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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Chesebro, indicted former constitution attorney for Trump, actually hired a court reporter and prepared transcripts of the meetings of the fake electors, and filed that transcript in his efforts to move his case to federal court.
Not smart. 🤦‍♂️

Oooohhh!…another bonus…In his filings to remove his case to federal court, he and Powell have basically claimed they only gave legal advice Trump specifically asked for, so it doesn’t matter that they advised him to try blatantly illegal actions to steal the presidency after he lost the election.
Officially blaming Trump as the master and architect of the highly illegal fraudulent elector scheme to defraud the nation.
The good part is Trump filed the exact same argument in his effort to escape state court…apparently without reading it because he just admitted he was in charge and the one asking how to get away with this election fraud scheme he designed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jenna Ellis, Trump’s lawyer, sure sounds ready to flip, and she would have some good inside info.

Remember her, she’s been one of the loudest of his lawyers about him stiffing her on her legal fees….like he has every lawyer and most others he owes money to.

Now in an interview she said she wouldn’t vote for him because he’s such a malignant narcissist that he claims to have never done anything wrong in his life.

I wonder what changed for her. She said nearly the same thing in 2016, but then became one of his biggest cheerleaders. I guess you can only get raped by the team so many times before you become disillusioned.

Bonus - Holy sheep shit, Trump’s latest disastrous interview he admitted his lawyers told him he lost and he was doing illegal things trying to overturn the election but he decided if they disagreed with his plan they must be RINOs or just bad lawyers so he chose to listen to other people telling him what he wanted to hear because he had already made the decision himself that he would insist he had won the election early on election eve when less than half the votes had been counted despite his staff and election officials and reality telling him otherwise and insisting he stop.
“You know who I listened to…I listened to myself.”

Basically he just plead guilty to all the Georgia charges on national TV and admitted it was all his idea. I know he’s trying to influence the jury pool, but we all expect him to be claiming total innocence, no one expected him to just admit his total guilt. 😂

Second bonus- it seems that one of Trump’s assistants at Maralago (with no security clearance) was often given instructions and to do lists written on the back of highly classified documents from the whitehouse. Trump was using them as scrap paper to be tossed in the trash after use! She kept them and turned them over to the FBI after the first subpoena (that Trump ignored then fought) so Jack Smith has them. D’OH!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Democrats need to do this because they had to cheat lat election way more then thought. And now since they are loosing more voters and black voter they need to stop Trump from even being on the ballot, even though illegal. But that never stopped the DNC machine from doing what is right.

Still living in the dark -- Bitter man you are. Why Free your self from the bondage of the Democrat party. Bernie is a Joke your guy Peat never had or have a chance- Trump is the guy -- You can write him in on your ballot.

MEGA 2024

newtboy said:

AZ and Colorado cases to declare him an insurrectionist and remove Trump from the ballot are proceeding, he lost trying to move them to federal court where his fake “judges” could ignore the law and let him off the hook (like Ms Cannon has repeatedly tried).

In NY you have 15 days to request a jury trial after indictment.
First Trump’s motion to dismiss the NY fraud case was denied.
Second Trump and Habba were sanctioned for failure to turn over documents in the case.
Third Trump tried to move his case to the commercial division of state court to get a new judge, denied.
Fourth he tried to claim in federal court that the NY fraud case somehow violated his civil rights, lost the case.
Fifth he tried to get a Florida judge (first state then federal) to halt the NY State investigations into his finances in Florida, denied and almost sanctioned again.

Now it seems during this lengthy delaying and obstructing process Habba forgot to file in NY court to request a jury trial (or maybe she assumed a jury would definitely convict and a judge might not) but now the deadline has long expired, and they’re suddenly realizing the judge they have is not a “judge Cannon” “anything for Trump” type.
Now the judge they’ve tried everything possible to escape not only runs the trial but also decides the verdict! They gambled and lost huge. No one to blame but themselves…and their own incompetence. You get the representation you deserve! Oof! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit. You’ve claimed Biden’s (lack of) leadership would lead to a depression soon since the day he took office…actually you’ve claimed that it would if he’s elected since before he won the election in a historic landslide, and have been claiming unemployment numbers would soon skyrocket up since they started dropping shortly after he took office.
I’m glad you now deny that, it means you at least now realize how wrong you were for so long, even though you would never ever admit it. Better to just deny the position you’ve held for the last 3 years. 😂

Things (meaning the economy and the legal woes of your messiah) are ramping up, fool.

It takes time…and failure of leadership, and other forces out of anyone’s control. It hasn’t come to pass despite years of time and external global forces effecting other countries worse than ours…guess why.

You just look at what blazetv Alex Jones and internet randos tell you and think you know something, and in 2/3 of those outlets their creator has admitted in court it’s all pure unadulterated nonsense. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Since Jan 21. Never Said than or anything even close.

Everything is winding down. It takes time. But you are a joke of information. You think you know everything but you don't. I don't I just look at at what is going on.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The hits keep coming…Giuliani guilty on all defamation counts for repeatedly lying about two election workers causing them to suffer through hundreds of credible death threats from MAGgots thanks to repeatedly refusing to follow the judges orders and being under numerous contempt and sanction orders including a new $130000 sanction because he can’t follow any instructions or maintain a single legal position without contradicting himself.

Now the judge is sending it to the jury with a guilty verdict with instructions that Giuliani has refused to comply with submitting financial documents so is intentionally hiding his net worth and the jury should take that into account when determining damages.

This is the level of competence all MAGA lawyers exhibit constantly, worse than a first year law student, and it’s destroyed your party and turned it into a criminal terrorist organization all for one failed cult leader. Expect 91 felony convictions at this rate, many state felonies that can’t be pardoned.

Bonus - AZ, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Michigan secretaries of State are all working to define the process to remove Trump from their ballots in accordance with amendment 14 section 3 of the constitution Trump tried to permanently “suspend” (the constitution he has vowed to ignore and destroy if returned to power). I don’t think they’re the only ones.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooooo….Arizona is ramping up. The fake electors are already indicted, and Giuliani, Powell, and your big daddy are under investigation that’s already tied all 3 personally to the fraud scheme.

Like Georgia, Trump personally made calls that are recorded…no hiding behind subordinates there.

It’s also been discovered that apparently Christina Bobb, Trump’s lawyer, helped fund and staff Cyber Ninjas, the fake auditors that illegally tampered with voting machines and destroyed over $3 million worth of them the counties had to replace, so incompetent they accidentally found more votes for Biden. Doug Logan, the CEO, is listed in lawsuits in Michigan for breaching election security and tampering with voting machines there. He’s a non charged co conspirator in the cases against Stefanie Lambert, failed Trump supported AG candidate Matthew DePerno, and GOP state Rep. Daire Rendon for election interference for Trump. Logan is also listed in Georgia for again tampering with voting machines.

They’re going to be indictment #5, and personally they’re the one I’m rooting for because I want nothing more than to see Trump enter Maricopa County prison with all the conservative cheered horrific treatment that entails and never come out. He doesn’t deserve to die in club fed playing tennis, he deserves to die being fed expired green meat in a tent in 110 degree heat….and it’s looking like that’s likely. 😂

But Hunter took a dick pic you got to share publicly for children to see, so it’s all a wash, right? 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Trump lackey Peter Navarro is asserting executive privilege as a defense in his trial for not showing up to the Jan 6 hearings under subpoena…but has no evidence Trump ever asserted it, not even his own testimony, and it wouldn’t transfer to him even if Trump had. The judge actually called his defense “weak sauce” in the evidentiary hearings…not a good sign.

Condolences on Joe the (fake) Plumber

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fun times ahead…

Oct 2 $250 million business/tax fraud trial in NY starts
Oct 23 Georgia election fraud case against Cheesbro and Powell (and maybe other coconspirators) starts
Jan 2 E Jean Carrol rape/defamation trial #2 starts
Jan 15 GOP Caucus
Match 4 Federal election interference trial starts (Trump shouldn’t have pushed for a 2026 trial date, fucked himself)
Also March 4 Ga election interference trial starts (tentatively, may move)
March 5 Super Tuesday
March 25 NY porn star hush money/business fraud trial starts
May 20 Federal espionage/classified document trial starts

Doesn’t leave much time for Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to schedule their election interference trials still under investigation, or for him to be tied into Lindell’s upcoming identity fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and causing intentional damage a protected computer case in Colorado, but they could happen before next Nov.
All these leave less time and money to fight the cases now being brought to invalidate him as a candidate in multiple states, and likely nationwide, and thanks to him saying he would pardon Jan 6 insurrectionists they don’t even need to prove he incited orchestrated and participated in the attack (although I believe that’s already been established in both houses by a 57-43 vote), he’s publicly given the insurrectionists aid and comfort and promised more…that again invokes the 14th amendment which now requires a 2/3 vote in the house and senate to make him a valid candidate. 😂

You claim these cases are all frauds designed to make him not run…you couldn’t be more wrong. Please help make him the Republican nominee, and refuse to replace him no matter what. PLEASE don’t lose faith no matter how many convictions he has or who says he’s invalid. Don’t listen to republicans who tell you he’s a guaranteed loss in November for the entire party, nor the 25% of republicans who say they won’t vote for him even if he’s not convicted…they’re all just RINOs, ignore them. 😂

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

bobknight33 says...

newtboy said:

That is by far the dumbest thing I’ve heard this century.

I know he can’t help that he’s a rapist at this point, but is being a total supervillain the image he’s going for? It’s the one he projects.

You’ve really lost your shit if you think this doesn’t make you look irrationally triggered. 😂

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops…in her court filed response to being sued by Az election officials for slander and libel Kari Lake admits she lied about election officials in the 2020 election, but is, like Trump, pretending the first amendment means slander and libel don’t exist and she can say any lie about anyone or anything even in court filings with no consequences….that’s not going to work out for her.

Twice impeached, 4 serious indictments on 91 felonies and many more to come. A rapist, public incestuous pedophile that bragged about forcing very young little girls to get naked so he can leer at them and said the thing he has most in common with his teenaged daughter was sex…fraud, charity thief, election fraud perpetrator, multiple bribe taker, man who actually publicly said we should suspend the constitution for him, and ultra top secret classified document thief and exposer, and terroristic leader, and insurrection leader…that’s why….

This is you guy. This you pick. 😂
Hilariously clueless that he posts his mugshot with the caption “never surrender” hours after getting this mugshot taken while he was literally surrendering! 😂

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, $200,000, and bail....

surfingyt says...

Do you mean inmate No. P01135809?

Two impeachments. Four indictments (so far). Lost the popular vote twice. Lost the election. rapist. inmate No. P01135809, right?

bobknight33 said:

$200K Is chump change for Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The former Georgia State Republican Party Chairman David Shafer just filed sworn documents in court admitting that Donald Trump and other federal officials directed him to become a fake elector and file multiple false documents falsely certifying the fake electors in the plot to overturn the Georgia Presidential election results in 2020….directed him verbally and in writing!
I don’t know, but I’m guessing he just got a new lawyer not paid for by Trump (or his pac).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A reminder of who cheats in elections and doesn’t care one whit when caught….

Edit:And as a reminder MAGA is a cult, recent polling shows 71% of MAGA believes whatever Trump says is true, only 41% believe what their pastors/religion says is true.
Try again to tell me it’s not a cult….if Great Leader allows it. 😂

Bonus- $200000 bond and stipulations against direct OR INDIRECT threats against anyone involved including codefendents, witnesses, communities where cases are being heard, court workers, or others…and may not repost any such posts..and may not communicate about the facts of the case directly or indirectly with codefendents except through council.
He won’t be able to follow these rules he just agreed to, and will likely be in jail by the end of the week. Time will tell…hide and watch. 😂

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Hilarious YOU are complaining that prosecutors are “gunning full speed to file charges against Trump” because the RAPIST has been complaining vociferously that they slow walked these charges that he claims should have been brought Jan 21 2021 (despite some charges stemming from actions he took in September 21 and later), and says they’re slow walking them to delay until 2024 … ignoring or trying to hide from the fact that 99% of delays came from Trump and his cohorts forcing prosecutors to repeatedly go all the way to the Supreme Court to get their testimony or documents in their efforts to delay trials until after the election. 😂

Republicans dismissed the accusations (not charges) against Clinton after 12 failed investigations found absolutely nothing criminal. Nada, nothing, none, zip, zilch, bumpkis.
Hunter (a private citizen so total 100% red herring) is going to court likely before Trump. His father COULD pardon him and end the nonsensical persecution “by just thinking about it”, but instead a special prosecutor was just empaneled.

Trump the rapist is only running so he can pardon himself from the list of 91 serious felony charges (and growing) he faces today for defrauding and assaulting the American government and people.

What insanity are you believing now?

bobknight33 said:

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunter and Hillary.

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