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From a Seed to Weed - Stop Motion Cannabis

Fuck Duct tape! FiberFix A Must Have For Any Real Man.

Let’s face it — American breakfast is really dessert

Khufu says...

Repulsive! those examples of 'breakfast' made me dry-heave. I can't understand why anyone would be surprised by those sugar comparisons. Why so much sugar? who's to benefit?

Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

MilkmanDan says...

The Clintons have proven to be quite teflon against scandal, but if there is solid evidence of something actually criminal I think that would crash down.

The concrete leaks so far haven't been that damning. But I think there's a point that even she would see her support dry up.

ChaosEngine said:

Not that it matters. The emails could say that Hillary shot JFK, faked the moon landings and is actually Saddam in disguise and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

SNOWDEN - official trailer

kingmob says...

Citizen Four although well documented is dry...I am hoping that.
I'm hoping this grounds it and brings it to the people more...

I'm hoping they play it like a thriller.
Because the life he leads is boring but he must be running on adrenaline alone.

this did a good job with grounding.

I am hoping in the very end...he becomes a hero.

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

scheherazade says...

Actually, folks are already are disqualified if mentally defective.

That's one of the things you're asked when filling out form 4473 when you try to buy a firearm, and it's one of the things checked when running the background check.

The fact that they ask the question is just to have the ability to charge you with a crime (lying to the govt) should you try to hide your status.

Also, currently, guns are confiscated after one is adjudicated mentally defective.

(This is a matter of contention lately, because elderly people have had their guns taken when they run out of money and are put under state financial management - because being unable to manage your own funds (hard to do when savings run dry and welfare doesn't pay enough to cover basic living expenses) indicates a mental defect).

The selective service act already has compulsory military service when called upon.

As a sidenote, being well trained with the use of firearms does not inhibit misuse of those firearms. It just makes you better at using firearms.


Payback said:

One problem with your anecdote. Swiss citizens (men compulsory, women voluntarily) are required, by law, to become part of their citizen military, a militia if you will, and receive intense training and practice with weapons. The process also weeds out the whack jobs, who don't get to buy guns.

The Swiss procedure should be adopted by the US. It'd be a great way to use up the defense budget without invading anywhere...

Kristin and Nikki provide Porn Actors Improv HR dialogue

newtboy says...

I somehow doubt it. Why would they pay them extra to do that when they'll never show it? Just like soft core porn on Cinemax, it's likely just dry humping/simulation...although anything's possible.

Mordhaus said:

*wtf *parody

one wonders if they were actually banging.

Colbert the Sailor Man

noims says...

"I've got to get some dry pants."

At 2-3 times the speed of the wind I'd expect he'd need to get clean pants!

Apparently The Greatest Airbag Crisis In History Is Upon Us

oritteropo says...

My car was affected, but has already been fixed.

Jalopnik had an article about this a few days ago -

Takata used to use a safer but more expensive propellant (car to guess why they changed?), and have now changed the formula to include a drying agent to help prevent the problem in new airbags. Their issues were also exacerbated by problems they had moving their production facility to Mexico on the cheap.

There seems to be a clear trend there: cost savings trump product safety.

Molten Copper vs Dry Ice

ctrlaltbleach (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

How do neighbor?

Happy Birthday to you.

Seems like yesterday, are you high and dry.

Still dealing with last year's and dodging raindrops.

I hope you have an outstanding birthday.


What Happens If You Drop 30 lb of Dry Ice in a Pool

Chinese Laundry Ad - washes off what?

newtboy jokingly says...

WTF?!?!? So, in Italy, when you wash your clothes, they come out DARKER?!? No wonder I've never heard of a successful Italian dry cleaner.

Also, did it look to you like the Italian guy had taken a dump in his tighty whities in the first shot? It sure did to me.

Mordhaus said:

Also, they apparently copied it from this old Italian commercial.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon