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Christian Bakery Denies Service to Gay Couple

shinyblurry says...

If I do something or say something wrong to a person, I ask forgiveness from both my God and the person I did it to, as I did with you. The great commandments are to love the Lord thy God with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your mind, and all of your strength, and also, to love thy neighbor as yourself. I think a Christian who does something wrong should do what is reasonable to reconcile with people who they have wronged.

As far as the cake goes, the man didn't refuse service because the men were gay. He was more than happy to make them a cake, just not a gay wedding cake. I don't see how you're inserting the word hatred into the discussion. The man has a sincere conviction that gay marriage is wrong and he doesn't want to participate in it. The question really being posed is, is this unchristian not to make this cake?

For one, Jesus didn't tell us not to judge, He told us not to judge hypocritically. That is what is meant by the log in someones eye versus the splinter in the other. Christians are to judge all things to see if they line up to the word of God. Now, would you think it is wrong for a Pastor to refuse to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony? I don't think you could say it was unchristian for the Pastor to refuse to do it, on the basis of his moral conviction. Well, this baker also had a moral conviction about supplying the cake for the ceremony. His conviction is to make wedding cakes for heterosexual weddings only because he believes gay marriage is immoral. I really don't see anything wrong with this; it isn't loving your neighbor to help someone along in their sin. Neither do I think he should be forced to violate his conscience by lending his reputation to something he knows God disapproves of.

In the name of tolerance, people are coming out of the woodwork to bash Christian businesses like Chick-fil-a on the basis of their beliefs about homosexuality being a sin. A lot of these are setups; the gay community gets wind of a Christian business who has strong convictions, and then they send someone in to get refused so they can go to the media and create a bunch of hype and drama and generate sympathy. In the end, the hatred and intolerance seems to be entirely one sided. Christians don't hate gays; Jesus died as much for them as He did for the rest of us. Christians who do hate gays are simply ignorant and wrong and they should be chastised. That doesn't mean you should indict Christianity as a whole, because true Christians recognize that we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

>> ^UsesProzac:

Business has doubled since the incident? I really don't understand why religious people glorify in the hatred of others. I've seen it firsthand in extended family members and it chills me. How can Christians ignore the gospel of loving thy neighbor and judge not and all those other fancy things their prophet said in their own religious text?
@shinyblurry, how do you reconcile that hypocrisy within yourself? You're the only person I know to ask here, seeing as you called me a harlot and all that. When you judge another person and go directly against the words set down in your bible, do you immediately ask your god to forgive you or what?
Edit: I'll throw in one of my favorite quotes to further illustrate the rampant hypocrisy.
“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.” - Stephen Colbert

Shameless product placement on TV

Mr Bean at the Olympics

Mr Bean at the Olympics

dannym3141 says...

Yossarian i couldn't agree more.

Very british ceremony, and probably very much FOR the british people. I don't doubt that many of the reasons i enjoyed it will not be relevant to others. To take the stadium from fields of green to industrial towers was great, especially showing all of the people who were there (willing or not) to help the transition - boats arriving from the west indies and such, the suffragettes. To see the growth of britain and eventually the forging of the rings. I think the ring forging was one of the coolest things i've seen.

It was different, and at times anti-political, anti british. Because being anti british is a british trait. Thank you boyle for showing what pride in our country looks like. The NHS and great ormond street, these are things to be proud of. Our humour, our invention, our quirkyness, our gifts to the arts. If only this would inspire more pride in our health sector. We used to lead the world with our NHS till the tories got their hands on it, maybe we can once again if we take PRIDE in its quality; show the world what a free health system can be. Come on, britain. Where's all the pride gone?

Even though i wasn't such a fan of the singing and dancing and texting, i understand why it was there (a tribute to what we've given the world in the technology and arts departments) and i think choosing Danny Boyle was a masterstroke. I haven't seen anything like it in my life before, and thank god it was finally something to come out of britain to be proud of. At least the british public knows how to represent britain on the world stage. If you want to know how great "great britain" really is, watch our HUMBLE ceremony.

We could lead the world again by showing them what humility, cooperation and pride can do; no more money in politics, no corrupt bankers. Civilised society and fair play were once our specialities.

Btw interrupting a tribute to one of the major bombings of the "anti terrism era" led by bush no less is if you ask me outright insulting to the memory of the dead. To cut to a worthless talking head like ryan seacrest as well? I'm sorry that britain couldn't hold people's attention for longer than 3 minutes whilst we mourn the loss of our loved ones. I hope the silence for the wars didn't bore anyone either. We all payed dearly to defend this island, this link to the theatre of war that eventually inspired the world to fight with us against wrongdoing and against the odds; the least we might expect from the rest of the world is their attention span for a bit.

It was deemed good enough that china commissioned a stage version to be shown in beijing. I bet seacrest won't be getting a call up. Anyone who didn't like it - switch over to Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, X's Got Talent, Geordie/Jersey Shore or E! now. I'm sure you'll be mesmerised. You might even find ryan seacrest presenting one of them!!

Mr Bean at the Olympics

spoco2 says...

Well, I loved the ceremony. Obviously not all did, but I loved it. There was something fantastic about the grass and little fields and the tree. The great transformation to the industrial nation... it was great. I'm amazed anyone could be that down on it to be honest. I can get not liking all of it, but to really think that it was boring... man, someone has a short attention span.

Mr Bean at the Olympics

Yossarian says...

I loved it!

Was it perfect -no. But it struck a chord with the creativity and invention which makes Britain Great, while sending out a timely reminder of what we have accomplished and given to the world.
So much to enjoy, lots of creativity and not afraid to be self deprecating, humorous and actually fun!

The abide with me tribute to 7/7 victims and those who could not be there was genuinely moving. Even if NBC thought that an inane interview by Ryan Seacrest was more important. Disrespectful dicks. I wonder if they'd do the same during a 9/11 memorial..?

The whole of the UK was grateful for the Great Olmond Street Childrens Hospital and NHS routine. Something to make our PM - whose so keen to downgrade the National Health Service to a privatised model that no one wants - squirm in his seat.

Because we don't need to prove ourselves to anyone the ceremony could focus on the achievements of the ordinary Briton. Unfortunately this meant it may not have been whiz, bang, sparkle, sparkle, pompous bollox enough for those with tiny attention spans. But as trade offs go..I can live with that.

Mr Bean at the Olympics

ant says...

>> ^Fletch:

Beijing may have ruined it for all future Olympic host cities, but that was the most boring opening ceremony I've ever seen. I kept switching over to "Deadliest Catch" repeats. And Paul McCartney? "I wonder if he'll sing 'Hey J...' yep, there he goes". At least the audience participation limits the amount of seventy year-old sour notes they are subjected to. Tell me that wasn't hard to watch. It was entertaining the way "FOX and Friends" is entertaining, or the way running your tongue over a painful canker sore again and again is entertaining.
By the way, Elliot finally came through and found the crab, to the relief of his crew.

Yeah. Meh for that one after seeing Beijing, China, in 2008 (why did the I delete my high definition (HD)'s recording?). The industrial revolution's ring forge was cool and nice bassy music. James Bond (007) skit wasn't that great either. At least Mr. Bean's skit was funny, and he should have been in the whole opening ceremony! Not enough special effects and colors!

Will anyone be able to 2008's summer game's opening ceremony? Oh well. Thanks goodness for recording to avoid watching 4.5 hours of it and its commercials/advertisements (ads.)/spots! What happened to Dr. Who (excluding the audio)?

Mr Bean at the Olympics

Fletch says...

Beijing may have ruined it for all future Olympic host cities, but that was the most boring opening ceremony I've ever seen. I kept switching over to "Deadliest Catch" repeats. And Paul McCartney? "I wonder if he'll sing 'Hey J...' yep, there he goes". At least the audience participation limits the amount of seventy year-old sour notes they are subjected to. Tell me that wasn't hard to watch. It was entertaining the way "FOX and Friends" is entertaining, or the way running your tongue over a painful canker sore again and again is entertaining.

By the way, Elliot finally came through and found the crab, to the relief of his crew.

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