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Daddy's Evil Laugh Scares Baby

bareboards2 says...

Ah yes. That would be me!

I figure it is my duty. Too much of the same is boooooooooring.

I am here just to tease you fellows with a different way of moving through the world. It's good for you. Like spinach. And liver and onions. And cod liver oil. And those vitamins that taste iron.

Variety, my good fellows. Variety is good for you, even if it tastes bad going in!

>> ^alien_concept:

There's a bollockload of overreacting going on in this thread

More Skyrim Gameplay Footage

MonkeySpank says...

Such trollery! Am I the only one tired of dragons, lizards, and stinking cucarachas? Today's games have polarized to war-conflict (COD, BF, Crysis), or fantasy (WoW, Skyrim, etc.) I want a GTA MMO damn it!

Battlefield 3 - Full Length "Fault Line" Trailer (12 mins)

Stu says...

Actually they are making this for the PC for that very reason. The tech has been out not being utilized. You can read about it here.

They are doing exactly what you are saying and it's going to look awesome for it.

And seriously antimatter? No it doesn't feel like that. Get off the high horse. Like asmo said, you don't like the world condition, go do something about it.
>> ^shagen454:

I'm going to come in hear and spout my gremlin ideas. So, is this for a console as well? It looks good but just imagine if the industry wasn't supporting shitty consoles how much better PC games would be looking right now? Even though PC games are going through a low-fi, indie, artsy phase right now, which I think is totally rad; we could have blazing tech going as well, far and above consoles.
The other thing I had on my mind is these games "look" good but after about five minutes my mind goes numb and I nearly fall asleep. I hate the pacing of games like this, CoD, ect. Give me more games like Amnesia where you almost never see an enemy but you're also about to shit your pants every two minutes or even 50/50 stealth-action like the last Splinter Cell where you actually have a damn choice of anything, shit, I dislike this crap for being war pornography but I'd rather play a massive/realistic game like Arma I or II - hell, I'd rather go back and play the original Operation Flashpoint where you get one-shotted from an unknown enemy after you just spent two hours traversing through a dark forest trying to figure out where that damn tank was that you wanted to avoid. Immersive tension motherfuckers, learn it, use it, enjoy it.

Battlefield 3 - Full Length "Fault Line" Trailer (12 mins)

shagen454 says...

I'm going to come in here and spout my gremlin ideas. So, is this for a console as well? It looks good but just imagine if the industry wasn't supporting shitty consoles how much better PC games would be looking right now? Even though PC games are going through a low-fi, indie, artsy phase right now, which I think is totally rad; we could have blazing tech going as well, far and above consoles.

The other thing I had on my mind is that these games "look" good but after about five minutes my mind goes numb and I nearly fall asleep. I hate the pacing of games like this, CoD, ect. Give me more games like Amnesia where you almost never see an enemy but you're also about to shit your pants every two minutes or even 50/50 stealth-action like the last Splinter Cell where you actually have a damn choice of anything, shit, I dislike this crap for being war pornography but I'd rather play a massive/realistic game like Arma I or II - hell, I'd rather go back and play the original Operation Flashpoint where you get one-shotted from an unknown enemy after you just spent two hours traversing through a dark forest trying to figure out where that damn tank was that you wanted to avoid. Immersive tension motherfuckers, learn it, use it, enjoy it.

Portal 2 TV Spot

sixshot says...

somewhat on topic, a bus drove up past me on my right and I spotted a Portal 2 advertisement on the body. First a TV spot, now they're posting ads on bus. I thought it was amusing to see Portal 2 ad on the bus. I can easily understand and imagine stuff like CoD or Battlefield ads on the bus... but Portal 2? Almost outta nowhere.

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage (Part 2)

westy says...

graphics look nice but , to much shit bloom and contrast its like 90s games and lens flair all over again , also the actual game play shown so far looks utterly retarded and bland kind of thing that works well in a film but in a game just feels dead and robotic especially if your the type of player that likes to "play" a game thats presented as an open game but is in fact a linear on rails shooter.

With any luck the multilayer will be open like it was in bf 1942 , or the give modders the tools so people can make a good game of it instead of having something that plays like a shallow console shooter.

I dont have annything against console shooters , but the whole USP of Bf was big maps vehicular combat with time and space for tactics , Games like COD do the corador shooter stuff just fine.

Just hope this plays more like BF1942 and less like bad company , bf1943 on 360 was actualy quite good and seemed to mix the new stuff well with the old stuff.

but in llikelyhood this will turn out to be another dulled down pc game to make it work well for console , Ill defintly get it on day 1 Evan though bad company 2 was a bit dull compared to original bf games still a pretty solid game and at least the net-code works in the new frostbite engin, and im sure bf3 will be the same.

on final note , The sound is fantastic so at least they got that right 10 points to the sound designer lol actually more excited about the sound design than the rest of the game.

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

My_design says...

All the fps games are boring, same old stuff with different graphics, just another COD clone, bad voice acting, too many scripted elements, blah, blah, blah

The gameplay in Battlefield 3 is dynamic, squad based and pure awesome. With the addition on multiple vehicle types from quads, to Humvee, to tanks, to helicopters, to JETS(!) it allows the multiplayer game to be fluid with varying strategies to master so that you can deal with a huge array of possible situations and threats. If you want to be really successful in the game you have to communicate with your squad and learn to play as a squad. That alone puts it leagues beyond any COD game. Don't get me wrong I appreciate COD for the frantic action it delivers, but I prefer more of a thinking game than twitch response. Which is also why I dislike Halo games, plus having to hear a Mom yelling for her kid to go to bed or finish his homework.

This game is taking the whole multiplayer aspects of FPS games to a whole new level with massive maps, 64 player games and a focus on team mechanics. No lone gunner running off and getting 500+ kills like in other games.

@ghark - It says it takes place in 2014, so unless you've got a Tardis in your house I think your diatribe is either a little off target, an attempt at trolling, or you were pandering to the liberal sift community. Either way you get a "wag of the finger".

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

Asmo says...

This reminds me of the awesome cutscenes for MWII. Or the latest Medal of Honour... Or Bad Company 2, or COD:Black Ops etc etc. When you actually get in game, same old shit, at least irt the single player game.

Here's hoping BF3 doesn't traipse down the same path.

Cute baby seal is calling for you to hug it and love it

Ornthoron says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

Actually the cute ones with fluffy, soft, white fur don't produce good pelts. You need to let them age a bit. When they become ugly, mean, cod-eating seals that's when the moment is right! Bring me my club!>> ^EMPIRE:
and to think some people can, would and do in fact club these adorable little things to death, is beyond me.

I'm norwegian. I don't care about it's pelt-producing qualities; I just club it for fun.

Cute baby seal is calling for you to hug it and love it

Fusionaut says...

Actually the cute ones with fluffy, soft, white fur don't produce good pelts. You need to let them age a bit. When they become ugly, mean, cod-eating seals that's when the moment is right! Bring me my club!>> ^EMPIRE:

and to think some people can, would and do in fact club these adorable little things to death, is beyond me.

Lag Comparison by Whalemasher Black Ops Client Vs Host

JAPR says...

COD: Lag Ops is my least favorite COD.

No, seriously, I got it on the 360 (have the other ones I play on PC, my laptop won't run that shit happily though, methinks) and got annoyed/bored/done with it in about a month or less because of this exact problem. Game's fucking broken, it ruins precision weapons and makes automatic guns with their spread OP'd in comparison.

dag (Member Profile)

COD: Black Ops Funniest Kill Ever

Deano says...

I don't suppose it helps that CoD bores me to tears but this does appear to be a self-link. Should we let even one through the cracks? *discuss

I can't even remember how to deal with self-links? Discard?

COD: Black Ops Funniest Kill Ever

mas8705 says...

>> ^paulfromcanada:
Yea...why? Is that illegal or something.

Well, it is a yes and no... It is illegal if you are posting your own material, but if it was posted by someone else then that is hard to say... However, I don't think this is a problem since I doubt you are someone who has over 288,000 videos on their youtube channel... still, I'm not going to discuss this since this shouldn't be a problem...

rottenseed (Member Profile)

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