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Charlie the Unicorn Goes To The Moon

Mordhaus says...

I am a millipede I am amazing, I command you to gaze upon my FACE
You'll never find someone charming as I am, I'm the swankiest bug out in space
I'm a star, I'm a God, I'm a thing to behold, there is none as resplendent as I
With my sleek little legs and my three hundred eggs, my majesty none can deny
Because I am a millipede I am mysterious, when I vanish I never leave a trace
You will not find a bug with such illusions, I'm the creature of fathomless grace
I am a millipede I am a champion, no one else in the universe keeps pace
You'll never find someone quite as enchanting, while I'm here there's just no second place I'm an idol, a king, an object of awe, there's none such as gleaming as I
I've got glamour to spare, right when you stare
I'm the who what when where and they why
I am a millipede I am astounding, wisdom flows from my personas like lace
You'll never find someone darling as I am
I'm the swankiest, tutelary pest, certainly the best bug out in space!

I do not fear your barrier!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Politico has a long piece on Boehner. It includes this little gem:

On Sunday, July 17, it appeared they had a deal. Boehner and Virginia Representative Eric Cantor—whom the speaker had reluctantly brought into the negotiations, knowing the majority leader’s distrust of Obama could poison the talks—worked out some final details that morning at the White House. When the president returned from church, Boehner says, he invited them both into the Oval Office and shook their hands. Some fine-tuning remained, but in Boehner’s mind the so-called grand bargain was done. The framework included reforms to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; $1.2 trillion in cuts to discretionary spending; and $800 billion in new revenue. “I was one happy son of a bitch,” Boehner tells me.

The next 48 hours changed everything. On Tuesday morning, the so-called Gang of Six—three senators from each party who had been discussing their own sweeping fiscal agreement—announced a briefing for their colleagues at the Capitol. They unveiled a separate framework, totally unaware of what Obama and Boehner had agreed to. This deal included significantly more revenue. Chambliss, by then a senator, was one of the GOP Gang members and had no idea—because Boehner had been negotiating with the president in private—that their announcement would kill the speaker’s deal with the White House. Obama saw that Republican senators were endorsing a deal that included far more revenue, and knew there was no way he could sell the grand bargain to his liberal base. When he came back with a counteroffer, seeking a higher revenue number, it validated Cantor’s warnings about not trusting the president. And by that point Boehner’s members had heard enough about the grand bargain to know they didn’t like it—with the $800 billion revenue figure, much less something higher.

So the deal fell apart, and the two sides peddled their competing versions of events: Boehner’s team said the White House moved the goal posts, while Obama’s allies said the speaker couldn’t sell his own members on the deal.

So the Grand Bargain was pretty much a done deal between Obama and Boehner.

Think about it: Bubba's plan to cut Social Security was foiled by Lewinsky, and Barry's plan to cut Social Security was foiled by the "Gang of Six". True Champions of the Plebs, both of them.

Senator Jeff Flake's Retirement Speech-Short Version

radx says...

"Indecency of our discourse"... his voting record is as indecent as it gets. And that includes his vote to shred the CFPB's arbitration rule six(!) hours after this speech. Same for Corker. As much as they seem to be aghast at what a dumpster fire the current administration is, they sure don't have mixed emotions about getting in line when it's time to cast a vote.

Real champions of the common folk, these two.

Terry Crews Hallucinates While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

moonsammy says...

This makes a lot of sense. In 2000, The Simpsons predicted President Trump. King of the Hill historically aired after The Simpsons. Mike Judge created King of the Hill. A few years after The Simpsons predicted Trump's presidency, Judge also created Idiocracy, in which Terry Crews played Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Comacho, five-time Ultimate Smackdown champion, porn superstar, and President of the United states.

I'd totally vote for him in Election 2020, brought to you by Carl's Jr.

newtboy said:

Terry Crews 2020

Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

Buttle says...

It does have to do with writing code.

I have to deal with a source code repository that's full of tabs at work every day. Indentation for code may be composed of spaces and tabs, or spaces only. If tabs are present, then everyone working with the code has to use the same tab width setting, otherwise the indentation will be fubar.

If two people save edits using a different tab width setting, then there really is no way of fixing it up beyond auto-indenting it all and saving with a consistent tab setting.

The advantage of tabs is saving a few bytes on file size, which is completely undetectable in today's world of html email and xml everything.

The film, however, makes no sense, because the only way you can find out about a fundamental disagreement on spaces v tabs is by opening someone else's file in your editor, and finding the indentation all messed up. It's not something you can tell by looking over a shoulder.

The difference between emacs and vi, by the way, is that emacs has several good vi emulations, but it would be laughable to think of an emacs emulation in vi.

Emacs used to seem a completely outsized pig of a program, but in our modern times it's actually tiny. Still, you would expect a vi-champion to want tabs instead of spaces, not vice versa.

Not a lot of understanding displayed here, I'm afraid.

eric3579 said:

Don't think i've ever used a tab outside filling in a form or playing video games. Does the tab thing have more to do with writing code?

pigeon (Member Profile)

Trump Russian connection proven.

newtboy says...

Derp.....more cherry picking history to support an agenda.

Probably the same people telling Bob that the Republicans are champions of civil rights and democrats support if the 50's and 60's didn't happen.

Did Trump produce this?

Tsarist Russia was a very different place. They have not been our allies for around 70 years now.
Perhaps Russia isn't exactly the USSR any more, but they will be soon if Putin has his way...and Trump seems ok with that. Remember, Putin is a hard core Soviet KGB agent, he wants his satellite countries back.

JiggaJonson said:

@newtboy thoughts?

sally yates hands senator ted cruz his ass

SFOGuy says...

He was a champion college level debater. And it appears that he still thinks that being good at that odd exercise in silly rhetoric allows you wear that expression.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

They are not me me team. I'm not a democrat.
Faux is so far beyond biased that, for over a decade, it's repeatedly been proven that watching Faux makes you LESS informed.
CNN is far from perfect, but Fox is the grand champion of fake scandals....birth certificate, Vince Foster, WMDs, Benghazi, .....nothing else need be said.
If he ran as a democrat, he would probably have been screwed just as hard or harder than Sanders, he would absolutely not have won, democrats don't believe any insane thing their leader tells them like republicans will, because democrats are more likely to be college educated (22% more) so they know better.

I lost before the election started when Sanders was cheated out of the nomination.

Trump bashing will go on for his lifetime, he has ensured it with his bat shit crazy rhetoric. You might note that Faux was leading the charge against him, calling him an idiot, a liar, and completely unqualified to hold office until it started looking like he would win, then they changed their tune.

Fake news and biased media are FAR worse from the republicans, just look at the myriad of fake stories about Clinton in the last 6 months, then compare with the fake Trump stories, and there's no comparison, no one has accused him of running child slavery rings, or of murdering numerous close allies over some made up secrets, or of intentionally abandoning diplomats and military personell in hostile foreign countries, but Clinton has dealt with fake news since the 90's (dealt with it poorly, granted).

I am adult, Bob. Ask your president elect to grow up, he won the electoral college (not the electorate by 3 million votes though) but he's still acting like a spoiled 2 year old.

Edit: You might notice that the story that set Trump, and therefore you, off was NOT a fake story, it was a piece about a real report on what MAY or may not be a fake accusation about a foreign government having blackmailed the president elect (that they helped get elected), a report produced by the intelligence community for, and given to Trump (who may well be the one that leaked it, in order to distract from it with his outrage, knowing it would come out eventually). Maybe that's a good reason a president elect might want to not throw a tantrum at the intelligence community, they can destroy him with no effort if they choose just by reporting claims they've he does. Not good....sad.

bobknight33 said:

You just bent because you you team is finally getting called out for what they are. Biased and fake .

Look Fox is bias but the other promote FAKE news at any cost. to keep their team (democrats) in power.

If Trump ran as a democrat he still would have beat Hillary but there would be no Trump sex allegations and no Trump buss tape. It would not be published.

Grow up you lost and this Trump bashing will go on for 8 years. This fake news bashing will/ has occur for any republican president. The media is biased and pushes fake news.

What IS the Unemployment Rate? I've been wondering

bobknight33 says...

We don't know what the "molester in chief"will do.

But we know that the current/past presidents have done very well for the top.

For the last 8 years our POTUS of socially minded champion , fighter of the people has done little to help Joe and Jane Lunchbucket.

Fairbs said:

median income is up, but unfortunately all of the gains (for the last 40 years) have gone straight to the top; don't worry though the molester in chief is sure to fix this with his goldman sachs and exxon buddies

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia

bcglorf says...

For the police that are pulling out, your countercurrentnews quoted the Dan County Sherrifs office as pulling out and not planning to return. The local news link they reference though tells much more than just the biased spin countercurrent put on it. Sheriff Mahoney cites the reason for pulling out was that their agreed on involvement was only ever for the week they were there and no future funding was offered so they would be sacrificing local services to go back.

Even more glaring an omission if Mahoney is to be championed as countercurrent did, he described his officers experience at the pipeline as follows:

“Our people have shined, they report they stood in line and were confronted with baseball bats and tire irons and being sprayed with wasp spray,” he said. “Our deputies said there was a need for law enforcement.”

The full local story free of countercurrent's extremely prejudiced and biased stripping is below if you want a more full story. Surprisingly, the police officers aren't all just showing up on the protesters own property to start shooting them with water, tear gas, and rubber bullets while the protesters huddle up and sing kumbaya.

enoch said:


interesting how you classify the protesters as angry mob and rioters.

this all on tribal land,owned by native americans,who welcomed this "angry mob" and "rioters" and the police are there NOT at the behest of the tribal elders,but DAPL,a private corporation attempting to push a private pipeline,for private profit,through privately owned land.

DAPL had even hired private mercenaries to keep the landowners off their construction site,who used attack dogs,mace,rubber bullets and worked alongside the got so bad at one point that they had pulled police officers from FIVE states to keep those pesky landowner rabble down!

on a good note,those ancillary officer teams bowed out after a few days,saying that it was immoral and they were unwilling to the "police" you are referring to are most likely private security.

Funny how the perspective you tell the story from changes it entirely even while keeping to the overall same facts.....and then add some context.

democracynow has been doing excellent work on this situation,as has countercurrentnews:

and if you wanna berate those hiring the private thugs:

Aftermath November 2016

Spacedog79 says...

Way to oversimplify a difficult decision. I expect she's happy to have voted for a woman who has cheer led wars and caused untold death and destruction across the middle east. A woman who was supported and was in the pocket of wall street, all the major banks, arms manufacturers, every elite American institution, and the saudis and fought dirty to deny the chance of the american public to vote for a true champion of the people, Bernie Sanders. Life is complicated and videos like this do the progressive cause no good at all.

Michael Moore perfectly encapsulated why Trump won

radx says...

That if is a mighty big if.

And the lessons you think they "need to learn" from this election are probably different from the lessons that the professional class (credit to Thomas Frank) thinks the Democrats need to learn. To them, it's not about getting a candidate that has a higher favorability rating than a meteor strike, but to find a candidate that maintains their status in society. They are the winners of "free trade" (see Rigged by Dean Baker) and globalisation, while a vast number of people have been thrown into debt peonage, wage slavery or worse.

Unless the Democratic Party emancipates itself from the donors and the professional class, I don't see them becoming a home to champions of the people. Look at how the DNC conspired with the Clinton campaign to crush the Sanders candidacy -- lots of juicy bits about that in the Podesta emails. Look at Corbyn, who is basically caught up in a civil war within Labour, despite overwhelming support by the party base.

The Third Way (Social-)Democrats have bought into neoliberalism at such a fundamental level that I just cannot see anyone turning them into a vessel for social equality without getting utterly corrupted or even crushed along the way.

The lesson they learn might be to not nominate a member of a dynasty with so much baggage attached to them. Yet even that depends on them actually recognising the baggage in the first place, which they seemed unwilling to during this election cycle. Everything was brushed off.

And then you're still stuck with a representative of a system that doesn't work for a lot of people. The situation of the rust belt is not a result of anything particular to the current or previous candidates, but of the Washington Consensus and the widespread acceptance of neoliberalism as gospel.

Without major outside pressure, I don't see the party changing its ways sufficiently enough to become a representative of the people again. Maybe a Trump presidency is enough to create such movements, maybe not. Occupy was promising, yet crushed by the establishment in bipartisan consensus.

MilkmanDan said:

Outside of the immediate setback that this represents to the Democrat party, I think the future of the party is actually extremely bright -- IF they learn the lesson that they need to from this election. Choose candidates that people like. People that are actually worth voting FOR, rather than propping up someone that you hope will be seen as the "lesser of two evils".

John Oliver - Miss Universe Weight Gain

artician says...

It's a pretty obvious non-issue, and just more ammo versus Trump, but the suggestion is about like saying a champion prize-fighter should maintain top shape and the ability to take on any challenger in the street, at any time, as long as he holds the belt.

But even then we're giving a little too much credit to beauty pageants in the first place...

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