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Real Name: Probie
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Member Since: October 12, 2010
Favorite Sift: Tesla & Twain: The Original Odd Couple
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Member Since: October 12, 2010
Favorite Sift: Tesla & Twain: The Original Odd Couple
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In reply to this comment by probie:

Pretty sure this counts as a dupe; sorry!
Thanks for finding that! Videos like this are sometimes hard to find
My favorites: This Too Shall Pass, Let It Rain, Shortly Before the End, and the one you mention below. All mellow-ish as well.
In reply to this comment by probie:
I really like their more subdued and mellow tracks. This and "Oh Lately It's So Quiet" are the tops in my book.
In reply to this comment by probie:
Not sure if you were serious, but if so, here you go. :
In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
I'm not terribly youtube savvy, but if someone can extract the audio from this, then I've found my new ringtone!
I was serious, and thanks!
Can't use this for every ringtone- I do have a job after all, but I have the perfect personal ringtone in mind.
Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 1 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Perpetual Probie Perplexes People
Cheers love, I really appreciate you taking the time

In reply to this comment by probie:
Replaceable embed:
for http://videosift.com/video/The-Cranberries-Ode-To-My-Family
Being probationary, I don't think I can make a backup embed.
Great song.
Hey man, what are you really into?
In reply to this comment by probie:
(waves hand over orb)
Poppies. Poppies. Poppies will put them to sleep. Sleeeeep.
that little off the wall remark Lit up my brain with memories of needing to watch that movie. Fuck yea thats a sweet story line for the movie and a couple clips I seen of it.
Still retarded to eat a living octopus, how fuckin hard is it to kill it with a knife ten seconds before you smoosh it with your chompers. Some people....
In reply to this comment by probie:
I was expecting it to go Oldboy all over her face.
I wish I knew how to *quality a comment. I watched that last night.
In reply to this comment by probie:
Here are my predictions:
1. Trash from consumer products begins to reach epic proportions.
2. Hospitals will begin using a simpler triage system to handle the influx of patients.
3. Starbucks coffee shops will begin a pilot program by offering other services than just coffee and wi-fi.
4. Language will continue to change by incorporating even more slang and "valley speak".
5. Some corporations, in an effort to re-image themselves, will begin changing their brand names. Overwhelming success is first witnessed when fast food chain Fuddruckers changes its name to Futtbuckers.
6. A small upstart bottling company in Arkansas debuts a new sport drink on the market: Brawndo
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