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Frozen - Blood Test

Look Ma, no nails! (Japanese precision carpentry)

Retroboy says...

The sound when he started pounding in the shiv was what got me.

I imagine those carpenters use every one of their senses in their craft.

Well... maybe not taste.

"YOU! CARPENTER! Why does my temple have lick marks all over it?!!!"

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

artician says...

That is quoted once in the whole clip. The number has hovered between $0.70-$0.85 for the last few decades that the issue has been talked about openly.

Where do you get the impression that Oliver is arguing about equal pay for dissimilar jobs at any point in the entire segment? I do not see that at any point. If that were true, obviously that would be ridiculous. The goal here is equality, not up-ending the whole system of employment.

Lastly, as it's said plainly in the first few minutes of the clip: "Equal pay for equal work". There are two points I would like to make here:
1) that's clearly not an argument for inequality in favor of work compensation for women over men, and
2) If we *really* wanted to pay people equally for their work, mexican migrants who pick our vegetables every season, movers, factory-workers, carpenters and any other manual-labor jobs would be living the highlife in their gated communities with million-dollar homes, and most CEO's, wallstreet bankers, and office joe's would be scraping by in the 'burbs.

Magicpants said:

That's wrong. Women doing similar jobs to men make 96 cents on the dollar
(still bad). But Oliver is arguing that men and women doing dissimilar jobs should make the same amount.

Hand Made Beautiful Dining Room Table - The Priceless Gift

mintbbb says...

If I could go back in time, I think I would have loved to become a carpenter (if I had the skill..) It would be great to be able to craft gorgeous things like this!

Small-Scale Ant Genocide Yields Small-scale Alien Artifact

grinter says...

The description indicates that this is a "fire ant" colony. Although it's not certain, these are likely invasive 'fire ants'.
Setting aside for a moment the obvious argument that humans are also an invasive species, there are several reasons to kill invasives, and this was not a particularly nasty way to do it.

Now, he also casts carpenter ant colonies, which are likely indigenous to his area.. that, in my opinion, is weaker ethical footing.

A10anis said:

Cruel, unnecessary, and pointless.

Loretta Lynn & Sissy Spacek @ At Grand Ol' Opry (1979)

Slavoj Zizek on They Live (The Pervert's Guide to Ideology)

enoch says...


ok.let us examine your counterpoints.

1.yeah.i agree.i never saw him as anybody but roddy piper.
2.agreed.while long,it does wear the banner of awesome.zizek may possibly be guilty of over-analyzing,but his comparisons bear some consideration.i find them to be justified.
3.this point you make is an exercise in circular logic and actually makes zizecks point.
where do you get your ideology from?
do you even have an ideology?
what makes you so certain of your ideology?
it is the question that is the real truth.
4.dont really understand your outrage here.sarcasm?
zizeck is exercising the pedagogy of philosophy.
referencing the matrix and pointing out that the wachowski brothers were not the first ones to create a movie with heavy philosophical tones.
john carpenter did it in the 80's with "they live".
and the philosophy of both movies is not exactly new.unless you consider 150 years to be "new".

maybe you disagree with the questions?
or are uncomfortable with the answers?
seem awfully defensive about people asking questions.

Little Girl and her Carpenter Pet Bee

poolcleaner says...

I also feel that way about hired NPCs in video games.

They have NO CHOICE but to follow you around. And then they are doomed to a near eternity of no movement on a digital save that you play *maybe* once 10 years from now because you're feeling nostalgic.

But you don't remember how to play at the save point from 10 years ago because it's too hard and the last thing he does is die unmercifully before you eject the cartridge and toss the game back in storage.

What sort of hell is that, man? Much worse than injured carpenter bee land.

raverman said:

Imagine breaking your leg in a strange world and being taken by a giant insect 1000x your size... who feeds you mashed meat off the end of a tree trunk. Isolated from any one else... kept in confinement... and 'petted' by a giant antenna that could crush you at any moment.

I bet he's screaming for us to let him die.... If only we could hear...

Guy's Room Renovated into a Seven-Year-Old Girl's Paradise

Muhammad Ali vs Floyd Patterson 9-20-72 (Full)

How to light a cigarette using a hammer!

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Burger King Commercial (1983 )

Yogi says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I still maintain that SMG was the least attractive, and least talented of the whole Buffy bunch.
Hannigan, Caulfield, Trachtenberg, Benson, Carpenter. All hotter/better

You're an idiot if you think she was the least talented. She had actual Acting chops that Joss and others gave her a lot of credit for way after Buffy. You think Hannigan was great at playing dorky and delivering her lines in a hesitating manner? Or that Trachtenberg reached new heights of annoyingly whiney Teenager? No SMG played her role of Lion Hearted Hero (which is really hard to play without being completely tiresome) to absolute perfection. I was annoyed with her at the right times, and right behind her at the right times. She's good, you just don't know dick about acting.

Nothing beats Caulfield though.

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Burger King Commercial (1983 )

VoodooV says...

I still maintain that SMG was the least attractive, and least talented of the whole Buffy bunch.

Hannigan, Caulfield, Trachtenberg, Benson, Carpenter. All hotter/better

Andy Williams - Moon River (1962 performance) RIP Andy

StudioADI Starship Troopers Animatronic Effects

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