xxovercastxx US

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Birthdate: November 22nd, 1978 (45 years old)

Member Since: February 23, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 16, 2012
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Comments to xxovercastxx

lucky760 says...

Ah, I hadn't realized that. We switched to displaying YT and Vimeo vids in iframes and some things on the page always assumed an object or embed tag. Will look into fixing it when possible.

Thanks for reporting.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
The "BRIEF" and "LONG" markers are getting stuffed beneath the video today. "BLOCKED" is behaving properly.

Here's two examples:

You must cringe when you get that email that tells you I've left a profile comment.

bareboards2 says...

I was offering myself as proof of what happens when you do this to a child. This happened to me. I know where it goes. I am damaged. Isn't that clear?

I also know things that are true.

I'll say it again. You say something emotionally honest on the Sift, and you get lectured. You are proving my point. Parse my words into tiny bits. Or just listen to what I have to say and say "oh."

That happens if you are a man on the sift being emotionally honest, also. You will get raked over the coals. I'm not playing the female card, I am playing the male card.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^bareboards2:

I knew this would happen.
Say something real about emotional issues and this always happens.

The problem is not that you said "something real about emotional issues" it's that you started painting yourself the victim before anyone had even criticized you.

My guess is you don't realize you're doing it but look at the thread again. @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://videosift.com/member/residue" title="member since July 22nd, 2007" class="profilelink">residue states that he disagrees that this was intentional cruelty. He said nothing attacking you, he just disagreed with you.

The very next comment is your reply in which you are already talking about taking a stand and "being trashed by some in the Sift community".

A couple comments later, still nobody has attacked you, and you say "I knew I was going to be raked over the coals for being real here. I thought I might get an hour or maybe a supportive comment between me taking a risk emotionally and somebody coming in and being all Male-Sifty on me." You lashed out at @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://gwiz665.videosift.com" title="member since February 22nd, 2007" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#b02033">gwiz665 and you want to play the oppressed female card.

That's why you get the reaction you are now getting from everyone. If your concern for the baby is genuine (and I suspect it is) then you really need to work on your delivery. Talking about how much it damaged you to see this baby cry is not the way to make your point.

lucky760 says...

They're not actually sanitized, per se. The plus symbol over HTTP is a space, so when the newly posted comment pops up, the + is converted in the AJAX request to a space. Despite that fact, the comment actually contains the +, which is evident if you reload the page.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
How come the plus symbol is sanitized from comments on first post but is allowed during an edit?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Fix two dead videos and your are good to go for a self promote. Music videos are the easiest to fix because the go dead often and have many easy to find replacements.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^SlipperyPete:

This was posted 2.5 days ago, features 4 modern-day masters of comedy, and it only has 29 votes?
Fuck you all.

Thanks for Slipping that quality in, Pete. (groan)

I was going to give it a boost myself but the powerpoints are few and far between lately.

bareboards2 says...

That's hysterical.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, and for me, trolling was always the fishing method you describe. I had to turn my head around to make it mean something else.

Although I do think that shinyblurry is still trolling while doing also exactly what you say -- I believe he honestly wants to convert anybody he can, and that can only happen if you rise to his "bait" and engage in a conversation.

I am so happy. I can go back to my old definition of trolling!

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^bareboards2:

I think the problem is you don't understand what the internet definition of "troll" is.
What I have picked up from reading dibs and dabs -- a troll is someone who lies in wait under a metaphorical bridge, reaching out to grab an unsuspecting walker-by when they least expect it. A troll lives to push his or her own agenda -- that of upsetting others and engaging them in protracted conversations that go nowhere.
My observation is that sometimes the trolls do it for fun and say things they don't believe at all (except they do have the imagination to come up with horrendous things, so they are capable of being truly horrendous -- "there is an element of truth in all jokes").
Sometimes, a "troll" takes a position that is antithetical to the community s/he is trolling -- a liberal stance on a conservative site, a conservative stance on a liberal site.
Some do it because they believe in their cause and they want to poke sticks at "the other."

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