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Comments to plastiquemonkey

Spiff says...

It just occurred to me that my clip from 'Forbidden Zone' (which is in the queue) might be more appropriate in the Arts collective than where it is now. I'm not a member of that collective yet, but if you add me, I'll discard it from where it is and resubmit it appropriately.

lucky760 says...

Say, would you be up to typing out a translation of this vid? I could download the video from YouTube then add the comments and resubmit.

These vids are just infinitely more enjoyable with the translation.

In reply to my comment:
That's great.

You should repost that Rahmen's vid with the 6000 day calendar. It'll probably get published now, especially in the Asia collective.

Farhad2000 says...

You know IMHO I think the whole 'arts' label is crutching the LEMUR's possibility into breaking mainstream radio play

How about posting this into ARTS?, it's the premiere of all-robotic version of George Antheil's infamous Dada piece for 16 player pianos and percussion orchestra which is far more Art then the lovely obscure techno beats of the video I sifted! thankyouverymuchandhaveniceday!

*Runs off quickly*

Farhad2000 says...

Try resubmitting the same video with a different name. This usually works.

In reply to your comment:
grr siftbot...

posted this just as youtube went down so didn't click submit last night. now it won't let me republish "duplicate URL", and won't let me do anything with this one.


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