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Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-18-2011

Yogi says...

>> ^lantern53:

Keith doesn't like those border fences, to keep people out.
I wonder if he locks his doors at night..or even during the day?

Do you know the reason why those fences were built? Or perhaps what was happening when they were built?

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

messenger jokingly says...

Yeah, you might as well ask the King of England to let America rule itself! Preposterous! WILL NEVER HAPPEN!>> ^lantern53:

What he said does not offend me. If anyone, he has earned his right to speak.
What offends me is the stupidity of people trying to stop corporate greed.
You might as well try to stop a bee from stinging, or a pig from rolling in shit.
Let's play a're now in charge of the world. Ten people come up to you and demand you provide them with a job. What do you do?

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

TheFreak says...

>> ^lantern53:

What he said does not offend me. If anyone, he has earned his right to speak.
What offends me is the stupidity of people trying to stop corporate greed.
You might as well try to stop a bee from stinging, or a pig from rolling in shit.
Let's play a're now in charge of the world. Ten people come up to you and demand you provide them with a job. What do you do?

Oh're just...what world do you live in?

"What he said does not offend me. If anyone, he has earned his right to speak."

Guess what...he has the right to speak regardless of whether or not his words offend you. That's what you don't seem to get. You come from a community where conformity is the rule and echoing common concensus views is an element of acceptance in the group. You seem to take that to the extreme by twisting that into a belief that only viewpoints you agree with are worthy of free speach. But the very basis of free speach is that it protects every view point, not just the ones you support. No one has to "earn" their first amendment rights. They're inherent to the free civilization you enjoy the benefits of.

"What offends me is the stupidity of people trying to stop corporate greed. You might as well try to stop a bee from stinging, or a pig from rolling in shit."

No one is trying to stop greed. Greed will out. But you have to be stupid to think that greed should not be contained, at least minimally, to prevent it from undermining our entire economy and the wellfare of hard working people. Because that's exactly what greed has been allowed to do and it's put us in the situation we're in now. Greed will not stop. Greed does not have a conscience. Greed will consume everything you allow it to. That's what Greed is. That's how you know Greed when you see it.

And here's a novel concept, perhaps "greed" should not be the highest ideal of American culture.
Greed is not the American dream.

"Let's play a're now in charge of the world. Ten people come up to you and demand you provide them with a job. What do you do?"

What the fuck are you even talking about? I think you let that one out of your conservative echo chamber before it had a chance to ripen.

First Amendment Fine! -- Countdown 10-18-2011

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

MonkeySpank says...

>> ^lantern53:

Sure, it's a civil discussion because they agree with one another.
Also, the video showed police officers standing there, not punching anyone.
The left is not that fond of military personnel unless they are pushing the leftist agenda, as here.

The video shows officers just standing there; that's true. Would you have preferred it if they were beating on people? There are plenty videos on youtube that show NYPD beating demonstrators. Sgt. Thomas was talking to the police body, not any particular police officer. He is talking to the entire NYPD.

Here's the bottom line, this man (soldier or not) was expressing his anger (see First Amendment). If what he says offends you or the NYPD, tough!

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf (Member Profile)

Worst Persons -- Countdown 10-17-2011

Worst Persons -- Countdown 10-17-2011

OccupyTimesSquare - 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

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