*Internet Channel - Submitted for Your Approval

  (31 votes)
  (20 votes)

A total of 51 votes have been cast on this poll.

@spoco2 has proposed a channel named *Internet, described as follows:
The history and impact (past and present) of the wondrous Internet and World Wide Web. The place to come and marvel at how this thing we now take for granted came into being, and also gasp at how it's still changing the world today.
Should this channel be activated?
spoco2 says...

I vote against this ridiculous channel, who needs something like this? Madness I say, madness!

*Quite whispers*

Oooooh, mine you say?

I see, that's a touch awkward.

A vote for this channel is a vote for freedom, if you vote against this you love the enemy. And the enemy is a robot call Stan who likes to eat babies.

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:

Just to clarify - this is a channel about the Internet medium itself and not Internet culture?
For example would Internet memes be included?

Yeah, about the technology, history and social impact of the internet. A video about what memes are would fit, but a meme video like the Nyan Cat itself would not.

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

What about a video of Nyan Cat watching a video about memes on a web browser?
Please advise.

I'm afraid that falls under subsection 7, paragraph D, and is considered a meme video unto itself (As the Nyan Cat is the main protagonist in the video), so it would have to be excluded.

spoco2 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I hope you know what you're in for. This will be one of the most misused channels on the site.

I'll try and make the short description as clear as possible, and the long one even more so... and hey, I'm up for some slashing and burning of RickRoll videos

Hybrid says...

Making the description clear will do nothing to help. People put videos in channels based on what they think the channel name alone implies. All the description means is that you'll be doing a lot of channel maintenance removing videos that shouldn't be in there. Enjoy! >> ^spoco2:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I hope you know what you're in for. This will be one of the most misused channels on the site.

I'll try and make the short description as clear as possible, and the long one even more so... and hey, I'm up for some slashing and burning of RickRoll videos

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's right ... I think it's up for grabs then.>> ^Deano:

>> ^dag:
I think where we last left the tech channel was "put it to a poll">> ^Hybrid:
So this channel is okay, but technology was discouraged? Hmm...

I ran that poll and it passed.

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