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Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

shinyblurry says...

Christianity has always been about having a personal, experiential relationship with Jesus Christ. It's about a community of believers sharing everything they have and living for God. Over time, with this denominationalism, it has become a collection of institutions founded on the traditions of men. The true church is the body of Christ, not a building or institution.

>> ^messenger:
You've really surprised me here. Could you expand on this? How was Christianity once not a religion? It's got a god figure, tenets of faith, imposed moral rules, ceremony, scripture, mythology, dogmatism, and always has. How could that be defined as not a religion?>> ^shinyblurry:
Religion is poison

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

messenger says...

You've really surprised me here. Could you expand on this? How was Christianity once not a religion? It's got a god figure, tenets of faith, imposed moral rules, ceremony, scripture, mythology, dogmatism, and always has. How could that be defined as not a religion?>> ^shinyblurry:

Religion is poison

After six hours Djokovic and Nadal nearly collapse

ghark says...

Yep, those poor bastards, a little ceremony at the end of a grand slam - sure, but use some common sense, Djokovic collapsed after one lengthy rally, and his legs were buckling under him on other points, and while Nadal hid it better I'm sure he was exhausted as well. They should have called in some hot Swedish masseuses imho.

Turkish Oil Wrestling -- Life is stranger than fiction

legacy0100 says...

WHoaaaa Nelly! Look at'em go at @1:33!

By the way this is very reminiscent of traditional Mongolian wrestling, especially with the ceremonial march raising hands in the air. The wrestling also reminds me of Swiss and Korean folk wrestling, where rules specify both contestants wear a specially made pants. While in Greco-Roman wresting traditions no such ceremonial marching or special gears exist.




Sarah Palin Says There's Still Time to Get into 2012 Race

Sarah Palin Says There's Still Time to Get into 2012 Race

messenger (Member Profile)

Conan Officiates Wedding of Scott Cronick & David Gorshein

Pat Robertson: "Halloween Is Satan's Night"

shinyblurry says...

Nice selective quoting.

"The classical (Roman) writers affirm that they offered on great occasions human sacrifices; as for success in war or for relief from dangerous diseases. Cæsar has given a detailed account of the manner in which this was done. "They have images of immense size, the limbs of which are framed with twisted twigs and filled with living persons. These being set on fire, those within are encompassed by the flames." Many attempts have been made by Celtic writers to shake the testimony of the Roman historians to this fact, but without success."

We have no reason to doubt the testimony of their contemporaries. And if you want more evidence, how about national geographic:

Druids Committed Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism?

It's actually far worse than I thought. Far from a quaint little holiday where people mourned the dead, it was sick pagan bloodbath.

What's clear is that you're more interested in a convenient truth;; you said it yourself, you skim over the evidence in apathy, and just want to believe what you want. Doesn't change the facts though; Halloween celebrates an evil day where a bunch of savages worshipped demons, sacrificed human beings and apparently ate their flesh. I'm sorry, but there is nothing there for Christians to celebrate. Pat Robertson is 100 percent correct.

>> ^pho3n1x:
Show me where, in your first link, it mentions human sacrifice...
Instead, don't. I'll quote it for you:
That the Druids offered sacrifices to their deity there can be no doubt. But there is some uncertainty as to what they offered, and of the ceremonies connected with their religious services we know almost nothing.
Also, quoting the other article you mentioned regarding bonfires:
It comes from the contraction of bone fire, where the Celts used to burn animal bones to ward off evil spirits.
Try harder.
Catholic Mass, to my knowledge, is not based on pagan sacrifice at all, but rather using bread and wine as a "bloodless" sacrifice honoring the crucifixion of Christ. Granted, I only skimmed the articles because I'm not really that interested in the whole ordeal, but it seems to me like you don't like to read anything other than the pamphlets your church of choice provides about each secular holiday anyway, so I'm probably just wasting my time.
You can believe what you want to believe, let me believe what I want to believe.
Religion is like a penis.
It's awesome that you have one.
It's awesome that you're proud of it.
But please stop whipping it out and waving it around in public.
It's not any better or more important than mine.

>> ^shinyblurry:
Druids worshipped baal, engaged in human sacrifice:\

This was not a wholesome little get together, and it did involve blood sacrifice. The root of bonfire is "bonefire"
No, not all spirits are demons; God is a spirit, and angels are spirits. Yet, many people have this idea of a dichotomy between "good" spirits and evil spirits, but in reality they're almost all evil spirits. Any spirit not sent by God is a demon. Spirits impersonating the dead are demons, spirits which claim to be other gods are demons, the spirits people channel are demons, etc. The astral realm is owned by Satan and populated by demons pretending to be every kind of fantasy someone could imagine, and many people wouldn't. There is no Goddess, there are no ghosts, there aren't any of these psychic manifestations. It all stems from Satan. Satan is a being, not a concept, as real as you and me, and he is the deceiver of this entire world.
I agree, Catholic mass is sacrifice, because it is pagan ritual the church took on as its own. It has nothing to do with God, but it does represent the union of the sun and moon, as per babylonian mystery religions.
By and large, people who practice sorcery, divination, channeling, "psychic" abilities, and the like are all doing Satans will. They all come out in droves to celebrate this evil day, to worship other gods and practice their witchcraft; basically to do all the things which God commanded us not to do. The only involvement Christians should have on this is to pray for those who are deceived.
>> ^pho3n1x:
I think you're misconstruing the use of the word "sacrifice" to summon imagery of blood sacrifice (ie Indiana Jones).
Not all sacrifice is macabre or evil. Catholic Mass is a sacrifice.
I've not read a single source regarding Samhain/Halloween/All Saints Eve, even one from "your side" of the argument, that alludes to human sacrifice.
Besides, "pagan" is a blanket term. The ones you are trying to illustrate are Druids. They would make animal sacrifices, which were then immediately consumed as part of the festival.
Satan does not exist in the religion which you are misunderstanding. Satan is a Christian idea.
And I still assert that spirits are not all demons. Is the Holy Spirit a demon?
Before you try to correct me, I also have a lot of personal experience in these matters, and I know that there are some misguided individuals. By and large though, "pagan" religions (as paganism is not in-and-of-itself a religion) do not share these views and simply see the matter for what it is. Animals and crops are harvested for the coming winter, and tribute is paid to "the death of a god", not to "a god of death".

Pat Robertson: "Halloween Is Satan's Night"

pho3n1x says...

Show me where, in your first link, it mentions human sacrifice...
Instead, don't. I'll quote it for you:
That the Druids offered sacrifices to their deity there can be no doubt. But there is some uncertainty as to what they offered, and of the ceremonies connected with their religious services we know almost nothing.

Also, quoting the other article you mentioned regarding bonfires:
It comes from the contraction of bone fire, where the Celts used to burn animal bones to ward off evil spirits.

Try harder.


Catholic Mass, to my knowledge, is not based on pagan sacrifice at all, but rather using bread and wine as a "bloodless" sacrifice honoring the crucifixion of Christ. Granted, I only skimmed the articles because I'm not really that interested in the whole ordeal, but it seems to me like you don't like to read anything other than the pamphlets your church of choice provides about each secular holiday anyway, so I'm probably just wasting my time.
You can believe what you want to believe, let me believe what I want to believe.


Religion is like a penis.

It's awesome that you have one.
It's awesome that you're proud of it.
But please stop whipping it out and waving it around in public.
It's not any better or more important than mine.

>> ^shinyblurry:

Druids worshipped baal, engaged in human sacrifice:\

This was not a wholesome little get together, and it did involve blood sacrifice. The root of bonfire is "bonefire"
No, not all spirits are demons; God is a spirit, and angels are spirits. Yet, many people have this idea of a dichotomy between "good" spirits and evil spirits, but in reality they're almost all evil spirits. Any spirit not sent by God is a demon. Spirits impersonating the dead are demons, spirits which claim to be other gods are demons, the spirits people channel are demons, etc. The astral realm is owned by Satan and populated by demons pretending to be every kind of fantasy someone could imagine, and many people wouldn't. There is no Goddess, there are no ghosts, there aren't any of these psychic manifestations. It all stems from Satan. Satan is a being, not a concept, as real as you and me, and he is the deceiver of this entire world.
I agree, Catholic mass is sacrifice, because it is pagan ritual the church took on as its own. It has nothing to do with God, but it does represent the union of the sun and moon, as per babylonian mystery religions.
By and large, people who practice sorcery, divination, channeling, "psychic" abilities, and the like are all doing Satans will. They all come out in droves to celebrate this evil day, to worship other gods and practice their witchcraft; basically to do all the things which God commanded us not to do. The only involvement Christians should have on this is to pray for those who are deceived.
>> ^pho3n1x:
I think you're misconstruing the use of the word "sacrifice" to summon imagery of blood sacrifice (ie Indiana Jones).
Not all sacrifice is macabre or evil. Catholic Mass is a sacrifice.
I've not read a single source regarding Samhain/Halloween/All Saints Eve, even one from "your side" of the argument, that alludes to human sacrifice.
Besides, "pagan" is a blanket term. The ones you are trying to illustrate are Druids. They would make animal sacrifices, which were then immediately consumed as part of the festival.
Satan does not exist in the religion which you are misunderstanding. Satan is a Christian idea.
And I still assert that spirits are not all demons. Is the Holy Spirit a demon?
Before you try to correct me, I also have a lot of personal experience in these matters, and I know that there are some misguided individuals. By and large though, "pagan" religions (as paganism is not in-and-of-itself a religion) do not share these views and simply see the matter for what it is. Animals and crops are harvested for the coming winter, and tribute is paid to "the death of a god", not to "a god of death".

Robert Downey, Zach Galifianakis and Ricky Gervais

Yogi says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Yogi:
Yeah but to be fair Ricky could shit in a hat and a lot of British people would go "He's Brilliant!"

I disagree with that, we're more likely to think he's overrated than most Americans. He would never get asked to host any big awards ceremonies and I can't think of anyone's shows he's guest starred on here

Louie twice and the American version of The Office. Ricky's great but he's not as magical as some British people think when they talk about Television. You'd think the original Office is the second coming...Arrested Development is a definite contender to that.

Robert Downey, Zach Galifianakis and Ricky Gervais

alien_concept says...

>> ^Yogi:

Yeah but to be fair Ricky could shit in a hat and a lot of British people would go "He's Brilliant!"

I disagree with that, we're more likely to think he's overrated than most Americans. He would never get asked to host any big awards ceremonies and I can't think of anyone's shows he's guest starred on here

The Ayahuasca Project - Film Trailer

geo321 (Member Profile)

Sgt Dakota Meyer awarded Medal of Honor by President Obama

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