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dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-25-2011

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-26-2011

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-25-2011

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^ponceleon:

In all fairness, I think it is fine to call out Orlando. After all Sarah Palin called for "crosshairs" on Gifford and got tons of flack for it and this was much more pointed than that.
Personally, I think calling for someone to be arrested, charged with a crime, etc. is more appropriate when they are a lying douchebag. Calling for death just shows a level of hyperbole which is uncomfortably NRAish. It's like that guy, forgetting his name now, but he's a "journalist" who basically said that the US should go into a civil war because the conservatives have all the guns... it is basically saying that having the ability to cause violence makes you right. Scary stuff, joking or not.

The journalist douchebag you're talking about is Andrew Breitbart.

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-25-2011

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^marinara:

KO thinks orlando Jones is going to cause sarah palin's death?
Pretty much everyone (i guess) has said worse things about sarah palin than Orlando Jones has.
Where does KO come from? What planet?

Did you hear KO say that Orlando Jones was going to cause Sarah Palin's death--I didn't.

He said that it is unacceptable to joke about killing a public figure.

"And, no you're not responsible if you do provoke it, but you should be responsible enough never to run the chance of provoking it"

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-24-2011

Yogi says...

>> ^littledragon_79:

The "filth down there" eh? Ivory towers must be nice this time of year.
On a side note, "reporting" like this reminds of an episode of Parks & Recreation, "The Christmas Scandal".

Yeah the "filth" statement was fucking amazing, I can't believe that guy doesn't get punched in the face on a daily basis. Seriously these fuckers need to get GOT!

OWS 'Wayward Mom' reacts angrily to NY Post article

Naomi Wolf on her Arrest at OWS - Countdown 10-21-2011

Naomi Wolf on her Arrest at OWS - Countdown 10-21-2011

Naomi Wolf on her Arrest at OWS - Countdown 10-21-2011

Naomi Wolf on her Arrest at OWS - Countdown 10-21-2011

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^alien_concept:
Olberman should have given her a much better send off than that! She deserved a fucking standing ovation for how she put all that across.
@Yogi I think it's less that they're confused and threatened and more that they just do not give a fuck about true justice anymore. Because all of these permits and laws have been put in place cloak and dagger style right under our noses and there is very little any of us are going to be able to do about it. This was a long con and it's paying off nicely for them

I was reading about this dude Adrian Schoolcraft today. I had heard about his story but it's WAY worse than I thought it was. We should really be looking at our Police much more closely.

I heard Adrian Schoolcraft on NPR today.

Naomi Wolf on her Arrest at OWS - Countdown 10-21-2011

Yogi says...

>> ^alien_concept:

Olberman should have given her a much better send off than that! She deserved a fucking standing ovation for how she put all that across.
@Yogi I think it's less that they're confused and threatened and more that they just do not give a fuck about true justice anymore. Because all of these permits and laws have been put in place cloak and dagger style right under our noses and there is very little any of us are going to be able to do about it. This was a long con and it's paying off nicely for them

I was reading about this dude Adrian Schoolcraft today. I had heard about his story but it's WAY worse than I thought it was. We should really be looking at our Police much more closely.

Michael Moore "Don't Fall For The Media's Trap About Who Is

Michael Moore "Don't Fall For The Media's Trap About Who Is

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