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Holy Fuck – Red Lights (A Place to Bury Strangers Remix)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'holy fuck, a place to bury strangers, black girls, girls in black, noise, weird' to 'holy fuck, a place to bury strangers, black girls, girls in black, noise, weird, APTBS' - edited by lurgee

99 percent vs. 1 percent?

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

berticus says...

Sooner than that.. next beta weekend!

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
IKNOWRIGHT?!?! Game w/ me when it comes out?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,

I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.


@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 22nd, 2009" class="profilelink">enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.



berticus (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

IKNOWRIGHT?!?! Game w/ me when it comes out?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,

I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.


@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 22nd, 2009" class="profilelink">enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.



Shout out to anyone planning on playing Guild Wars 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Is.. is that an option?
>> ^berticus:

hah! actually i'm flagging d3. the beta was fun though, thank you
>> ^gwiz665:
And in 9 days, Diablo 3 will donkey punch you into playing that as well. I hope you've enjoyed your social life so far, because it will end soon.
>> ^berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,
I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.
@enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.

TYT - Abused Wife Faces 20 Years In Prison

chingalera says...

Where's the outrage coming from TSC TYT in viable suggestions/solutions/alternatives to the subject matter of ANYTHING they regurgitate, please??! Asshats! Shut down your slanted boudoir of misinformation!

To quote the last line and beg a question-"...and that's what we're seeing here is southern justice."
"What the fuck does that mean you complete tool??!"

Mind you, my question does not necessarily preclude taking any side on this issue save the sane one. Obviously there is a glitch in this state's law that has put them in the shit storm they are finding themselves in of late and the woman should be given a medal for scaring the holy fuck out of a piece of abusive garbage: My problem is with the inflammatory method TYT uses as a means to disseminate information. They suck at any form of objectivity in reporting (editorializing) and whine like children. No Pulitzer prize for news in their basement organization's future without taking a 101 in anti-rabble-rousing. This is no different than watching CBS, NBC, or ABCDEFG.

These wrinkles in bad legislation will even themselves out as soon as people learn to read again! Eternal disappointment in these offerings from those anti-Otttoman yellows who would use sticks to fight an oppressive empire. These wannna-be journalist kids need to buy some firearms.

Shout out to anyone planning on playing Guild Wars 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

berticus says...

hah! actually i'm flagging d3. the beta was fun though, thank you
>> ^gwiz665:

And in 9 days, Diablo 3 will donkey punch you into playing that as well. I hope you've enjoyed your social life so far, because it will end soon.
>> ^berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,
I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.
@enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.

Shout out to anyone planning on playing Guild Wars 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

And in 9 days, Diablo 3 will donkey punch you into playing that as well. I hope you've enjoyed your social life so far, because it will end soon.
>> ^berticus:

I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,
I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.
@enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.

Shout out to anyone planning on playing Guild Wars 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

berticus says...

I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,

I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.


@enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.



Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

Undocumented Workers Pay $11.2Bn in Taxes -- Just Sayin'

bobknight33 says...

Just think if those illegals were shipped out and Unemployed Americans had those job and stop being on warfare.

We have enough unemployed Americans. Let our brothers and sisters work first.

Also doesn't he host from time to time on MSNBC who is owned by GE? Doesn't that make him a corporate slave who "hears no evil?"

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

holy fuck
and the rest.

Now just think about how much those immigrants would pay in taxes if they were allowed to become citizens.

Undocumented Workers Pay $11.2Bn in Taxes -- Just Sayin'

Herman Cain on Repelling Alien Invaders

Cenk Loses his Shit on former Republican Senator Bob McEwen

Irish President calls Teabagger Michael Graham a wanker.

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