But then goes to includes all diseases attributable with smoking, not just cancer.
So it's not comparing cancer to cancer rates. The report is comparing processed meat cancer with ALL smoking diseases.

And this makes smoking look a lot worse. For a fair comparison we'd need to compare only smoking caused cancers to processed meat cancers.
Or we'd need to compare diseases from processed meat, to all diseases from smoking.

Further the report, states that it's an 18% risk for only 50g of processed meat.
I don't know about anyone else, but when I ate the stuff, it wasn't just 50g. That's like 3 chicken nuggets. I'd eat 9 at least in one sitting for lunch(150g). Maybe I had 2 rashers of bacon for breakfast, another 50g, and then I might have a few slices of salami for dinner, another 50g.

So in a day I might have eaten 250g of processed meat. So it might only be 18% chance to get cancer, but that's 5 times I've rolled the dice(250 divded by 50g = 5). So even low odds get pretty dangerous if you roll the dice often enough.

Right after that paragraph, it goes on to say that the total number of attributable deaths to processed meat is 644,000.

So now we're finally comparing apples with apples. 644,000 processed meat deaths vs. 1 million tobacco deaths.

Still smoking is the clear winner here, but it's 2/3 the way there. So to me Dr. Greger's statement is starting to ring true.

Of course Dr. Greger isn't only talking about processed meat, he's talking about all meat, including poultry and fish too. Because just like processed meat, they have cholesterol and saturated fat which causes heart disease and diabetes without a doubt.
The heart disease statistics are (google says:) "An estimated 17.5 million people died from CVDs in 2012, representing 31% of all global deaths"
Now granted not all of these cardiovascular diseases will be diet related. But we only need to another 366,000 out of that 17.5 million to be caused by diet, and now we're comparing 1 million meat related deaths to 1 million tobacco related deaths.

So it's totally comparable in my eyes. And in the end, regardless of which has higher chances of cancer. The death rates are easily matched.

(not to mention colorectal cancer is kills more people, even though more people get lung cancer. Because lung cancer is more survivable).

newtboy said:

Explain how that differs from what I wrote. When he says that, it's clear and incontrovertible that he means switching from a non plant based diet to a plant based one offers the same health benefits as quitting smoking...which is a bold lie. Do you disagree?

2000% increase in cancer rates VS 18% increase is in no way equivalent, so still a bold faced lie....and it's not 'plant based vs meat based' in the studies he references, it's really processed food vs non processed foods, a fact he repeatedly misrepresented and intentionally again, bold faced lies.

The Conspiracy Behind Your Glasses

AeroMechanical says...

Last time I needed a new prescription, it was obvious that it was going to be way cheaper for me to go with daily disposable contact lenses instead. I only occasionally need 20/20 vision.

When my eyes deteriorate to the point where I need lenses for driving, I'm just gonna get them zapped.

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

newtboy says...

To an extent, I agree, but if you're willing to bomb a school expecting mostly non combatant children to be the victims because someone made a model rocket there, you are the evil party in my eyes. Israel has no qualms about killing a hundred civilians to target a single combatant. That makes them the evil party to me.

Australia, or...maybe...Germany.
I get that it's a non starter today, but when Israel was being created, it would have made far more sense to give them part of Germany instead of the middle east, IMO. That said, yes, anywhere else would be preferable at this point, specifically somewhere they PAY for, not somewhere they simply take control over by force. As it stands, they have lost the moral high ground completely, and squandered much of the sympathy they were due after WW2 with their aggressive and completely non empathetic actions since.

transmorpher said:

At the same time, when you purposely build rocket launchers in a school then you can't complain about when the school gets destroyed, occupants included.

EDIT: still, I'd expect Israel to take the high road and set themselves up in a completely different part of the world. Then they could avoid all of that conflict. Set up a new Israel in the middle of Australia, it's got desert too! Not only would they ensure the safety of their civilians, but they'd then have the moral high ground as well.

quentin tarrantino talks about reservoir dogs 1992

ulysses1904 says...

I was floored when I first saw the movie back then, along with Pulp Fiction. But anything new and unique about it has since been beaten to death. The deliberately innocuous background music in a violent scene, the overly glib cursing, the “serious” discussions about some pop culture horseshit, references to childhood cereal brands, tv shows, cartoons, etc. I rolled my eyes when someone was smoking “Manzanas Rojas” in “The Hateful Eight”. Stagey derivative bullshit.

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