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Bionic limbs are becoming more...human...(surprise reveal!)

Garage Door Repairs Ossining New York

Gas employee beats family's dogs with wrench

newtboy says...

I am up in the air about his fear.
He reacts at first like he's afraid, but once the dogs are out of his range, he doesn't look for an escape route like someone in fear would do, or even look around to be sure neither dog is coming back, he continues to advance towards the back of the property, directly towards the now injured, semi cornered dog. He also certainly doesn't look at all afraid in the second view when he's leaving, I see no fear in his walk or stance, and certainly not in the lunging swipe at the barking dog.

...but, giving him every benefit of a doubt, assuming he was terrified of the dogs and just didn't show it clearly, HE'S still 100% at fault for trespassing, more so (if that's possible) in a yard with dogs (the gas company keeps a record of which houses have dogs, and the meter readers insist you put them away when they least here in Cali before we got wireless meters) and therefore he's 100% at fault for his injurious reactions, even if they were in self defense, making him and the company 100% liable for any bills IMO. I hope they get excellent medical care for both dogs and get their child a good, expensive therapist, and I hope it's all at gas company expense...a high enough bill might make them change their policy. A dead tech in someone's yard would make them change, I'm pretty sure of that.

Sadly, I'm relatively certain this isn't the first time something like this has happened with that company. Any company that sends people to enter your yard once a month is going to have issues with pets now and then, but it's not like people have much choice in gas companies, so bad customer satisfaction ratings aren't a real issue for them.

I wish they posted the part where he enters, I'm curious about whether there was a closed gate that he opened, or if the yard was just open like it is when he leaves.

artician said:

I'm the same; my pets are my family, and I'd kill the keep them safe. I almost didn't watch this video though, expecting something much different, but I see real fear in this guys actions. It's just too bad it happened at all, and I'm sure his company will change policy so it never happens again.

Burger King Employee Pranked To Break Windows

bobknight33 says...

overworked into a stupor Where was this in the story?

I'm not here to bitch at you I just don't get the argument you make.

You then implied that these workers have to work 2 to 3 jobs ( hence stupor) just to make ends meet because those at the top are making too much.

What about the guy ( gal) at the top making fat stacks. I agree it does rub me wrong but still how does it directly hurt the minimum wage employee?

If the employee has has / develops skills he makes more. According to you logic this would be like robbing his fellow workmates, stealing money that can go towards them.

If you started you own company struggled to make ends meet and slowly built up a company should you not receive the fruits of you labor?

When you have an entry position what should you pay? Dishwasher should not be making 30K /yr ( 15$/hr). This is what you are generally saying.

My Boss had a 5 Million bonus and salary hike to near 4 million. Yes this pisses me off but it does not correlate to what I make.
Even if you took that and spread it across all employees ( 300k) it would only be about 30 bucks each.

Would you rather just see a cap of salaries to 1 Million?

They what if you suddenly became the next Gates or Jobs would you want to be paid what you are worth?

If you are going to go to 15$/hr why not more? Some could argue that this is too low? What about the company that made all salaries 70K the other year? 15$/hr seems pretty stingy.

newtboy said:

Um....most likely the manager took the call, and directed the employees to smash the windows...and most managers already make over $15 an hour. Perhaps if they paid $15 an hour to everyone, they could hire someone who's not overworked into a stupor or with common sense enough to stop the other idiots from following anonymous, phoned in directions without question.

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

heropsycho says...

First off, he's not talking about everyone who plays video games. He's talking about people who ONLY play video games to the point that they're socially maladjusted. Big difference.

And even if he was talking about the geekier video gaming crowd, I don't even understand why it even registered on your radar as insulting. If you're a group that's actually discriminated against broadly, fine, but nerds? In this day and age of Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates? Really?!

It reminds me of this Louie CK bit.

"You can't even hurt my feelings."

Us poor nerds these days, with our solid paying upper middle class jobs and even higher, with college degrees! Pity us!

Just have the ability to laugh at yourself from time to time. Trust me, it's all going to be ok.

ChaosEngine said:

yeah, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't call it out.

It's a lazy stereotype and honestly, these days it's about as funny, original and accurate as saying "hah! women! everyone knows they can't play sports!"

If you're going to pull out a lazy stereotype at least be funny with it.

World Drone Prix-Dubai

MilkmanDan says...


That finish when the two drones were pushing it to the limit -- I assume that the one that bottomed out on the sharp pull-up would be DQed (maybe literally disabled as well), but what about the other one (with the camera)? It missed / went above the gate, so I assume that it wouldn't be instantly DQed but would have to waste time coming back around and getting through?

Cool stuff.

Is There A Pimple Cure?

MilkmanDan says...

Interesting. I think I got through puberty with an average or slightly below average level of acne / pimples. But my (rather large) nose is a goddamn pimple factory that refuses to subside with age. Still going strong halfway through my 30's. Not usually large / overly noticeable pimples, but small ones pretty much all the time.

I do have one complaint about the video though -- their discussion of the subject at hand is pretty much precisely 3 minutes long, then immediately followed by 38 seconds worth of shilling for Gates Foundation stuff. That may very well be a good cause, and maybe this isn't a paid advertisement for it, but it definitely falls into the category of bait and switch that is getting WAY too common in YT videos.

A) Make that segue clear, don't rush over it to try to hide it and then pretend like nobody will notice.

B) Announce clearly if you are shilling for it because you think it is a good cause, because you are getting paid or otherwise having your back scratched, or both.

C) It is a *bit* cheeky to have the ratio of content vs "special message" as low as 3 minutes vs 40 seconds.

Classic DOS games roundup, circa 1995

shagen454 says...

Yeah, I've played games from Obsidian and InXile... I'm hoping the next Planescape game lives up to it's potential. Both Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity were good but definitely not classics. Baldur's Gate 2 is still such a monolithic classic.

Otherside just announced System Shock 3 so that should be interesting, also the Ultima Underworld game sounds very exciting. It'd be cool if they could get the rights to Thief since no one has been able to come up with one as good as 1&2.

artician said:

I have had the honor of working with some people from both BlackIsle and LookingGlass. You can find BlackIsle folk split between InXile and Obsidian Entertainment, and you can find a new LookingGlass-inspired studio (with a lot of the old crew) at Otherside Entertainment.
It's interesting to see how the right combination of people can produce such magic, because it's not like those developers have gone anywhere. But hopefully that's good news if you follow some developers for the sake of pedigree.

Classic DOS games roundup, circa 1995

shagen454 says...

I was 13/14, games back then were magical. Anytime I was on a plane or in the car I was reading PC Gamer or CGM drooling over the demos (or shareware!), ads, previews and reviews. Remember those days? When information on gaming was largely through print?! I still remember those Dark Forces previews, I could have shot a load. PC gaming at that point really was fucking cutting edge.

1997 & 1998 also hold a special flame in gaming for me - 1997: Ultima Online (actually learned HTML and had a website for UO cuz I was a NERD), Fallout, GTA, Age of Empires, Dungeon Keeper, Quake II, Myth (incredible multiplayer component probably even still).

1998: Starcraft, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Thief, Grim Fandango, Fallout 2, Tribes, THIEF, Unreal, Commandos.... so many innovative games back then. Now we just build on them over and over and over again

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

MilkmanDan says...

He says (posing as a Blizzard exec) @3:44 --
"all of our franchises are based off of other people's games:
Hearthstone -> Magic the Gathering
Starcraft and Warcraft -> Warhammer
Diablo -> Baldur's Gate
Overwatch -> Team Fortress 2"

I can't comment on the first and last. Star/Warcraft being influenced by Warhammer makes sense. Diablo being influenced by Baldur's Gate... Not so much (I'd even disagree with saying Diablo as a *franchise* being influenced by BG as a *franchise*, ignoring the timing issue of original Diablo vs original BG).

I too was disappointed with Diablo not being "RPG enough" compared to, say, the Ultima series. But once I got past that, I actually had a lot of fun with it (and Diablo 2).

artician said:

Did he say that? I didn't watch it. I remember myself ranting about Diablo 1 not being "enough of an RPG", and my room mate at the time had to point out it was never trying to be. I dunno.. I was a dumb young man at one point, too, but at least I knew which game came first, (though that might be the benefit of having lived through it).

if blizzard were 100% honest with us

MilkmanDan says...

Diablo (December 1996) is a clone of Baldur's Gate (December 1998)?

Maybe Diablo is a clone of DnD, but that's a stretch unless you are willing to say that every CRPG (and action RPG) is a clone of DnD...

Aussie as 'Random act of Kindness'

OverLord (Member Profile)

How Aussie Truckers Get Through Gates In The Outback

iaui says...

Y'know, as cool as this is, I think it might be faster for him to get back in the truck and speed up. It spends an awful lot of time just slowly moving past. He wouldn't even have to actually stop the truck, just slow before the gate, get out and open it, get back in and speed up, then slow as it exits the gate and he runs back to close it and then runs back into the truck.

More running, but it would be faster, I'm pretty sure.

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

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