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Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^BoneRemake:
" you first asshole "
did not expect that
My fucking virgin ears.

One "asshole" does not a NSFW make.
Just my opinion, I guess we need the honcho to make the call, but if I'm not mistaken that is okay on broadcast tv now.

Who watches these videos at work with speakers rather than headphones, anyway? Sometimes a video is marked NSFW and I think "Oh, someone probably just says 'fuck'" and then suddenly there's surprise nudity and the person sitting next to me says "WTF are you watching?" as they chose that second to look at my screen.

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

Who Would Jesus Vote For? Countdown 10-10-11

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

MSNBC vs. Current TV (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

NetRunner says...

>> ^Sarzy:

I'm not sure I get the point of this comparison... That each network is slanted in a certain direction, and tends to report news that fits this slant?

Not so much that. They're both ostensibly left-leaning. It's more about the subtle ways even a left-leaning channel like MSNBC can still wind up with some very pro-corporate editorial decisions.

I think having Countdown be wall-to-wall Occupy Wall Street night after night might be overdoing it, but I was rather ticked that on a night when there were some real developments happening there, MSNBC decided to drop everything and spend 3+ hours on talking about Steve Jobs.

Even over the next few days, the MSNBC lineup has almost been dragged into talking about OWS by other media, rather than making it their lead story night after night, and dragging other media into talking about it.

Most nights the lead stories on MSNBC and Countdown are pretty similar. With Occupy Wall Street, they haven't been.

The 3+ hours of uninterrupted talk about Steve Jobs just ticked me off. Seemed like an attempt to blackout coverage of OWS on a night when there was another wave of mass arrests happening.

Worst Persons -- Countdown 10-6-2011

Countdown -- Winning Allies, with Bernie Sanders

Countdown: Occupy Wall Street, Breaking News 10-5-2011

Countdown: Occupy Wall Street, Breaking News 10-5-2011

ghark says...

>> ^lantern53:

Why don't these people bitch at the President? They're all revolutionaries and maybe he could front them a favor.

I don't think it's possible to generalize and say they are all revolutionaries, everyone is there for their own reasons. The President has almost nothing to do with this, he's a puppet, protesting at him would be like protesting to your favorite teddy bear.

Countdown -- Michael Moore on Occupy Wall Street

kymbos says...

Because if you're rich you have to be a selfish cunt, right?
>> ^lantern53:

'It's good to see the media has finally shown up'
The drones are following the queen bee.
Where is the sense with this person...isn't he rich from his own efforts? Why doesn't he give it all away? Because he's a hypocrite.

Countdown -- Why are Unions Supporting Occupy Wall Street

raverman says...

So "hating" on the protestors aside, I'm curious of your beliefs: Are you totally ok with how the very rich are becoming increasingly richer? Do you support it as positive for the US economy? >> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Answer: Because communists, anarchists, and marxists inevitably gravitate to each other - natch. If Wisconsin taught us anything it is that unions are in favor of generalized thuggery and rabble-rousing against the public.
There is no better illustration of just how ignorant and dumb the protesters are than this laundry list of glittering stupidity. They couldn't demonstrate any more clearly just how radical and out of touch with reality they are if they tried. Now, doubtless many of you here in the Sift will give a rousing huzzah to their list. I rest my case.
And relevant to this vid they want to unionize all workers. Ding ding ding.

Countdown -- Why are Unions Supporting Occupy Wall Street

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

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