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Truckchase (Member Profile)

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Gutspiller says...

CliffyB is full of douchery and follows the money, not the gamers. This is why the develop mainly for the consoles.

We all know true hardcore gamers play on PCs.

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Deano:
While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Deano says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Deano:
While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

I don't think you should lose much sleep to be honest It does feel like a console title through and through.

It does remind me of Gears though but it's an FPS and you've got that leash. So no getting stuck to the scenery when you least want it, so that's an improvement. On the other hand it's so OTT I wonder if the ATD crowd who this is aimed at will be able to cope.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

entr0py says...

>> ^Deano:

While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.
Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Lucky guy. PC gamers won't be getting a demo. Reportedly because Cliffy B thinks we suck and are, like, super lame.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

FNORDcinco says...

Everyone walks in a teabagging manner and carries only grenades. Grenade Spam ftw!

>> ^Truckchase:

Brilliant! That sums up my view of CoD exactly. They should make a multiplayer followup video with everyone running in different directions firing guns randomly and saying "pown" alot.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Deano says...

While this parodies the tedium of CoD rather well I still can't help but recall that Epic give us Gears of War which features OTT machismo and gravelly voiced marines who look like steroid-abusing body builders.

Bulletstorm is a bit ridiculous but having played the demo I'm not seeing much long-term interest for me. Brink on the other hand intrigues me a bit more.

Duty Calls: Bulletstorm's awesome parody of Call of Duty

Truckchase says...

Brilliant! That sums up my view of CoD exactly. They should make a multiplayer followup video with everyone running in different directions firing guns randomly and saying "pown" alot.

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Its so weird running into someone else who plays League too, I tell people I play videogames all the time and they always think that's going to be a good conversation piece but it ends up sounding something like they'll start clambering on about God of War or Grand Theft Auto, and I meekly say "Uhh ever heard of League of Legends?" no "Vindictus?" no "Battlefield Bad Company?" Ehhh I've heard of it "COD Black ops?" OH YEAH I ROCK AT THAT ON 360!!! Oh ...PC? Like a computer game???

But yeah I'd love to find some fresh blood to play with, my usual crowd has turned into rageaholics. Drop me vent info in sift post or just friend me on LoL, same screen name: Jiggajonson

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
Ohhh you play LoL huh My gaming community does as well. If you ever want to join our group of geeks, nerds, and goof offs give me a profile reply...get you our vent info

Call Of Duty Is Nothing Like The Real Thing

Call Of Duty Is Nothing Like The Real Thing

COriolanus says...

I played CoD for the first time the other day, I realized after the the first few minutes that it was nothing at all like real battle.

The skull over my head that gives me away to the enemy is real annoying...

Call Of Duty Is Nothing Like The Real Thing

Call Of Duty Is Nothing Like The Real Thing

jmd says...

I dont get it.. this is exactly how I play cod.. take cover and let my pals eat up the lead.

Voodoo, its just a mini grenade launcher so I imagine it is light and functional only. My question was what was it shooting? I didn't hear any exploding grenades nore did I see any unusual amount of smoke.

Also where is the rest of it? I mean, of any type of skermish, this video shows all the boring parts.

Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty: Black Ops

steroidg says...

I think the thing that annoy me the most about COD:BO's single player is how detached I felt from the character I was playing. Mainly because of the fact that he has a very generic voice and face. I'd rather play a silent protagonist unless I'm playing some over the top character like Duke Nukem. The fact that most cut scenes takes control off my hand or goes to a 3rd person cinematic view doesn't help immersion either.

It's definitely an improvement over COD5, but it's not as good as MW2 and far from MW1.

HUGE black ops glitch (Game Ruining)

jimnms says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

How short are we talking? I've come to HATE the idea of multiplayer because studios use it as a crutch when releasing a less than stellar game. They skimp out on the SP mode by saying "Oh, but it has multiplayer!"
No game should EVER need that excuse. If a game can't hold itself up on it's SP campaign, it shouldn't be released yet.

I've heard 4 to 5 hours. I think CoD has gone from a good single player game with multi-player added in, to a multi-player game with single player tacked on.

I don't care much for CoD style MP, so I'm not about to drop $60 for 4 hours of SP. I'm still waiting for CoD: MW2 to come down below $20 before I pick it up, but since it is still selling at full price ($59.99), it looks like I'll be waiting a while.

Modern Warfare With Awesome Commentary - BOOM!

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