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newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You using Snopes as a fact checker is rich.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a speech impediment.

False. No speech impediment just too old.

No speech impediment in 1993. 12 minutes of pure coherent speech .
Maybe as a kid but not by 1993.
2021 Must be to old feeble to speak with out bumbling/ stumbling.

Just admit Biden is too old to be POTUS. Grandpa Joe will be gone soon and the unpopular VP will take over. Yet a bigger joke.

newtboy said:

Um....are you really that ignorant and delusional? Oops, forgot who I was addressing....sorry. (I hadn't noticed you flatly denied he has a speech impediment)

Lol. At least he can give a speech with complete sentences and thoughts and without pooping his diaper. Trump can't, just watch his my pillow speech from Saturday when he slurred and mumbled his way through more whining and sour grapes about losing the decrepit he was unable to open his eyes the entire rambling seated speech (maybe involuntarily closed due to rancid full diaper stench), or the pictures from his recent New York trip where he looks on deaths door, pale, frazzled, and exhausted, without his taxpayer funded makeup team he looks like Palpatine after a fight...and you still think obese, dementia riddled diaper Don has it in him to be president. He never did, that's why he spent 1/3 of every day watching tv, and 1/3 of every day frantically rage tweeting nonsense, and astonishingly a full 22%, 308 days of his single term playing golf at tax payers expense and his profit, leaving 11%+- of his time in office for governing, family time, travel, and sleeping combined. He doesn't have it in him to do any physical activity more strenuous than cheating badly at golf while using a cart to go 30 ft., even on the green. Biden runs and bikes long distances constantly, and isn't obese or dementia riddled.

Don is a worn out old con man who should be gripping his soap with all his might in the prison shower....and who may be doing that soon for the rest of his life. Lmfahs!
Also, when Trump eats cookies with his grandchild, he's also having cookies with his child. They're the same person.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

while I am absolutely delighted to watch both the democratic and republican parties LOSE their minds over AOC,and watch them bumble and stumble all over themselves to discredit this 29yr old Latina spitfire.

the political establishment continues to miss the plot,because they live in their own tiny,elitist bubbles.

every time they attempt to marginalize her,attack her outright,shame her,belittle her...
her numbers go up.
the republicans try to attack her by exposing her ideas as laughable,but what they are really doing is campaigning for her.
she literally gets more popular every time FOX news has ben shapiro on to "expose" AOC as the "loony left".

and the democrats may actually be MORE afraid of AOC than the republicans!
they are trying to primary her out of her seat,which he has only been in a few weeks.
which has seen AOC's war chest boom with private,small amount,donations.

they (meaning the establishment,corporate lackeys in congress) along with their corporate media stooges.

are doing their best to paint AOC as a "kook" as a "crazy" as somehow not being an actual representative of what normal folk want in a representative.

just like they did with nader,paul,sanders..

but it looks like the American people are finally on to the games of the kleptocrats.

and AOC has become the youngest and most popular congresswoman..ever.

because AOC Is not a kook,or a crazy.

she is whip smart and politically savvy.

and in five minutes she lays out the ease of corruption in our government.

suck a dick trumpters!


Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History

vil says...

Secret service people lie by design. The idea is if you give a lot of information people will miss the central problem.

What is wrong about a secret service listening in on a presidential candidate and his "team" who is intensely trying to collude with a foreign power? Is that not their job? If they have nothing, good for Trump. This is all just theater. Both sides. Trump is a bumbling idiot who could not collude if he was allowed to by law, no one has enough hard evidence to do anything, and the only ones laughing are the Russians. Summed up nicely at 31:30 asked what is going to happen as a consequence of "the biggest scam" the answer is "nothing".

The allusion that Trump is somehow successful in business is a joke.

From what is known Trumps team tried hard to contact and cooperate with Russians against "evil Hillary". It may be possible that the people going after him made more mistakes than the people working for Trump, but that still leaves you walking wide circles around the fact of who Trump is and what his morals, methods and friends (and relatives) are.

Keep track of what are facts and what are conspiracy theories.

Also the audio is left channel only.

New Rule: I, Q | Real Time with Bill Maher

StukaFox says...

Let me get this straight -- some guy trolled 4chan's /pol/ with the most improbable story since that one about a loving god watching over all of us, and Trump supporters sucked it down like it was so many gouts of hot Russian jizz?

I'll answer my own question: yes.

An internet troll on a 4chan -- the site dedicated to stale memes, cam-whoring and Zootopia porn (not that I'd know anything about the latter) -- triggered the stumbling, bumbling collection of idiots who attend Trump rallies like the mouth-breather's version of Triumph of the Will into believing they were the recipients of ULTRA-TOP-SECRET information. Now these people believe they're a movement, and they're going to vote (and hopefully stop there before gunfire is involved) based on this delusion.

Didn't we used to point and laugh at people for shit like this?

What they don't know (muh-ha-ha!) is that this is actually a scheme to identify potential candidates for a new reality show called 'Gullible Island', which will be a cross between Lord of the Flies and Idiocracy. Contestants will be fed a constant stream of conspiracy theories ("Democrats don't want you to know that cyanide is tasty") and then left to their own devices -- at which point the rest of us will turn off the TV and breathe a huge sigh of relief while await Trump 2020: 20 years for treason and 20 years for collusion.

Bumblebee - Teaser Trailer

Titus has fallen!

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

It's the mentality, not the degree.
Ruin them all, let God sort it out is really what's happening, and it leaves those of us looking for equality and justice with a bitter taste and serious reservations.
Relatively minor? Career and reputation eradication isn't minor, especially based on accusations....once they're proven or admitted, ok.
I don't know what's happening with Asis, but the intent was clearly to ruin his career over his dates belated regrets, and refuse to acknowledge there's any difference between his inexperienced bumbling and forceful sexual abuse. That is unacceptable, and if that's what #me too is about now, fuck them...I'm out.

That is why you don't overreach, and don't lump minor offences with major ones. It turns reasonable people against your cause.

Again, if making distinctions are not proper, why is the minor distinction between the sexes on this issue front and center? Why are there no #me too accusers going after women?
This really is turning into a battle of the sexes rather than an honest attempt to solve a real, serious issue, sex abuse.
I think that's horrendous, and damns the needed movement to likely failure, certainly it begs for opposition.

ChaosEngine said:

I must have missed the news cycle where Weinstein, Spacey, etc were murdered, 'cos last I checked not only were they still alive, they were still free people, who so far, have suffered relatively minor inconveniences for the crimes they committed.

I think you have confused "telling people how someone assaulted you" with "calling for a lynch mob".

sen al franken brilliantly connects the dots on russia

enoch says...

here here..we need a special prosecutor.
i have been fairly reticent jump on board during this whole media circus,not because i am a trump fan,but because i saw no evidence,just conjecture and speculation.which i felt more politically motivated than anything.

now to be honest,there STILL is no HARD evidence,but the circumstantial and political machinations of the trump administration has become increasingly suspect.reminiscent to the nixon administration during the watergate scandal.

could this all just be an innocent mistake,from a bumbling president and an inept staff?

sure..that is a possibility,but with the mounting evidence,and the trump administration continually evading and obfuscating and in some instances,outright blocking any inquiry into the russian connections?

yeah,we need a special prosecutor.

the rubin report-don't freak out about trump

enoch says...

jesus,could we all stop with the histrionics already?

there are reasons why trump won,and it certainly was not because he is a decent human being,he is not,he is a terrible human being.

so if you are going to assume what kind of president he is going to be based solely on his emotionally,super-charged rhetoric,then you definition..pre-judging.

i do not know what kind of president he is going to be,and neither do you.

i suspect it going to be in the area of horrifying and bumbling buffoon,but we won't know until he gets in office.

all rubin is pointing out is that there are some positives,and freaking out does nothing,and is based on assumption.

but chew on this for a minute.
both the democrats and republicans HATE trump and the fact he won has scared the living shit out of both parties.the political elite just got kicked in the balls.

i have been watching in horror as trump began to surround himself with some of the most vile,and opportunistic people:gingrich,gulliani,christie,and let us not forget the christian supremacist mike pence.

yet two days ago pence cleared all the lobbyist choices trump had made for positions in his cabinet.they are calling it the "pence purge".was this a political ploy to stick with the "drain the swamp" meme?

sure..that is possible.
but it is still a good sign.

and rubin brings up a good point in regards to trump.he likes being popular and loved.while i find this narcissistic and childish,and not a quality i want in a president,it does offer a window where normal people can apply pressure to his presidency,and that is no small influence.

hey,i get it,trump is a bumbling buffoon who is a terrible human being,but he won't be this countries first awful human being to hold the presidency.

and we really do not know what kind of president he is going to all rubin is saying is:remain cautiously optimistic.

i say:be cautiously optimistic,but prepare for the worst.

because many people have concerns,and i think those concerns are valid.i suspect that a trump presidency will rival the bush era,possibly worse,but i could be wrong.not the first time i was wrong.

so this could all manifest in a pleasant surprise..or a horrible nightmare,but we won't know until trump actually takes over the job.

robdot said:

holy fuck this guy's an idiot. No one is prejudging trump,We are judging him on the things he has already said and done. Trump stood on a stage and mocked someone's disability. While thousands laughed and cheered. This tells you everything you need to know about him and his supporters. Stop normalizing this vile repulsive "thing".

Trump Jokes That Gun Owners Can 'Fix' the Clinton Problem

Khufu says...

the difference between what you think and what you do are important. To be fair to Trump though, he could have just meant the 2nd amendment people could "rise up". Which they could, but they'd be bumbling idiots when pitted against the army and/or media.

bobknight33 said:

So popping a cap into a Clinton is a bad thing?

About 1/2 the country think that that would be a good thing.

The other 1/2 think putting a cap in Trump would be a good thing.

Put a cap in both and vote for @newtboy.

Vibrating Bumblebees Unlock a Flower's Hidden Treasure

TV hosts not composed during interview with robbery heroes

TV hosts not composed during interview with robbery heroes

artician (Member Profile)

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oritteropo (Member Profile)

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