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Zawash (Member Profile)

Happy 16th Birthday

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

I also feel obligated to point out that 16-year-olds should be given any kind of car for their birthday, let alone a new one.

I bought my first car in my 20s and it was nearly 10 years old. Paid for it myself too.

This guy is not living up to his national stereotype (Scots are tight-fisted with money) and should be ashamed.

My lawn; you're standing on it.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Mike Pence

bcglorf says...

Do you mean no, you believe by force of law if your business is making cakes, you must print any and all messages(barring illegal hate speech) requested by customers?

A Muslim baker should be required by law to produce a cake depicting the prophet?

Pro-Choice bakers should be required by law to produce cakes with graphic imagery of aborted fetuses?

Jewish bakers shouldn't be allowed to refuse to make a birthday cake for Hitler's birthday?

I get that right to refuse to do certain kinds of business can be touchy, but IMO it's even more dangerous to start demanding business owners lose the freedom to decline business that although legal goes against their own values.

newtboy said:

Short answer, no, not if they make cakes with messages.

Because there's no way to tell if it's really a firmly held belief or just douchbaggery, and it's far more likely to be the latter (examples of that above), no. The next step might be no cakes for blacks, because they're unclean descendants of Cain, or Jews because they don't serve Jesus, or people wearing blended fabrics because they should be stoned to death, and certainly no cake for atheists.

If you have a public business, serve the public, otherwise partner with your church and limit your customers to like minded people instead of singling out certain groups to publicly deny service....or move to a religiously intolerant country where your intolerance is allowed and not antithetical to the national morals.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

entr0py (Member Profile)

Hi guys! What'd I miss? (Scifi Talk Post)

Hi guys! What'd I miss? (Scifi Talk Post)

Healthy As a Horse

newtboy says...

Healthy as a horse.... and almost as bright. I've seen some pretty unhealthy horses in my day too.

The cognitive test he requested and took was 4 parts....
1. Name a few animals.
2. Draw the hands of a clock at 3:30.
3. Draw a cube
4. Repeat a short list of words.

It's not a comprehensive mental fitness test, or a psychological test. It's a totally basic, does he have full blown dementia test. That's all. And it took him 10 minutes to complete. This test does not rule out anything except full blown dementia and coma. He repeated it's one of the longer screening tests, but neglected to mention the short ones are as short as 'do you know where you are?' Or 'what's your birthday?'

He's still totally bat shit crazy, a consummate liar, and a believer in fish people and pedophile pizza, but I admit it seems he can remember how to read a watch and what a cat is. Not a high bar, especially for a leader.

I am impressed he isn't on death's door considering his reported diet.

Monster Jam 2017 Top Ten

ChaosEngine says...

My wife got me a monster truck driving session for my birthday a few years ago. Most fun driving thing ever!

Monster trucks rule.

dhdigital (Member Profile)

Quboid (Member Profile)

The Problem With DC's Heroes in Movies and TV

ChaosEngine says...

The sad thing is that we already got a fantastic representation of DC... the animated Batman and Justice League series.

Those were fantastic.

The "Bruce and Diana visit Superman on his birthday" story? That is from the story For the man who has everything and even Alan fucking Moore (the original author) apparently liked it, and he hates EVERYTHING.

Zonbie (Member Profile)

Rocket Powered Cake Cutter

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