peggedbea US

Member Profile

Real Name: bea
Channel: The body and it's fabulous parts

Member Since: August 24, 2008
Email: hepatitisbea at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: January 7, 2011
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Comments to peggedbea

thinker247 says...

Really? Fucking really? You hobble me for what, exactly? Not bowing down before your lesbian mantle and begging for forgiveness for being born a man? Thanks a lot, Gonorrheabea.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Don't tell Issy, but I think I'm falling in love. Don't tell thinker either. I don't want my ass kicked. You are one righteous human being.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i pretty much exclusively let only nerds into my vagina. but i've never wanted to put so many nerds in my vagina at once. i want to put anonymous in my vagina. i want them to live there and take it all down from inside me. then i want to give birth to the revolt. but they won't have to wear those stupid guy fawkes masks when they come out, they will wear their beautiful beautiful faces.

GeeSussFreeK says...

I actually choked on my drink and nearly did a nasal take on that, lol.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i pretty much exclusively let only nerds into my vagina. but i've never wanted to put so many nerds in my vagina at once. i want to put anonymous in my vagina. i want them to live there and take it all down from inside me. then i want to give birth to the revolt. but they won't have to wear those stupid guy fawkes masks when they come out, they will wear their beautiful beautiful faces.

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