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Kim Dotcom Raid Video Revealed

90-Year-Old Pole Vaulter

EMPIRE says...

holy fuck. I was just playing Assassin's Creed Revelations, and Altair makes an appearance at 92 years old, and I was always thinking... there's not way a 92 year old can run. I guess I was pretty wrong. Can run, will jump apparently.

The biggest firework shell on earth!

The biggest firework shell on earth!

US Border Patrol Abuse

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Holy fuck, please get away from your computer and interact with real flesh and blood human persons.

I refuse to believe you can't comprehend how disgusting and illogical this comment is.

"Sure prison rape is awful. But why make prisoners safer? We should really be focusing on making sure no one ever breaks the law, ever. Then there wouldn't be any prisoners to rape in the first place. Duuurrr."

It's simple Pennypacker.
You're a human. Immigrants are humans. Prisoners are humans.

If it's unjust to treat WinstonField AssholePacker like this.
It's clearly unjust to treat immigrants and prisoners like this. Full stop.

Who the fuck cares what law these people broke.
You break the law all the goddamn time and no one humiliates and degrades you for it.

These immigrants are trying to live "the american dream".
Shouldn't you admire them for that.
Shouldn't you stand up and protect them from these injustices.
Shouldn't you recognize their determination and hardwork to achieve that dream by any means necessary?!

You should. But you can't.
Cause you're too wrapped up in your "conservative" moralfaggotry to stop and examine the reality of things.

I.E. - The problem here is that the Border Patrol abuse EVERYONE. Fully legal citizens included.

Yet your moralfaggotry conveniently allows you to gloss over that fact and the root of the injustice.
All in favor of tooting the - "Illegal immigration is the real problem" horn.


The problem isn't illegal immigration.
The problem is the systemic abuse, degradation and misconduct by people trusted with authority.

Pennypacker can't empathize. Needs to be tortured next time he gets a speeding/parking ticket.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Nothing new here. Such things have plagued the system for decades. Only message I get is that the US needs a better, better, higher, deeper wall so that only legal immigration can take place.

If you were looking for sympathy, look elsewhither. Illegals get no sympathy from me. No one approves of abuses.

If you want to eliminate these abuses, the solution is clear. Eliminate illegal immigration by slamming the south border shut.

And yet should we not arrest them? Should we give them 'amnesty'? Should we just get rid of prisons and go to some sort of hippie liberal honor system? Pht. So what's your point?

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Holy Fuck ~ They're going to take my thumbs

Holy Fuck ~ They're going to take my thumbs

Chick Tract - Dungeons and Dragons

Truck Driver Falls Asleep At The Wheel

Meet the Pyro - Team Fortress 2

poolcleaner says...

>> ^darkrowan:

The only thing that irks me is we still don't know the Pyro's gender. That being said, HOLY FUCKING KITTEN WISKERS, BATMAN!!! Also, buhbye GMOD, Hello Source Filmmaker?

Dear god, I don't want to know...

Meet the Pyro - Team Fortress 2

rellik says...

I think it is clear that Valve is not going to make it clear. But it has been hinted too many times that it's not a dude.

>> ^darkrowan:

The only thing that irks me is we still don't know the Pyro's gender. That being said, HOLY FUCKING KITTEN WISKERS, BATMAN!!! Also, buhbye GMOD, Hello Source Filmmaker?

Meet the Pyro - Team Fortress 2

Jinx says...

Tbh, I'm quite glad they left the gender ambigious. The joke is that nobody knows - revealing it wouldn't be much of a punchline.

Think its great that Valve are releasing this software for free AND it seems as though they intend to support it with tutorials and updates. As for the video itself...fucking brilliant as usual.

Expect news later this week from AdultSwim. They announced there was some sort of partnership between Valve and themselves and I think this sourcefilmmaker is probably the connection. Looking forward to seeing what comes of that.

>> ^darkrowan:

The only thing that irks me is we still don't know the Pyro's gender. That being said, HOLY FUCKING KITTEN WISKERS, BATMAN!!! Also, buhbye GMOD, Hello Source Filmmaker?

Meet the Pyro - Team Fortress 2

darkrowan says...

The only thing that irks me is we still don't know the Pyro's gender. That being said, HOLY FUCKING KITTEN WISKERS, BATMAN!!! Also, buhbye GMOD, Hello Source Filmmaker?

Amazing Video of Atomic Particles Made Visible

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Beggar's Canyon