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Meanwhile in Sweden... (wait for it)

Obama: Romney's 1 Point Plan

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Government sets the policies that makes it desirable to ship jobs over seas, for the rich to pay less tax rate that others.
They had the chance to make change and squander their opportunity. Democrat voters hoped for change.
All voters are left with is change in their pockets.
Obama is an utter failure.

Well he hasn't attacked any more countries for no reason other than oil money, and he hasn't gone from a surplus to a $10 trillion deficit while stripping away all meaningful privacy laws..

.. & while creating an army of thousands of broken, radicalized orphans who want to destroy America..
(who are now in their late teens/early twenties BTW)

It'll take several presidents to fix Dubya's mess even with 8 year terms each.. what are the odds buffoons like you switch him out for another maniac before the job is done..?

Silent Anti-Masturbation Message Dubbed Over With R Kelly

mintbbb is Your New Supreme Empress (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Wow. Thanks for your kind words Zifnab! You yourself are one of the greatest sifters ever! Me having a bit more votes is not going to change that!

For a long time I thought I'd never catch up. But then you were sifting less, and I am insane, and little by little I got closer. And the last push was surprisingly quick, since I noticed I had some support (thanks for all the votes guys! )

I am still a bit speecless, so forgive me. Thank you everybody for your congrats, votes and just being part of VS and making it a great place!

I will try my best to stay somewhat sane and keep sifting like a little maniac. I know I've tried to leave and stop sifting several times, but somehow, I just keep coming back!

Again, thanks! Wooooooot!

WWII Vet lays down some rhymes. FOUR MORE YEARS!

DarkenRahl says...

Put your money to good use.

>> ^bobknight33:

Well it is the truth.
Hear is another. Corporations have Millions and Millions of dollars are sitting idle afraid of OBAMA and his policies. If OBAMA wins that money will stay idle or be invested overseas. If OBAMA looses that money will be a title-wave of economic activity the likes we have not seen in years.

If you want a job vote Romney
If you want to keep you job vote Romney.
If you want to loose you job vote Obama.

>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^bobknight33:
Nothing wrong with what this man said.
Obama - Is always the same. Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.
I rather go with a American flip flopper than a Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

yeah, because that argument is working out so well for the campaign. Why stop there? I think he has a black top hat and a furled mustache too. Damnit Obmaa! quit tying that damsel to the train tracks and cackling maniacally.
So what are you guys going to do when Romney loses? The Republicans have made it their singular goal to get rid of Obama, when that fails, and you know it's going to happen. That really makes the Reps seem impotent, doesn't it.

WWII Vet lays down some rhymes. FOUR MORE YEARS!

bobknight33 says...

Well it is the truth.

Hear is another. Corporations have Millions and Millions of dollars are sitting idle afraid of OBAMA and his policies. If OBAMA wins that money will stay idle or be invested overseas. If OBAMA looses that money will be a title-wave of economic activity the likes we have not seen in years.

If you want a job vote Romney
If you want to keep you job vote Romney.

If you want to loose you job vote Obama.

>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^bobknight33:
Nothing wrong with what this man said.
Obama - Is always the same. Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.
I rather go with a American flip flopper than a Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

yeah, because that argument is working out so well for the campaign. Why stop there? I think he has a black top hat and a furled mustache too. Damnit Obmaa! quit tying that damsel to the train tracks and cackling maniacally.
So what are you guys going to do when Romney loses? The Republicans have made it their singular goal to get rid of Obama, when that fails, and you know it's going to happen. That really makes the Reps seem impotent, doesn't it.

WWII Vet lays down some rhymes. FOUR MORE YEARS!

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Nothing wrong with what this man said.
Obama - Is always the same. Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

I rather go with a American flip flopper than a Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

yeah, because that argument is working out so well for the campaign. Why stop there? I think he has a black top hat and a furled mustache too. Damnit Obmaa! quit tying that damsel to the train tracks and cackling maniacally.

So what are you guys going to do when Romney loses? The Republicans have made it their singular goal to get rid of Obama, when that fails, and you know it's going to happen. That really makes the Reps seem impotent, doesn't it.

Cat Falls Asleep in Food Bowl

vaire2ube says...

this cat i was watching after it got treated at the vet, had a victorian collar, and passed out from the medication with its head in the bowl.... i thought it was still eating so i petted it and it woke up and ran all around like a maniac until it passed out again drooling... i wiped that drool and talked it through the trip... it wouldnt blink for hours, i had to pet its nose to make it blink.

the end!

oh yea i took a video, i called it "sophie as david from the dentist". i cut the collar down significantly but this was right after getting home and before that.

The Truth about Atheism

shinyblurry says...

Because the world is full of insane, unreasonable, unintelligible, gullible, maniacal, batshit crazy shinyblurrys who all hear and obey the voices in their Wheaties. Religion, Fascism, Nationalism... all results of the same mentally and reality-deficient group-think. Even the irrational ramblings and regurgitations of low-level, front-line fodder such as yourself should be met with overwhelming and devastating reason and logic, weapons for which you simply have no defense.

I think the definition of insanity is going out of your way to tell someone you're ignoring them (several times), but then constantly send them messages like this. As far as logic and reason go, your entire post here is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad hominem. You've also never once said anything to me without engaging in this fallacious argumentation.

>> ^Fletch

The Truth about Atheism

Fletch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

That's a point many Christians have wondered about; namely, why do atheists spend so much time on something they say holds no water?

Because the world is full of insane, unreasonable, unintelligible, gullible, maniacal, batshit crazy shinyblurrys who all hear and obey the voices in their Wheaties. Religion, Fascism, Nationalism... all results of the same mentally and reality-deficient group-think. Even the irrational ramblings and regurgitations of low-level, front-line fodder such as yourself should be met with overwhelming and devastating reason and logic, weapons for which you simply have no defense.

I just read that a Catholic priest believes James Holmes was possessed by a demon. Religious nuttery seems to be the only way you lunatics can parse reality. It should be embarrassing to you that it isn't embarrassing to you.

Did A Tea Party Leader Say 'Jews Shouldn't Be In Government'

gorillaman says...

Jews shouldn't be in government. Neither should Muslims, nor Mormons, nor anybody in the Tea Party, nor any other group of depraved maniacs.

When you have one group of fuckos pointing out that another group of fuckos are fuckos that doesn't make the second group of fuckos not fuckos because the first group of fuckos are fuckos.

Song for the girl Matthew good

Australian police use civilians as roadblock

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^Mammaltron:

Don't worry everyone, the chief has said there will be a Review which will certainly get to the bottom of the incident and ensure the officers responsible are reprimanded, and possibly charged with reckless endangerment.
After all the maniac had to be stopped. What if he'd hit someone?

And also the civilians will get free counselling, so everybody wins.

Australian police use civilians as roadblock

Mammaltron says...

Don't worry everyone, the chief has said there will be a Review which will certainly get to the bottom of the incident and ensure the officers responsible are reprimanded, and possibly charged with reckless endangerment.

After all the maniac had to be stopped. What if he'd hit someone?

Sloth Bath Time

Stormsinger says...

My wife: "He's moving pretty quick for a sloth!"
Me: "That's because he's running as fast as he can from the maniac trying to drown him."

Sloth-time...nature's own bullet-time.

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